Chapter 1001: The God and Demon of Death are revived, and everything is buried in the ruins!!

The Lu Pressure Daoist could not hide the anger in his heart at this moment.

Endless anger was constantly eating away at his reason.

He is the land pressure, but he is innately sacred, and he is the essence of heaven and earth from fire. Born to know, and the day after tomorrow will not die.

Gone through countless robberies without falling.

He is the world’s top Taiyi peak powerhouse. Dao demon practitioners.

And there is no mind in the heart.

Such a strong person now actually feels ~ fear in the face of a newly born human race.


Lu Huang roared ———angrily. Rippling around the avenue of fire.

Suddenly, the innate divine fire seemed to turn into countless annihilated meteorites and descended on the top of the endless firmament.

Thundered!!! Meteors streak across the sky.

It fell with a terrifying and decisive posture. The power is like the end of the world.

The firmament lost its original color at this moment. Dyed in the color of flames by the endless meteors.

“For your arrogance, repent ~”

Lu Press’s voice was extremely indifferent. A magic thought appeared in the depths of his eyes.

Under such a terrifying rhyme. Shi Hao really does not hide.

And the countless Terrans behind him actually stood behind him, ignoring the meteorite that was about to fall.

As if standing behind that youth.

Even if the heavens and the earth are upside down and the sun and the moon collapse, he can bear it with all his might! His existence is like a Tao.

His voice was like a Terran horn. Shi Hao looked at the falling meteor. A bright smile split at the corner of his mouth. Senpai’s teeth were exposed.

With a bit of indescribable coldness.

“Good to go!!”

He gulped, and then his eyes burst into endless sparkle. In vain under the feet.

Rumble!! Next second.

Shi Hao had already appeared in front of the meteor in the sky.

He spread out his hands, and an endless golden color appeared in his palms. Subsequently.

Face the meteors in the sky attracted by the real people of land pressure. He laughed…

Then… Put your hands together. Mighty power burst out. The idea of invincibility is endless.

Everything on Sunday was dyed with a layer of brilliant gold in Shi Hao’s hands. His hands clasped together in the air.

In the incredible eyes of the land pressure. Turn your fist into a hammer and fall straight down.

Airplanes!!! The Avenue of Invincibility sweeps everything.

The golden sparkle is like an eternal color.

It was as if all obstacles would be annihilated before it. Meteors in the sky, destroyed in one fell swoop.

Yet faced with such an astonishing scene.

None of the Terrans looked shocked. As if it should have been!

“Old fellow, you’re punching me!”

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Shi Hao’s eyes.

The invincible avenue on both fists is extremely bright. Annihilation of everything.

Go straight to the land pressure Dao people to kill.

This punch was like a straight fall from the Tianshan Mountain, and the firmament reversed.

Even the land pressure Daoists with 100,000 years of combat experience couldn’t help but feel amazed at this moment.

However, an established fact did lay before his eyes.

If he continued to suppress his cultivation, then he was destined to be unable to block this terrifying punch.

Between thoughts.

Shi Hao’s figure had already appeared in front of Lu Press’s eyes. This punch destroyed the decay without the slightest drag. Straight to the head of the land pressure smashed down.

“Can’t bet!!”

This thought flashed through Lu Press’s heart, and then all the originally suppressed cultivation exploded.

In an instant, at the peak of Taiyi, almost the breath of Da Luo emerged.

Vaguely, above the heavens, an endless fire that never goes out slowly burns.

Feel the true strength of land pressure.

For the first time, there was a bit of panic among the Terrans. However.

The smile on the corner of the mouth of the young man who stood in front of all the races was a little better at this moment.

“Mighty!! I fight with might!! ”

The sound is like thunder, and the fist is like a starfall.

Countless innate detachments appeared before the fire land was pressed down. Converge into a tough shield.

Forcibly intercept this almost terrifying punch.

“Don’t think that with Nuwa supporting Er, you can do whatever you want!”

Lu Pressure calmed down a little at the moment.

This Terran was created by Nuwa, and it warned the heavens that if they really did not care about the destruction of this human race.

Then even Hongjun may not be able to protect himself.

Lu Press, who calmed down slightly, was at the moment when he finished this sentence.

The sweat hair all over his body stood on end, and an indescribable sense of crisis suddenly exploded in his heart.

