Chapter 1002: The Future of Fuxi’s Fall, the Queen Mother of the West is furious!!

Rao is Nuwa has now become the supreme Daluo, but at this moment, hearing Dijun’s words, I can’t help but be slightly surprised.

What a person Taiyi is.

Brother of the Heavenly Emperor, the incarnation of the true spirit of the sun, the second great sun golden crow in heaven and earth. Represents the unattainable authority of the sun.

Compared with the bright and majestic Dijun, Taiyi’s existence is more like representing supremacy.

Indifference, ignorance, regard heaven and earth as grass, and everything as dogs. In a way, Taiyi’s mind does not seem to be innately sacred. It’s more like the innate gods and demons in the chaos.

I think, I do, and the vision of heaven and earth has nothing to do with me.

The great sun shines on everything, not rising up with the joy of all things, and not falling with the passage of time.

The Tao has two sides, and the world has a back side.

This also means destroying everything, what to do with you. And Taiyi is the best representative of such a mind.

Since the establishment of the Heavenly Court, Emperor Xi and Emperor Jun have entered the Heavenly Court to take charge of everything. What Fuxi asked for was for Nuwa.

Because the human race created by Nuwa is a transcendent creation, under the monstrous merit, there will be endless luck to counteract.

Otherwise, if the merit is like a mountain and cannot be undertaken, the great opportunity will turn into endless sinking that day.

Therefore, Fuxi took Nuwa into the Heavenly Court, knowing that the Heavenly Court caused and effected, but he did not turn back, but he did not let Nuwa be contaminated with cause and effect.

And Taiyi, as Dijun’s younger brother, has not yet carried all the cause and effect. The reason for this, Nuwa did not want to peep.

But as soon as Da Luo thought about it, he was reborn in the fog of endless years. Everything about Taiyi is covered up.

Unforeseen, Nuwa gave up.

But I didn’t expect that Dijun would actually say such a thing today.

“Dijun Daoyou, are you kidding me?”

For Dijun’s title, Nuwa changed slightly.

Such matters are not the Heavenly Court.

Instead, two statues are located in the endless river, and the eternal Da Luo is talking.

“Absolutely not.”

Dijun looked at Nuwa seriously and sincerely.

Then a wave of the sleeve. Hum ~ in vain.

Da Luo Daoguo disturbs all cause and effect, heavenly machine.

In the course of time, this scene of meeting Nuwa was shattered. Then, he spoke slightly.

And Nuwa heard Dijun’s words.

On the face of the Creator who is called the Endless Heavens. His eyes shrank suddenly.

There seems to be a change in heaven and earth. At the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

A huge god looked at the race the size of an ant at his feet. There was a bit of indescribable respect in his eyes.

“Flintstone, your Terran race is really a great race~”

He looked at the Flintstones on the side and exclaimed.

The huge body occupies the entire foot of Kunlun Mountain.

He is the god of Kunlun Mountain, the god of this Kunlun sacred mountain with a transcendent status in the flood and waste.

Carrying the Kunlun Divine Thoughts led by the Queen Mother of the West, he was born with the strength of the peak of Taiyi.

All these years, he watched the Terrans in front of him.

From one to the weak that even made him dare not speak loudly, for fear of shocking their weak creatures.

Step by step in a short thousand years of the world. Grow into a powerful race.

Among them, Tianjiao even had a great power that was not weaker than him. Like what……

The first of the first generation of the human clan, the Flintstone.

The avenue of the Flintstones is the immortal avenue, and if the human race is immortal, the avenue will improve day by day.

He wishes the Terrans to be immortal, and the Terrans may him not perish.

As the first leader of the Terrans, he sheltered countless Terrans.

Moreover, under the sacred eyes of the heavens, the originally weak human race was divided. Set the second millennium.

The Terrans are constantly burning and self-improving.

And he is the emperor of the human race, and he should suppress all the enemies of the human race.

Under such a state of mind, the progress of the Flintstone’s cultivation was terrifying. In a short period of time, he has become a strong man at the peak of Taiyi.

“Haha, thank you brother for taking care of the Terran over the years.”

The voice of the Flintstones became more vicissitudes.

There are also a few strands of white hair on his head, with a bit of an indescribable sense of time.

“It’s nothing, but you, do you have to do it?”

The Kunlun Mountain God turned into an ordinary size and looked at his old friend.

For thousands of years, the Flintstones often chatted with him and talked about it. The relationship between the two can already be discussed as Taoist friends.

Right now, he looked at the Flintstones with a bit of puzzlement in his eyes.

