“What’s going on with this kid??”

“Old Qin, what do you mean, bullying us into the top ten for the first time and tripping me??”

Zhang Jingfeng looked at Qin Ming with unkind eyes.

The rest of the world’s has begun to emerge with evil spirits.

And Su Tian’s world is quiet and terrible.

The biggest conflict is the collision between gods and demons.

Qin Ming was also stunned.

According to the situation in previous years.

At this time, the evil spirits should have broken the barrier of the Kingdom of God.

Through the space, come down.

But what is the situation in Su Tian’s world.

Over there in the world of fallen angels.

The forbidden magic has been sung.

Bombarded towards the coming evil spirits.

Su Yang didn’t even make the slightest movement on this side.

“I’ll just say there’s something wrong with this kid!”

“Hehe, I thought it was Tianjiao, it turned out to be a related household.”

“Shh, you quietly imagine what kind of relationship this must be, even the final review can be ‘guaranteed’.”

The Tianjiao whispered.

The kingdom of God of others is a mess mixed up by the evil spirits that have come.

And Su Yang was still sitting in the courtyard drinking tea.

Isn’t this special meow a related customer!

Don’t you carry people in this year?

Feel the eyes of the students looking at themselves and others.

Qin Ming also felt a little anxious.

The majesty of the Academy is inviolable.

Do not touch,

If it is really determined by the students that the top ten colleges can also go through the relationship and take the back door.

Then the college has been painstakingly operated for many years.

In the Holy Land of Creation, the glory of the school house will fall to the ground with a bang.

He quickly got up.

Start checking the Sky Arena for the problem of not dropping evil spirits.

However, after his judgment, the evil spirit has been released.

So where exactly does the problem arise?

“Sleeping!!! Stop shouting, brothers, look above the kingdom of God Su. ”

Suddenly, a student with a divine eye screamed.

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger.

Qin Ming also enlarged that scene.

Everyone saw it clearly.

Su Day’s chaotic sky.

A space fluctuates faintly.

It was as if something wanted to enter the chaos.

Perceively closely.

You can detect an extremely weak trace of evil spirit power.

However, just when the power of that evil spirit was about to break through the space.

A palm that resembled a broken mirror appeared in the void.

Just a casual stroke of the palm.

It calmed down the void that was constantly fluctuating.


The crowd saw a supernatural and extraordinary creation.

His body was crystal clear, like countless broken mirrors.

But above every mirror, there seems to be countless spaces.

Those spaces are reflected and circulating.

With an indescribable wonder.

One of the most ancient gods and demons of Chaos.

Space gods and demons.

The original space gods and demons sensed their own avenue under the thirty-six pins of green lotus.

The previous great battle between the three major camps caused a lot of chaotic space to shatter.

And repairing the space can make the avenue of space gods and demons refined.

Therefore, He began to wander into chaos.

Repair broken spaces.

Today he is walking on top of chaos and feels a trace of spatial shattering fluctuations.

It’s just tinkering.

Just as I was about to leave, I felt this feeling again.

He is repairing again.

Repeat several times.

He found a feeling similar to what is now known in the human mouth as brushing experience.

So I sit cross-legged here.

Patch space at any time.

Space gods and demons were born in the avenue.

The strength of the evil spirit is certainly strong, but at the level of space.

The gap with the gods and demons is like cloud mud.

Hence these powerful evil spirits.

It was actually blocked alive outside the space by the space god and demon, the tinkerer.

You can’t take half a step into the kingdom of God.

“Do you really have to test me with this kind of guy who can’t even break through space…”

Su Tian, who noticed this scene, couldn’t help but complain.

Look at this situation, if you don’t pay attention to it.

Those evil spirits could not enter Su Tian’s world for the rest of their lives.

Qin Ming, who heard this, couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

Su Tian’s words were heard by almost all the students.

This is no different from a public execution.

“Ahem, student Su Xiao, do you have any way to attract that creature, otherwise…”

“The assessment can’t be carried out…”

Qin Ming was quite embarrassed to pass on the message to Su Yang through the divine thought.

“Teacher, if you say that they can’t even enter, can you count me as passing the test directly?”

Su Xiao asked rhetorically.

“Ahem, cough…” Qin Ming was choked by these words, and coughed lightly several times in a row.

In the end, the trial cannot even enter the student’s world.

That’s a joke.

He would never allow such a thing to happen.

“Student Su Xiao, as long as you have a way to continue the assessment, I can sponsor you with a divine source baptism in my personal name…”

“What to say, teacher, I just don’t want the teacher’s hard work to be in vain, so it’s not for some divine source baptism.”

Su Yang said with a righteous face.

Then the mind moved slightly.


Above the green lotus, the power of space fluctuated again.

Feel the space gods and demons of the green lotus.

Get up instantly.

Although there is a bit of reluctance to the shabu experience.

But the Tao above the green lotus made him even more obsessed.

So He stopped mending the space.

Turn around and escape into the void.

Run towards the thirty-six pins of the green lotus.

And soon after the space what left.

Above the whole chaos.

An extremely strange aura erupted.

The evil aura came out violently.

Like the worst thing between heaven and earth.

They exist to annihilate everything.

However, their appearance attracted the attention of an obscure figure in the chaos.

“Evil? Demon? This kind of thing also dares to be called a demon??? ”


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