It was as if in the underworld, with countless years and immeasurable dimensions, a pair of eyes fell on him.

Even if there was only one look, it made this land pressure Taoist at the peak of Taiyi breathless.

It was like immeasurable mountains pressing down on his heart.

Da Luo, looking at everything in heaven and earth, and understanding the creation of heaven and earth. Its name is not to be taken lightly.

For Da Luo, when you talk about his name, you will be perceived by him.

It is equivalent to leaving its own cause and effect in countless time and space. The name of Da Luo should not be mentioned lightly, and every word and deed has cause and effect.

“Since you like to suppress the realm, then press it well~”

An indifferent voice sounded in Lu Press’s ears.


A terrifying scene appeared.

The breath of land pressure is rapidly declining.

In a few breaths, his peak realm no longer existed. Only left, the strength of the early stage of Taiyi.

Land pressure mobilizes the power of heaven and earth, which has caused a lot of powerful prying eyes. This Shi Hao’s combat power attracted their attention, and it was like a road that wanted to surpass everything, which was unheard of. Fighting in the same territory, the land pressure actually pressed has no power to fight back. And what surprised them even more was…

It is rumored that Nuwa, who was immersed in the avenue, actually made a move at this time. Suppress the realm of land pressure with supreme divine power.

“Terrans should not be underestimated!”

“I didn’t expect that in just a thousand years, the Terran would give birth to such a terrifying character.”

“This kind of combat power, I’m afraid it is not weaker than the two Lich races of the same realm!”

“You need to pay more attention, the Terrans have great luck after all!”

Countless mighty whispers in the dark.

But he did not dare to mention the two words of Nuwa, for fear of falling into cause and effect. At the moment when the land pressure was suppressed for cultivation.

Shi Hao’s bright smile appeared on his face. Then…


Suddenly, countless fists fell like shooting stars.

The strong Dao Yun was blessed on Shi Hao’s body, and the land pressure was instantly only left with the power to parry.

In the midst of a raging storm, it is like a lonely boat.

However, he has the power of 100,000 years of cultivation. Grabbing the gap between Shi Hao’s punches, his body shape was fast and thorough. Away from the fire road evolution.

Under the gaze of countless mighties…

He turned into a meteor and walked away. This Terran’s luck is undesirable!

Many Innate Divine Beings couldn’t help but want to laugh when they saw Lu Zheng’s embarrassed appearance. But more is the jealousy of the Terrans.

Thousands of years are just a snap of the fingers for a flood. The Terran was able to give birth to such an existence.

And apart from this young man, another older young man, his eyes were heavy, and he saw ten directions.

Its potential is also very terrifying, and when it grows up in the future, it is a great power. Moreover, this is just a vein of the Terrans.

There is also the original human Emperor Flintstone, which has been created by the first batch of Nuwa personally created hundreds of innate human races.

Which is simple, and these second-generation, or even third-generation Terrans, although not as terrifying as the Innate Terrans.

But the essence of the Three Thousand Avenues circulates in its body. The potential is also unfathomable.

Once such a race develops, what will it look like?

“Run so fast, if it weren’t for the day when my Terrans meet, I would definitely want his life!”

Shi Hao was quite resentful about the escape of the Lu Pressure Daoist. However, it is true that it cannot be easily chased out today.

At the foot of the Kunlun Mountain, the reunion of the human race is the right thing.

Then led the Terrans of this line again to continue to Kunlun Mountain. The land pressure Daoist fled in embarrassment.

After determining safety.

He stopped above a star.

Then he felt that his Dao rhyme was bound by an endless avenue. Completely suppress its realm.

Now the Zixiao Palace is closed.

Have the power to lift this seal. Refused to offend Nuwa.

This made Lu Wei only feel the fire in his heart. He was on a pitch-black star.

Constantly trying to break through Nadalo’s blockade. However, it was always to no avail.

But in vain…

Lu Pressure Dao people are blessed to the point of their hearts and look at the corner of this star. He only felt a strong instinctive driving him. Go like the corner of the stars.

It is as if there is an indescribable great creation in it. In front of us, it was a pitch black world.

In that, with his eyesight, he actually can’t really see it. In the endless eternal night.