“What do you say, I’m a Terran, I will grow old and die, isn’t it normal~”

The Flintstones chuckled.

However, the Kunlun Mountain God, who has always been good-tempered, has never had any concept of angry gods for tens of thousands of years.

At this moment, his brows furrowed slightly. Thundered!!

Kunlun Mountain was moving mightily, and countless creatures were sincerely afraid at this moment, fleeing in a panic.

“Will it grow old, will it die?”


“You are a Taiyi True Immortal, condensing a congenital Taiyi True Qi, turning into an eternal body, although you can’t reach the West King who sits and watches for countless years without extinguishing.

But there are also countless eras of life to live, and in addition to the fact that the avenue you walk on is the avenue of immortality, it is the way that belongs to you alone.

The true righteousness of the Tao is immortal, and among the avenues I have seen in my life, it can be ranked in the top fifty, so you, tell me, why is your life expectancy burning every yuanchen!! ”

The warm nature of the Kunlun Mountain God has been complained about countless times by the Flintstones, and it is the kind of character that can say half a day.

But this time, the mountain god’s words were like thunder, and it exploded with a bang.

However, only in the human race at the foot of the Kunlun Mountain, no one could hear his voice because someone cut off everything with supreme magical powers.

The Flintstones sighed lightly: “Sure enough, I can’t hide it from you, but those little guys probably can’t see it.” ”

“You are right, the human race is favored by the Virgin, has supreme talent, faces the divine without yielding, faces the heavens and the earth without fear.

As a human emperor, I cultivate the immortal avenue, inherit the luck of the human race, and should dominate everything in the human race, right? ”

He looked at his old friend, and there seemed to be a fire in his eyes.

“No, this is not right, the human race should keep improving itself, never stop, and move forward bravely, and my existence has become a kind of shackle.”

The saddest thing about a race is to stop, to be steady.

Of course, I hope that my Terran can be comfortable, calm, and able to live the life they want, but this is a flood and a mighty world, and if you don’t fight, you will die!

The Immortal Avenue carries everything in the Terrans, and the Terrans are strong, but because of this, many people of the second and third generations regard me as the spokesperson of the Terrans, and have lost their enterprising spirit. ”

The Flintstones said word by word.

“This is not right, and it should not be!! I cultivate immortality, cultivate human immortality, and cultivate human immortality! Not me.

Many Tianjiao of the Terran Clan have grown up, the Han Clan, the Su Ming Clan, the Shi Hao Clan, the Wang Lin Clan, and many others, they have the ability to carry everything.

In that case, old friend, please rejoice in me, please rejoice in the Terrans. ”

The Flintstones were laughing, and there was endless sadness in the eyes of the mountain god.

Then his eyes closed slightly, and the corners of his mouth trembled, “So, be a human emperor!” Congratulations to the Terrans! ”

Suddenly, there was a noise at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

There was a domineering voice: “Hahaha!! Finally home!!! ”

“The delicacy of Kunlun Mountain, I, Shi Hao, are back!!”

“Su Mingshi is returning to his hometown at this moment.”

There was an indifferent sound.

“Let it go, let it go, let it go, the Han clan leads the human clan back to its homeland!”

There is a demonic thought

“Wang Lin’s return today!”

There is endless escape.


The voices of the completely different Terran Tianjiao were mixed together.

One by one, the once weak Terrans have returned to their homeland. In the end, countless voices converged into one sentence.

“The Terrans returned home, and they have seen the Human Emperor!!!”

Suddenly, the Sui Ren Clan burst out laughing from Kunlun Mountain. And then step by step.

Our human race, self-improvement, passing on the torch, and then standing up to the sky, immortality!!

“Flintstone, so bold, if it weren’t for the human race, there would be one more supreme existence in this flood!”

In the Kunlun Divine Realm, the Queen Mother of the West sighed in admiration. Fuxi on the side shook his head slightly.

“No, it’s because of his Terran that he’s even more amazing…”

There is a lot of meaning in the words.

When the Queen Mother of the West heard this, she thought a little and agreed: “Yes, in a short period of a thousand years, there have been such creations, and many Tianjiao among this human race are invincible.

Invincible Avenue, Anti-Life Avenue, Extreme Demon Avenue, Unrestrained Avenue, I didn’t expect Xiao Mei to actually create such a race.

She broke the shackles of time and space and created the only one. ”

The Queen Mother of the West said lightly, she had glimpsed immeasurable years and space, and saw the birth of the human race countless times in the flood and waste.

