“Is the rule incarnation so strong, even evil spirits can’t enter this world!”

“I feel that if this creature does not leave, the evil spirit will probably not be able to enter until death.”

“It’s a pity, this creature has little patience.”

The students looked at a scene in the projection and sighed.

If their words were heard by Su Yang, it was estimated that they would laugh out their big teeth.


As gods and demons born in chaos.

They are immortal and immortal.

Eternal life.

The boulevard is in.

Then the gods and demons exist.

And space gods and demons as one of the most ancient gods and demons.

The last thing missing is patience.

If it weren’t for Su Yang using the Pangu Egg to transfer him.

He will not be bored to play with evil spirits for countless eras.

For gods and demons.

Time is meaningless.


The remaining nine students are in the kingdom of God.

The evil spirits have begun to show their fangs.

For the creatures of the Kingdom of God.

The existence of evil spirits can even be called gods.

Zhang Tian’s fallen angel sings super forbidden magic.

Powerful black impact.

It’s as if ink is in clear water.

Instantly stained the sky.

I want to annihilate the evil spirit when it comes.

And yet…

In the midst of a roar that resembles the curse of hell.

A dark red paw tore everything out of thin air.


Strong impact.

It came to an abrupt end.

A hideous and terrifying skeleton cheek peeked out from above the sky.

“Evil spirits fuse !!!”

“The evil spirits after the fusion have combat power no less than that of the second-order creation gods, and the creatures of the kingdom of God will be invincible.”

“Is Zhang Tian going to make a personal move?”

In the world of fallen angels.

Looking at the sky, that ugly skeleton face,

Zhang Tian couldn’t help but gasp.

Second-order Creation God.

Both strength and mastery of the law are far above themselves.

An ordinary first-order creation god.

There is no resistance in front of the second order.


I’m proud of the sky!

Naturally, you can’t!!

He stood up abruptly, and the black wings behind him were unfolded.

Go straight to the bloody skeleton to kill.

“Unwise, but courageous.” Looking at Zhang Tian’s behavior, Qin Ming shook his head slightly.

Creatures can be regenerated.

But once the Creator God fell within the kingdom of God.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to enter the kingdom of God again.

“Wu Wenqi’s combat method is the best solution at present!” The principal of Fengyun High School looked at his proud protégé and said.

between the pictures.

Warriors of the Barbarian Tribe.

Mobilize the power in the body to gather the great array.

An incomparably powerful aura erupted and lured the evil spirits away.

And except for the center.

In the east, west, south and north, there are tribes that concoct the same way.

The five breaths attract evil spirits.

Have them go in each direction.

“Break one by one, there are creatures who consume their strength, and they are fighting by themselves.”

“Each is separated, and the evil spirits are not given a chance to merge, although they are warlike, but they are wise, not bad!”

Everyone in the review table gave Wu Wenqi’s method a high affirmation.

“It’s not enough…” Zhang Jingfeng and Qin Ming said almost at the same time, “Breaking each and harvesting at a single point, although this method is good, but don’t forget, the gap in their rank.”

The evil spirit can restore physical strength by killing, and he uses it to attract the life of the evil spirit, which in the eyes of the evil spirit is the pool of blood that restores life. ”

“The combat method invoked by Pang Jiaqi is more excellent in my opinion.” Zhang Jingfeng commented very objectively.

The creatures of the treacherous world were instilled by Pang Jiaqi with thoughts like worms at the beginning of their birth.




The desire to devour everything in order to become stronger!

In that world like a worm, the evil spirit has just arrived.

It was overwhelmed and divided by countless monster frenzy.

And these monsters were born in order not to let their enemies become stronger through their own corpses.

It also has the means to burn out the blood qi.

Although the creatures of this world have given birth to the means of confrontation.

But the evil spirits have no way to fight against burning out their flesh.

Under endless waves of monsters.

The five evil spirits are like a lone boat in the wild.

Although they can erase living beings at will, these creatures can also cause harm to them.

Layers upon layers, like mountains and rivers bursting embankments.

“Ghost girl, still so shrewd…” Pang Jiaqi’s principal smiled slightly.

“Speaking of which, this girl is still quite interested in Su Yang in your high school…” the principal said while looking at Su Yang’s world projection.

And then…

Her face was once again a little strange.



The five evil spirits let out a roar after descending on the Chaos World.

The evil and treacherous aura began to spread in the eruption.

It was as if the world was announcing their arrival.


The evil spirits who wreak havoc in the rest of the world.

Above the chaos.

I began to look around at a loss, as if I didn’t know what to do.

Their faces were written with dazedness and helplessness.

Evil spirits rely on strength and breath to perceive their prey.

Or destroy everything in front of you by instinct.

But in the midst of chaos, everything is disorderly, everything is invisible.

They don’t have anything to destroy.

And prey and breath?

There are only gods and demons in the chaos.

But gods and demons as the embodiment of the avenue.

God does not exist, and demons do not exist.

It does not belong to the concept of life itself.

Although their strength is powerful, their every word and deed, every move, even fighting, and battle are all the collision of avenues.

So the evil spirit’s brain went down.

It’s like a programmed mobile app that has suddenly been thrown into the light brain.

Too high-end, causing it to not function properly.

It’s like a hounds thrown into the sea, sharks thrown into the forest.

In addition to being at a loss, there is also an unspeakable panic.

Even because chaos has no concept of direction.

And so that they can’t even move.

I could only stand dumbfounded in place.


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