It’s as if everything is at the end, without any color. Only endless darkness.

Land pressure wants to leave.

But his instincts began to clash at this moment. Premonitions of danger and premonitions of creation.

At this moment an infinite conflict begins.

“It’s too dangerous, even if I am sealed in the realm, I have the realm of Taiyi, and it is difficult to see the slightest bit of it.

There is a big danger here! ”

Just when Lu Huang made up his mind to leave. Moment.

A scene like a horse lantern came to his mind. The senior brother who once discussed the Dao together became the Asura Realm Master.

But he was sealed to the realm.

Chased by the little Terran and fled. Regret~

Anger ~ hatred ~ And so on infinite negative emotions quickly poured into Lu Press’s heart.

It was like an invisible haze on his mobile phone that covered his Taiyi aura. Let his mind stand still in this moment.

“Nope!! I want to create!!! ”

“I want to surpass everything!!”

“Nuwa or Terran, I want to make them pay!!”

He roared.

Then he rushed into the endless eternal night. What a world this is.

Everything is annihilating here.

In every piece of dust, there seems to be a world. Yet that world has been dying since it appeared. It is as if the meaning of birth is to die.

At this moment, Lu Huang realized that what he saw was not black. Or that there is no color here.

Everything is a dead being, a light that is annihilated, a darkness that is destroyed. Endless worlds are shattered here.

When they were about to die, they were still singing, as if death was some kind of supreme glory.

“Demon Dao?”

A Xuan and Xuan voice sounded in Lu Press’s ears. It is not any language, it can even be called a thought. But Lu Pressure could hear the meaning of this thought.

His body was extremely stiff.

It was a fear that came from the depths of the soul.

It is a haze imprinted in the instincts of all creation.

It is the ultimate that cannot be bypassed from the beginning of the existence of all living things. Is that……

The fear of death…

In front of Lu Press’s eyes, in the endless dead silence, a figure with a human bull’s head walked out of countless dead worlds.

His steps were slow, but without a step, it was as if everything had been annihilated.

“Luo Qi’s breath~ Did that guy wake up a long time ago?”

Lu Wei listened to the voice of this being, and could not say a word. Speechlessness is the power of death.

“You are a creature born in the Pangu world, Flame? Too weak…”

“Pangu put us into a deep sleep, is it for this weak world…”

“The Flame God and Demon are so weak in front of me…”

He was murmuring, as if reminiscing about the past.

“Are you…”

Finally, Lu Qiqiang asked with fear.

The creature of the bull head turned around and glanced at Lu Press. Airplanes!!

With just a glance, Lu Huang’s soul and body seemed to be completely dead at this moment.

His memory, soul, Taoism, divine powers, all kinds of existence are dying.

But in the end.

But it seems to be controlled by some kind of authority. Put all this death to a halt.

He saw that everything about the flood was known to Him.

“According to your words, my name is dead~”


From the chaos, the strongest gods and demons of the disorderly camp, the origin of all disorder, the root of all annihilation.

The only existence that can fight Pangu to the end. Death gods and demons.

And this moment of recovery!!

Nuwa participates in the avenue of enlightenment, and the back soil opens up the avenue of reincarnation. The life gods and demons slowly recovered from their slumber.

And the reincarnation gods and demons sit in the Yin Cao.

Death is the most complicated avenue with these two avenues. With their vibration.

And awaken again with the Nether World. Click~

Lu Qiu felt that the chains that bound his cultivation were breaking at this moment. Then.

Even more treacherous.

It was as if he had lost contact with the entire flood wilderness. Whether it’s Hongjun or Luo Qi.

Such a big Luo just needs to fall on him.

There are countless causes and effects entangled, and just now the infinite cause and effect died.

“I lack a messenger, would you?”

The sound of death seemed to sound from the chaos before eternity.

“Honghuang, Heavenly Court, Earth Mansion, it’s really interesting~”

“Then I want to create a being that gives the world the gift of death, which is clearly…”

“Return to the ruins~”

Inside the Purple Sky Palace. Hongjun’s eyes suddenly opened.

This time the Dao demons did not fight, but as if there was some kind of tacit understanding. Dao Nian Demon Thought arose.

Da Luo Daoguo merged into one at this moment.

The battle between Dao and Demons, which had been deadlocked for 10,000 years, actually came to an end briefly at this moment.


