Chapter 1003 In order to rob Su Shen, the Ten Venerable Academy has fought!!

Even Pang Jiaqi, who has always been indifferent, had a bit of incredulity written on her face.

As for Gao Weihang and Wang Yi, there were a few big characters written on their faces. You’re teasing me!

The National Provincial Competition brings together the assessment of the strongest Tianjiao among the major provinces and regions in the country.

Only the top ten Tianjiao in the major provinces and regions of the country are eligible to participate in the top competition.

In such a competition.

As long as they can enter the top 100, they will become the object of the ten academies. The top 50 will be able to get a door-to-door conversation from the academy teacher.

The top ten directly have the heads of provinces and regions directly come forward to play the emotional card, spend sky-high resources and even sign a school stay agreement and other eye-catching conditions.

Just for students to join their own college.

And the top three in the competition, it is said that their names will be on the table of the legendary high dean of academic affairs.

And Su Yang as a well-deserved first place.

It was incredible that there was no school to contact him.

However, compared to the shock of others, Su Xiao didn’t seem to care so much about this.

“I’m not in a hurry, what are you anxious about, let’s go, after the last exam, you can rest~”

Su Xiao shrugged casually.

Everyone looked at each other and was speechless.

But thinking about it, with Su Tian’s talent and talent, there is no need to worry about these at all.

Several people formed a group and chatted while heading to the training ground. In conversation.

Su Xiao knew that Lin Lei had achieved fifteenth place, which was a very good result.

He was invited by the teacher of Mordor Academy and directly joined Mordor Academy without giving up the final assessment.

“When we meet in the future, I don’t know when we will be.”

Wang Yi said with emotion.

Gao Weihang glanced at Wang Yi and said, “What does it have to do with you when we meet, you are a swing king.” ”

“Swing, it’s better than you, you crybaby!!”

“Pendulum King!!”

In the midst of the noise of the two. The crowd came to the training ground.

The training ground is wrapped in some kind of divine power.

Strong forces divide the training ground into ten.

In each of them, a teacher-like person stands in it, and his surrounding divine power is incomparable.

Impressively, they all have the strength of the sixth rank or above.

One had a student walk up to them. Receiving their guidance.

Some students showed the law of flame, and then a teacher gave them a sharp look~

In the dark, an invisible impact emerged.

Directly annihilated his flames, and then sealed all the divine power in his body.

“The law of flame, the mastery level is about thirty percent, the rest of the laws are weak, but the willpower is good, in the face of my soul impact did not fall, six points.”

He then wrote his name and score on the points plate in his hand. Such scenes played out throughout the training ground.

“The law control is weak, although there are many masters, but the control is too poor, four points.”

“The tempering of the flesh is good, but the Creator God’s mastery of the law is equally important, and it is necessary to strengthen the control of the law, I suggest you, join the law system, five points.”

“No one has taught you, in the face of a high-level Creator God, don’t try to borrow the power of the Kingdom of God, so that you may be annihilated by the High-level Creator God?

Theoretical knowledge is so poor, five points! ”

The sound of sane and calm analysis sounded throughout the training ground.

These are the supreme geniuses who stand above countless students and stand above the heads of many Tianjiao.

In front of the teachers of the Ten Venerable Academy, it was like a plug full of holes.

The body that is criticized is not complete.

“This class of students is indeed much worse than the previous class.”

One tutor sighed and jot down six points for a student on the scoreboard.

Completely ignoring the lost look of the student on the other side. The world is like that.

Immaculate in your eyes, high above you, may be worthless in the eyes of a stronger, better person.

“Let’s go, let’s go and participate in the assessment…”

Gao Weihang said.

The badges in their hands radiated a burst of light, guiding them to their respective test venues.


Su Yang stood at the door of the training ground, looking at the badge that did not react in the slightest.

“I said, are you broken?”

Su Yang picked up the badge and shook it helplessly.

The divine power detected in it, and there was indeed no damage, but there was no reaction at all.

“Is that Su Day!”

“The number one genius, actually came to participate in the final exam!”

“Oh my God, I thought I wouldn’t have a chance to see him.”

“Aren’t the top five recruited by the major colleges, and Su Yang actually came back to participate in the final exam.”

“Isn’t there an academy looking for him, but it’s normal, it is said that the other four are all geniuses from major families.”

He is asked to hide his strength, otherwise this first may not get his turn. ”

“Really fake…”

“Of course, I heard that the strength of those people has reached the fourth order!”

Listening to the whispers of the students around him, Su Yang didn’t care. To him, the noise was nothing more than boring whispers.

There was not even interest in letting him know.

What he was more curious about now was how he should participate in this final exam.


A golden light suddenly burst out from Su Tian’s badge. Instantly attracted the attention of all the guides.

“Special test number!”

“Golden ranking!”

“How is it possible, the students of the golden ranking should be recruited by the academy”

“Not important! I’ll assess this student! ”

A tutor looked at Su Tian, directly ignored the students in front of him, and quickly rushed towards Su Tian.

