Chapter 100 Terran Cutting the Sky, with me Shi Hao, the Terran is invincible!!

Su Yang’s strength has always been invincible among the same rank.

His strength has long surpassed the general public’s understanding of the third-order creation god. The gods have nine steps, and the ninth steps ascend to the sky.

Each ascension of the Creator represents an essential leap. The ignition of the divine fire by the first-order god symbolizes the beginning of the gods.

The second-order god condensed godhead represents the style of the gods. The third-order divine tempering divine pattern proves the gestation of the law.

And Su Yang’s path of gods is a unique existence.

There are infinite laws in his kingdom, and there are endless rules. However, these laws and rules that make ordinary people crazy.

But he didn’t even have the qualifications to be engraved on Su Yang’s godhead. Just because.

What Su Yang really holds is the root that transcends everything and surpasses the top of the Nine Heavens.

Three thousand avenues.

Therefore, Su Yang has the strength to crush everything at the same level, and even to fight beyond the rank.

Therefore, in order to lay down the supreme foundation, Su Yang forcibly suppressed his divine power.

I want to be able to reach the top every time I ascend the ladder. And at the moment.

In the flood and waste, the Taikoo Heavenly Court, the capital Difu, and the supreme human race have appeared in the world, and there are several Da Luo True Self, Da Luo Daoguo.

With the blessing of such a powerful foundation, Su Yang entered the extreme realm today and rose to the next level. Whoo-la-la~

He sat cross-kneeled with his eyes slightly closed. The divine fire shines, and the divine character is magnificent.

He just sat in place, but his figure seemed to resonate in countless time and space circulating three thousand avenues.

The avenue of strength is the fundamental manifestation.

Vaguely, three thousand divine and demonic shadows appeared in the endless divine fire. They look down on all beings from above.

They come in different forms, and each has a supreme divine creation. And if someone looks closely at this moment, they can see it.

These gods and demons who hold the avenue represent the ultimate of everything, and familiar faces suddenly emerge at this moment.

Sword eyebrows starry, chuckling at all beings. It was Su Tian’s face.

Three thousand avenues, and all into one. Suddenly.

Yu Su Tian’s figure seemed to split countless self in nothingness. Some are high, like the Heavenly Emperor despising all sentient beings.

Some nurture the heavens and see all things endlessly.

Some are surrounded by eternal nights, and everywhere they pass, everything withers away. Some laughed and reveled.

But no matter what the difference may be.

But without exception, they all carry the supreme avenue. The fourth-order creation god can manifest the divine body.

With the rules of the Kingdom of God in his own hands, he will manifest the most suitable incarnation of the divine body

And Su Yang is in charge of the Three Thousand Avenue.

What kind of divine body he will master, even he himself has some expectations.

The divine fire shines on everything, tempers all directions, and the divine head suppresses all thoughts and shines on the heart. The dark golden divine pattern flowed slowly, as if pouring out of endless years.


The terrifying divine power like flowing water gradually wrapped Su Tian.

“Isn’t it…”

“I originally created a Pangu egg, am I actually going to become an egg now?”

Su Yang smiled bitterly and couldn’t think about it.

Then the endless avenue pulled his consciousness and gradually entered a state of selflessness.

In this state, Su Tian’s body was undergoing amazing transformation every minute and second.

Every breath he took seemed to have terrifying divine power. Every heartbeat exploded like thunder.

With this heartbeat alone, it directly crushed a second-order monster. It is unimaginable if Su Yang completely manifests the divine body.

So how terrifying his strength will be. Inside the general office of the provincial competition.

Yuan Lao took a sip of the clear tea in the cup and looked at the ten strong people sitting in front of him in turn.

Smile bitterly.

“How old are you guys, you can still do such a thing~”

Elder Yuan shook his head helplessly and said.

“Humph! The more I think about it for a while, the more angry I get, the more I think about it when I take a step back, the more I tell you, old Yuan, if it weren’t for your face, none of them would think about it today! ”

An old man with a long beard said angrily.

Some of the rest pouted disdainfully, some rolled their eyes, and some simply refused to pay attention to him.

“For a student, as for?”

Old Yuan looked at several of his old friends, all of whom were strong people with heads and faces.

It is also a professor-level existence of the Ten Statues Academy. It’s harder to see them on weekdays than to reach the sky.

Today, one or two are desperately coming to themselves.

“As for what! Old Yuan, you yourself said that if you don’t stand on a neutral position, you say that the child is not worth it! ”

The bearded old man said loudly.

Elder Yuan was slightly stunned, thinking of Su Tian’s performance on the battlefield of the Divine Domain. Suppressing the five major foreign exchange students, the angry Mark did not say goodbye.