But without exception, although the Terrans are the protagonists of the Heavenly Destiny, they have become the pawns of the gods.

And this time, Nuwa broke through everything, proved the supreme Da Luo with the avenue of life, and used the unique characteristics of Da Luo.

In countless times and spaces, for this reason, the Great Luo Honghuang created a perfect human race and broke the original shackles.

Therefore, the big Luo Dao fruit.

It can be said that the Terran made Nuwa, and Nuwa also made the Terran.


Fuxi repeated the words of the Queen Mother of the West and then a little compassion rose in his eyes.

“Unfortunately, not everything can be broken, such as the Lich Measure Robbery…”

“I glimpse everything, I see immeasurable, but no matter what, the Lich Demon Tribulation will break out, and there is no end to it.”

“This time, I came to ask Daoist friends for one thing.”

“If the great calamity breaks out, if I fall, I will ask Daoist friends to take more care of Nuwa. Fuxi’s voice seemed to come from the ages. ”

The true meaning of this passage is indeed unimaginable. Fuxi is the deepest sacredness glimpsed in the long river of time and space.

Even Pangu, who is sitting in the territory of Da Luo, is far inferior to Fuxi in terms of seeing time and space.

And at the moment, this Da Luo Da Luo is asserting that his fallen Da Luo takes a little innate immortal aura, and is immortal since the years, even if he falls.

You can also awaken again from countless incarnations in parallel time and space, and in the shortest possible time, retrieve your Dao fruit.

A great Luofei cannot fall, but it is extremely difficult.

It is necessary to seal the countless time and space where this Da Luo is located at the same time, and then annihilate his countless figures, along with the projections imprinted in the past, present and future.

It must also be annihilated, so that it has the ability to let Da Luo fall.

In the current flood and waste, there are very few people who prove the true self of Da Luo, and there are even fewer people who open Da Luo Daoguo.

Among them, Dijun and Nuwa are all Fuxi’s relatives and friends. In this case, who can make Fuxi fall? Queen Mother Xi’s face was also gloomy at this moment.

Since Su Xiao derived the concept of mythology, the first sacred statue she saw was Fuxi.

She is violent, and the gods of Kunlun are afraid of her, while Fuxi makes these gods understand the true meaning of the Queen Mother of the West.

The relationship between the two is not so much a Taoist friend as a blood relative.

At this moment, her eyes were cold and peeking at the endless rivers of time.

Just looking at the territory of Da Luo, a supreme Da Luo with a human body of nine leopard tails was violently looking at all the future.

The future that was stained by the fog was not real, so she reached out her claws, wanting to tear everything apart.

The claws appeared, and in an instant, hundreds of millions of weak and small world creatures were annihilated. However, even so, she still could not break through the fog.

“Say! What kind of calamity can make you fall, witch clan! ”

“Tell Dijun, the way of heaven, in charge of everything!”

“I’m willing to practice with the Heavenly Court and destroy the Wu Clan!!”

The Queen Mother of the West thundered, and with her anger, the entire desolate sky became gloomy at this moment.


Blood-red tyrannical thunder rolled in the clouds.

“Calm down, calm down…”

Fuxi cried and smiled and comforted the Queen Mother of the West: “I’m talking about falling and not sinking, I will return, and everything is a calamity, no increase or decrease…”

“After hearing Fuxi say that he will return.”

The look on Queen Mother Xi’s face was slightly better.

“Looks like you already have a plan…”

“Although you have a weak temper, a warm personality, a soft heart, poor magical powers, and a deep foundation in killing…”

The Queen Mother of the West counted Fuxi with an expressionless face.

“I’m not that bad.”

Fuxi had to smile bitterly…………

Queen Mother Xi sneered: “Am I wrong, that day Xiaomei derived the human race, you set up a formation in that period of time and space, you can block all time and space concepts.”

If you don’t be merciful, block all time and space,—— strangle all its sacredness, you won’t have so many incidents. ”

Fuxi didn’t say anything, and could only chuckle.

“Although you are very bad, but your calculations and calculations are above the heavens, in this case, little sister, I will watch.”

But, there is one thing you have to keep in mind. ”

“Fuxi, I am the Queen Mother of the West, Si Tianzhi and the Five Disabilities, if you really can’t come back, my authority can subvert all sentient beings.

I don’t know what you’re planning, and I don’t want to know, but if you can’t return, I’ll turn these beings upside down!

Reopen the flood wasteland! Let all your calculations be false! ”

The Queen Mother of the West’s voice was extremely calm at the moment.

But the calmer she was, the more Fuxi understood her seriousness.