The complete Da Luo Daoguo quickly deduces all the past and future. Check out countless years.

In a corner of the realm of Da Luo.

The mighty river of time is roaring.

A pair of demonic eyes carefully glimpsed everything in it. At last.

Hongjun’s brows furrowed slightly, and his voice was rare with a bit of seriousness.


“Only death can do that!”

“The breath of land pressure has been completely erased in countless years, and his roots are still there, but he has lost the traces of existence halfway.

This is the power of death!!! ”

Luo Qi’s voice and Hongjun were mixed together.

“He woke up!!”

“How could He wake up!!”

The existence of death is different from all avenues.

If the Magic Dao is the most special avenue, it can swallow everything. Then the Avenue of Death is the road that wants to bury everything.

In the chaos, three thousand gods and demons restrain each other.

Life gods and demons, reincarnation gods and demons formed a containment with him.

For death at that time, destroying the avenue that was contrary to him was the most important thing.


Once this god and demon awakened in the flood.

Then everything in this world is worthless to Him. No!

Or in other words, for death, only death has value. Then once the god of death and demon are resurrected, it is for him.

There is only one thing to do.

That is to plunge the world into death. Hongjun and Luo Qi were not talking.

There was no word in the Zixiao Palace for a long time.

The power of death is beyond doubt.

At the end of Chaos, only death can harness all the power of gods and demons and fight Pangu.

When such gods and demons descend on the flood waste.

And has mastered Da Luo, then what a terrifying thing it will be. At this time.

The battle between Dao and Demon became blurred with this unfathomable external force.

Both know that the other will not hesitate to kill each other whenever they have the opportunity. But the pressure brought about by the resurrection of the gods and demons of death made them can’t help but cooperate temporarily. Meanwhile.

Nuwa, who was above Da Luo Tian, opened her eyes slightly.

“My seal has been broken.”

“Is it Hongjun who made a move, but why am I faintly uneasy?”

Nuwa sees countless futures.

But they have never been able to find an answer.

And even Nuwa has not yet realized the deepest part of the avenue of life. A pair of eyes slowly opened.

He glimpsed everything in the avenue. Then there was a soft sigh. Then fall into an endless slumber.

“Nuwa, you’re awake!”

Di Jun’s hearty voice came in.

Nuwa stood up to greet this Demon Clan Heavenly Emperor: “Your Majesty has not seen you for a long time.” ”

This is the first time Nuwa has met Dijun since she successfully comprehended Daluo. Until now.

Nuwa knew how powerful this Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Clan was. In countless years, Di Jun’s figure was reflected in countless times and spaces. He sheltered all demon races, so that countless worlds existed demon races. Even in the most dilapidated and final era, countless demon clans were still born under his protection.

Although, those creatures didn’t even know he existed.

However, as long as there is a concept of a great sun in the heavens and all realms, then this Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan should be immortal.

On this side, Dijun was also surprised by Nuwa’s creation. Through countless years of Da Luo.

In countless worlds, there are countless creatures singing Nuwa’s name.

She is the creator of countless world creatures. It is the foundation of the immeasurable world.

While creating the human race, the concept of birth has been imprinted in countless years, and all the heavens and worlds have acquired beings, carrying the kindness of Nuwa.

Its merits are profound and boundless.

“Congratulations to Emperor Wa on the Avenue!”

Di Jun smiled and said, “Although this blessing is a little late.” ”

Nuwa chuckled and then said, “Your Majesty is polite, I should thank Your Majesty. Her words were not entirely clear, though. ”

But Dijun did understand what she meant.

Nuwa was thanking that the Demon Clan did not make a move against the Terrans.

As the chosen protagonist, this matter is clear in Da Luo’s heart.

And Di Jun is the emperor of the demon clan, if he takes advantage of Nuwa’s slumber to destroy the human race. It’s just a thought.

But Di Jun did not do this, and even pardoned the demon gods above Taiyi not to take action against the human race.

Based on this alone, Nuwa had a somewhat different understanding of this Heavenly Emperor she had known since childhood.

“This kind of talk, talking too much, boring!”

Di Jun waved his hand casually.

“I came this time to discuss something with you…”

“About Taiyi’s entry into the Terrans!”


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