Occupy one-tenth of the territory of the Divine Domain with a supreme posture.

When facing the Lord of the Black Mist with fourth-order strength, he showed his domineering side and destroyed it with one punch.

Such a Tianjiao…

“Worth it!!”

Elder Yuan couldn’t help but blurt out. Then the rest of the old men also pouted.

“We also think it’s worth it, it’s okay, wait until the end of the assessment, everyone has their own skills, but some of them are unruly!”

“Fart! Am I unruly!! If you don’t go back, can you know if I go back!! ”

“Well, there are still so many juniors, I still want you if you don’t want face!”

An old man in a tang robe scolded in a low voice.

“I bah! You still want a face, you think I didn’t see ah, you went to me earlier than before!! ”

“You… You… Guan Lijie!!! ”

The old man in the Tang robe glared angrily at the beard.

Guan Lijie did sneer: “Kong You’s voice is amazing!” ”

Elder Yuan looked at these two people with one head and two big ones.

The rest of the old men put on a posture of about to fight me and eat melons. This made Yuan Lao’s heart even more tired.

“Boy, you’re really ‘big trouble’~”

Elder Yuan couldn’t help but say in his heart.

As everyone knows, the big trouble in his mouth at this moment is immersed in the endless avenue.

Quenched, he manifested the divine body that belongs to him alone. At the same time.

In the world of floods. With the creation of the underworld.

Hou Tu has a deeper understanding of reincarnation. On the basis of the original underworld.

Several more transformations were carried out.

In the underworld at this time, apart from the true spirits that are constantly reincarnating.

There are also a large number of innate divine true spirits that gather Yin Spirit bodies.

Voluntarily stay in the underworld, assist the back soil, and repay the great grace of the back earth to awaken them from endless deplicity.

Such kindness is like the birth of God the Father and the opening of the heavens and the earth. Therefore, they are extremely loyal to the back land.

Some of these divine ones fell at the time of the Great Tribulation of Longhan. Strength is incomparably strong before death.

At this moment, awaken the supreme divine power before death with the body of the Yin Spirit. There are countless golden immortals, and there are tens of thousands of Taiyi. Such a force is not inferior to the Taikoo Heavenly Court. Today’s underworld.

There are 800 miles of the Forgotten River, and the so-called 800 miles does not refer to distance, but to a limit.

The sky is no more than nine extremes, and the earth is no more than eight times wide.

The name is the so-called infinite infinity of eight hundred li, and countless true spirits fall into it.

An innate divine statue who was the first manzhu shahua of heaven and earth voluntarily resides here.

Turn into a bridge, cross the Forgetting River, and in the name of Meng Po, countless true spirits will be transformed. It also shows that ten Yan Luo halls sit in Yin Cao.

Although Yan Luo’s choice has not yet been decided, the Endless Fruit Position has been achieved.

Among the six reincarnation realms, the Styx is the Asura realm lord, and the other five realms are empty.

Just wait for the future to have the fate of the law in the fruit position. Even if there are many fruit vacancies in the underworld.

But by virtue of the introduction of the true spirit, it has caused countless powerful voyeurs. Vaguely, it actually echoed with the Heavenly Court from a distance.

Many creatures even compare it in their hearts. Due to the creation of the prefectural government.

The divine gazes of the heavens were drawn to the past.

And they seem to have forgotten the race that once attracted their attention. Terrans…

At this time, the Terrans were already quite large. The people in the Terran race are each with great luck. Fight against heaven and earth in the midst of floods.

This vein of the Flintstones sacrificed itself and appeared in the eyes of countless great magicians. The rest of the connections are secretly accumulating strength.

The Flintstones had agreed with them for the second millennium.

I want to make the human race stronger and more powerful in these thousand years, and the fire will not be extinguished.

Now, the Terrans everywhere in the Honghuang Land are returning to the Kunlun Mountain. The hometown that once lived for thousands of years.

The millennium has come, and today the Terrans should meet again. And the One Pulse Terran is on the way to the foot of Kunlun Mountain. But it attracted the attention of a mighty statue.

Lu Pressure Daoist, this nominal disciple of Hongjun, is actually the inheritor of Luo Qi.

After parting ways with his senior brother Styx Old Ancestor.

He began to find his own path in the midst of the long floods.

However, the great road is difficult to find, and for thousands of years, he has participated in the path of demons and also comprehended the way of saints.

Although the strength of cultivation has made great progress, there has not been much progress in either the fruit position or the realm.

Seeing that his senior brother was already a master of the Asura realm, his demonic cultivation was almost at the peak.

It made the land pressure Taoist envious.