The flood reopened, and the chaos was repeated, and such a world was not unheard of in the boundless time and space.

“Don’t worry, I just want to find out the truth, that’s all…”

Fuxi looked at Na Da Luo in time and space.

The game of chess in the middle of everything.

It was as if he saw Dao sitting here in white, twisting chess and chuckling.

“Am I qualified to have a game with you?”

Beautifully decorated bedroom.

The Three Thousand Avenues wrapped Su Yang in it like a cocoon. Countless avenues evolve in it.

The Three Thousand Avenues does not mean that there are only 3,000 Avenues in the world. If all the heavens are made, they can be made of these three thousand avenues.

At this moment, Su Yang was immersed in this avenue. The body is constantly transforming.

In the real world, it is only seven days.

But in this, the avenue of time leads countless years. Su Yang seems to have slept here for countless eras. It’s like a new world.

Three thousand avenues fall like stars in the sky.

They collide with each other, confirm each other, and fight each other. Just as the avenues are born of each other.

Finally I don’t know how long it took. In this endless darkness. A glimmer of light emerged.

Then three thousand avenues poured into it. into the purest Tao. Finally and last.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes slowly opened.

“Who am I?”

“I am the creator of the Great Luo Honghuang and the pioneer of the Chaos World, I am.”

“Su Yang!!”


A roar like thunder exploded. Click!!

Cracks split from all sides of the universe.

The figure that covered everything slowly walked out from the depths of the universe. Subsequently…

Click!! The egg is broken.

Su Yang stood up, looked at the familiar room, and then looked at the egg that was gradually disappearing.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

There really is a cause and effect.

Su Yang is in the chaos, creating ancient eggs and opening up chaos.

And he is also in the extremely important stage of promoting from the third-order Creation God to the fourth-order Creation God.

Burst out of the egg.

Su Yang suppressed other thoughts in his heart. Clench your fists slightly.


Just clenching his fists at will, and before he used any Dao Yun, he already felt a powerful power.

In every part of his body, there were traces of the Three Thousand Avenues. At this moment, Su Yang has completely transformed.

Third to fourth order, this process also has a name. It’s called, apotheosis.

From then on, Su Yang could be called a god. Su Yang sensed the current condition of his body.

There seemed to be an endless universe in his body, and the three thousand avenues were spread like planets in it.

With the Avenue of Force as the core, it runs slowly.

Now if you face the Lord of the Black Mist in the God Domain.

No use of any avenues, no need for the power of Dao Demons and the might of the Heavenly Emperor. His physical strength alone was enough to burst that Lord of the Black Mist.

“Students, please go to the training ground immediately!”

“The tutor of the Ten Venerable Academy has arrived!”

“The final round of assessment is about to begin!”

Hearing this notice, Su Yang also got up.

Stretched out a big lazy waist.

The body instantly sounded crackling.

“It’s finally coming to an end, it’s really not easy to be a university in this world.”

Su Yang said half complaining and half mocking.

However, I am also slightly looking forward to the final assessment. He was quite curious about his current combat strength.

The guidance of the instructors of the Ten Statues Academy is the most suitable standard for measuring their current combat strength.

Then he walked out of the room.

I just saw that Wu Wenqi and the others had just walked out of the door.

“Long time no see~”

Su Xiao said hello casually.

Gao Weihang pursed his small mouth and said, “You haven’t seen us for a long time, but we haven’t seen you less!” ”

“Suppress all the figures in the Divine Domain, I can dream of it now!”

“Congratulations, the first in the country, the Ten Venerable Academy is estimated to fight for you, and the teachers of the Demon Capital Academy on my side have already come.”

The conditions are good, we may go to the Demon Capital Academy, what about you, the conditions they give you must be very scary, say it to make us jealous.

Wang Yi put on a posture on the side, don’t pity me because I am a petite flower.

“Have you all received an invitation from the Academy?”

Su Yang looked at his empty information sheet and couldn’t help but ask.

“Please, although we are not as terrifying as you, we also have top thirty results in the Divine Domain assessment.”

Isn’t it normal to be found in advance, the college promised to give us the right to choose our own tutors and professions, and there is a subsidy of one hundred divine sources every month, plus an independent dormitory…”

Wang Yi said the conditions of the academy like a few treasures, and looked at Su Yang with an expectant face for the last time.

“Talk quickly, give you the conditions, let’s be jealous!”

Su Yang took out the empty information form and said with a lazy face: “You may not believe it when you say it, not a single academy has contacted me…”


“How is it possible!!”

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