And today, he finally found a trace of his eyebrows that was closer. Luck!!!

That’s right, he saw monstrous luck in this line of Terrans. These fortunes are so strong that they are almost substantive.

Almost let the land pressure want to take its place.

However, even Lu Ya, who already had the peak strength of Taiyi, really did not dare to make a move against this group of strongest people who only had the first entry into Taiyi’s Terrans.

Just because…

The Lu Pressure Daoist glanced at it rather jealously, and the rich luck floating above the Terran condensed and formed.

Although it is the most ordinary Terran image, that face really makes Lu Wei dare not move.

Kind eyebrows and good eyes, majestic but kind, shining in the heavens, pitying the Holy Mother of the Human Race, the Demon Emperor.

This person’s face, up and down the flood, who dares not to give it.

But even so, Lu Pressure refused to give up his hard-won opportunity.


Lu Wei suddenly thought in his heart that in this path of saints, merit can be achieved into the fruit of the Dao.

Although he cultivates demons, but in his heart, only strength can be called everything, whether it is a saint, a demon path, a fruit position, no matter what the realm can become stronger, it is the right way.

Luo Yu also saw the unintentional and thoughtless smell on Lu Press’s body, and then passed down the demon path.

“That’s right, although this human race is extremely talented, it has no uniform Dao, and if you continue to cultivate like this, you can only rely on your own groping.”

“Their paths are complex and diverse, if I pass down the Taoist system, cultivate them in the way of saints, and I am a teacher, this human race is blessed by luck.

Whether it is the way of the saint or the immeasurable path of the devil, you can choose ah! ”

Thinking of this, Lu Huang couldn’t help but flash a few brilliant lights in his eyes.


Thousands of years ago, Nuwa said that those who have great powers should not easily interfere in the affairs of the human race, and those who violate them will bear the consequences.

The meaning behind this phrase. It really makes Lu Wei can’t help but think more.

It is true that he passed down the Taoist lineage, and it is a good thing to be mutually beneficial with the Terrans.

But Nuwa’s sentence can’t be intervened, but she didn’t say in what way. In case he passed down the Taoist system, he was written down by Nuwa and erased.

That’s a good deal.

But if this is, let them take the initiative to worship me as a teacher.

Even Nuwa can’t find fault with it, and she preaches the way of a saint, that cheap teacher Hongjun.

For the sake of Xuanmen’s luck, most of them will also make a move.

Moreover, Lu Pressure decided to converge and cultivate, suppress the realm in the early Taiyi period, and subdue these races with its own avenue.

I think that I am a disciple of Hongjun, a descendant of Luo Yu, and even more so a congenital spirit of fire, with a noble status.

It is not easy to convince the human race, a race that has just been born for a thousand years. Come to think of it.

He transformed into an adult race, wearing a white Taoist robe, fairy wind Dao bone. Wait on the path of that human race.

The mighty Terrans walked towards their homeland in memory with joy. Thousands of years have passed, and the Terrans’ feelings for home have indeed not changed.

“Really, along the way, there was nothing delicious at all.”

The handsome young man at the head muttered rather dissatisfiedly.

Behind him, his compatriot eldest brother grabbed Shi Haoshi’s shoulder with double eyes.

“Shi Yishi, what’s wrong?”

Shi Hao asked.

Shi Yishi’s eyes looked forward, and the eyes in his eyes seemed to change endlessly. The truth of heaven and earth is in it.

“There is a sacred statue in front of us, and it has been following us for some time.”

“Just now, he suddenly went around in front of us, and suppressed Xiuwei, and he didn’t know what to do!”

Shi Yishi said lightly.

Shi Hao’s eyes lit up when he heard this: “Innate sacred, is it delicious!” Can you eat it!! Eat, eat, eat!! ”

He shouted, and the strong aura of his body gathered like a storm.

“Most of them can’t be eaten, my cultivation can’t peek into his true body, but his body is pure from fire, and the sacred Suzaku is a friend of the Western King, except for her, there is no beast sacredness made of fire.”

The heavy pupil said lightly.

Then he ignored his brother’s slightly resentful eyes and continued: “On the day of today’s Terran meeting, this sacred statue is haunted here, how are you doing?” ”


Shi Hao grinned and showed two rows of white teeth, and there seemed to be infinite confidence in his eyebrows.

“Just walk by! If the mountain stops me, split the mountain gate, if the god stops me, the human race destroys the god!! ”

He said confidently.

Countless Terrans behind him looked at his back, and listening to his voice, they only felt endless courage and confidence welling up in their hearts.

The Terrans are self-reliant and should be fearless.

“Go directly, don’t make a detour!”

Shi Hao made a decision. Then.

The land pressure real people who had been waiting for a long time finally waited for the arrival of the Terrans. I saw that his whole body was full of rhymes.

And heaven and earth emerge.

All the roads rhymed like a waterfall and a sea, as if countless truths came out of his mouth. If ordinary creatures saw this scene, they would be eager to worship under their doors on the spot and learn the truth of heaven and earth.

And Shi Hao looked at the land pressure Daoist of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone. Pouted slightly.

“Can’t eat, it’s really ugly!”

Then he didn’t even look at the Lu Pressure Daoist, and walked straight past him. And the remaining countless Terrans passed by him without changing their faces.

If it weren’t for Lu Qi’s knowledge that this Terran was born to carry the avenue, they would have thought that their seven tricks were different and did not know the rhyme.

Otherwise, how could he ignore his sky-wandering avenue. Lu Wei sat on the mountain rock, his face quite unkind.

When did he Lu Pressure Taoist receive this qi, if he really wanted to open the mountain gate with his identity.

The world does not know how many gods are willing to enter his door and hear about the avenue. And now…

“The talent of the Terran is really terrifying, and the Dao rhyme of the three thousand avenues is all there, and you can feel it at will.”

“The two teenagers at the head are even more extraordinary, the heavy pupil can glimpse all the essence and cultivate the heavens, and the arrogant boy is even more not simple, although he can’t see through.

But he already has a bit of his own Dao~”

Lu Press’s face was gloomy, such a talented teenager.

If it is closed under the door, it is not only a matter of luck, but it is more likely to be detached in the future.

For this reason, he also cares about his face.

Get up, like a surge of thunder.

“The immortal path can be heard, and the holy path will last forever~”

“I look at heaven and earth, heaven and earth see me~”

The land pressure Daoist fell above the sky, whispering in his mouth, and his grace was extraordinary.

“I am a land pressure, a congenital sacred, seeing that although your human race is weak, but it is unceasing to strengthen itself, and the fire is endless.”

“Survive and fall in the endless flood.”

“Have mercy in your heart, and be willing to pass on the Taoist system ~”

Although the land pressure cannot show the complete victory of cultivation, it is blessed by the way of the saints.

His words seemed to have a strong appeal. He looked proudly at this group of Terrans who were frozen in place. Prepare to accept the worship of the Terrans.

However, the next second… Thundered!!

The young man who looked like an evil dragon did appear in front of him brazenly

The fist was raised high, and a strong avenue that had never been felt from the land pressure fell sideways.

With an incomparably terrifying destructive power. Crashed down.

The strong force actually caused the space to begin to show traces of shattering.

“Terrans are weak, who told you!!”

“What a weak law!!”

“Tell me about it!!!”

Shi Hao roared angrily, and the Invincible Avenue surged fiercely.

The world under the world, the heavens and all worlds, the immeasurable floods, I am born, when the heavens are invincible!!

At this moment, Shi Hao’s seemingly simple punch. Indeed, with the conviction of invincibility to the heavens.

Like an unstoppable spear, running through heaven and earth!! Rumble!!

The Lu Pressure Daoist did not dare to have the slightest hesitation at this moment, and he raised his hands. The flame of the fire emerged.

Try to block the punch. However…

Under this peerless punch.

The fire that suppressed the cultivation was instantly annihilated. Thundered!!

Then under the punch, Lu Huang could only take a few steps back in a panic. The demeanor of the people is gone.

Shi Hao’s eyes were like electricity, and there seemed to be endless anger under his eyes. Hair flying in the wind behind him.

He stood in place, like a spear that crossed the heavens. Terrans weak?

Struggling to survive? Fart!!

The human race has me Shi Hao, who is invincible above the heavens and overlooks all sentient beings. The Flintstones preached the Terrans with fire, and wished the Terrans to be immortal with the Avenue of Immortality, but it was not enough.

I Shi Hao have a wish, I wish that I and the other human races are invincible in the world. Our Terrans fight against all things.

If there is anger in the sky, calamity arises. That man is angry, but the heavens!!

Terrans, with me Shi Hao, be invincible!!

Since the Kunlun Mountains, this race that has been forgotten by the flood waste. At this moment, it shows its own edge.

Lu Pressure Daoist’s eyes were full of surprise, he couldn’t believe that he actually regressed in front of the Terrans…

His hands were shaking, and he didn’t know if it was an illusion, at the moment when Shi Hao’s punch fell.

He actually felt an emotion that had never appeared before. That emotion is called…


The next moment, endless anger filled the mind of the lander Daoist.

“I want you to die!!!”

I really didn’t delete any comments, even the comments I explained were swallowed by the system.

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