“Thinking beautifully! He, let me come! ”

“By what!!”

The moment that light appeared. Ten mentors rushed towards Su Yang together. The gold ranking represents the top five in the country.

Such students will basically be taken away by the college with extremely generous treatment at the end of the second round of assessment.

And right now, this student is actually a golden ranking, then they must not let go.

Whoo-la-la! Zizizi!!

Dao divine power appeared on their bodies.

Colliding in space, the powerful divine power burst out unscrupulously. The other group of students just felt out of breath.

The coercion of the sixth-order Creation God broke out in an instant.

As the party, Su Yang looked at these mentors with an expressionless face. It doesn’t matter who will test him, he just wants to finish this exam quickly.

He has just broken through the fourth-order realm, and there are too many areas that need to be improved in the flood waste.

For him, improving the flood is more important than the exam. The breaths of the ten sixth-order gods collided with each other. Su Yang could feel the horror of their divine power.

Sixth-order gods can manifest laws.

Extremely strong, completely out of the human category.

Reaching the height of the gods, in reality, as long as there is no unexpected lifespan is extremely far-reaching, you can peek into the Endless God Domain.

“Well, his assessment has nothing to do with you…”

A light fluttering voice floated casually from the upper floor of the training ground.

The voice was not hurried or even a little weak, but it fell like thunder in the ears of these teachers.


With a soft word, he actually directly reversed the divine power of these mentors.

The instructors looked at each other, and then returned to their own examination room. Continue with the assessment he had not completed before.

Then after being separated from the examination room. A separate space is slowly cut apart.

A ruined battlefield slowly emerged in the middle of the training ground.

Ruins, blades all over the ground, corpses and blood of monsters scattered everywhere. It seems to have reappeared from an ancient battlefield in the wilderness.

And Su Tian’s badge is also leading to the newly emerging battlefield.

“This is my examination room, it’s really chic…”

Look at the wild battlefield that your badge points to.

Looking at the simple examination room of the other students, Su Xiao shook his head helplessly

I don’t know why, I’m obviously very ordinary, but why can’t I be the same as others?

Su Xiao complained helplessly.

Then, in the shocked eyes of countless people, he walked into the battlefield. As soon as I entered the examination room.

Su Tian’s eyes changed suddenly. It’s blood…

It was the endless smell of blood, and the pungent breath poured into Su Tian’s nasal cavity. This scene is real, not an illusion.

“You are Su Tian…”

“It looks like nothing remarkable except handsome.”

A slightly enchanting female voice sounded from the depths of the battlefield.

Then Su Yang looked up and only saw a tall female voice slowly walking out dressed in black, her face like a fox, and her bones were natural.

“I wipe!! Why is my mentor a bad old man, he is a big beauty! ”

“It’s not fair!!”

“Su Shen is worthy of being Su Shen, sister I can!!”

The envious eyes of the male students turned red.

And what about the schoolgirls.

For the first time, he took a closer look at Su Tian’s appearance.

Su Yang was originally quite handsome, plus the baptism of the Three Thousand Avenues. Handsome with a bit of indescribable rhythm.

Let the female voices can’t help but blush.

“I am Liu Yaoer, I am your senior sister, and my assessment is up to me.”

“On this battlefield, our realm is unified, you can rest assured to strike, within ten minutes, you can catch me, I will give you full points, you can strike at any time.”

Liu Yaoer said playfully while playing with the ends of her hair. And Su Xiao sighed slightly.

“Senpai, are you serious?”

“Of course.”

Liu Yaoer chuckled, and then her face changed suddenly. She was surprised to find that Su Yang disappeared out of thin air in front of her eyes. Then a lazy voice sounded in her ears.

“Then thank you, Senpai…”

Su Tian’s figure appeared behind Liu Yaoer at some point, and a hand casually rested on Liu Yaoer’s shoulder.

“Hehe, interesting~”

A strange color flashed in Liu Yaoer’s eyes. Subsequently.


Her figure twisted suddenly, and a strong and tyrannical aura erupted on her seemingly delicate body.

A punch went straight to Su Tian’s heart.

In the fist style, there are strong laws such as destruction, annihilation, and killing. Renders the surrounding space black.

Seeing this, Su Yang’s body did not move, and he withdrew it with one hand. Eyes full of light.

Palm clasp slightly.

Directly grabbed Liu Yaoer’s terrifying punch. Countless laws were annihilated in his palm. Return to silence.

“Senpai’s words don’t count~”

Su Yang only felt a little troublesome and said Liu Yao

Er smiled enchantingly at Su Tian, and the style was extremely enchanting.

It made countless boys drool.

“Don’t you know, the more beautiful the girl, the more deceitful she is.”

“If I don’t lie to you, doesn’t it mean that I’m not beautiful enough.”

Liu Yaoer said rather mischievously.

But the movements in the hands do not stop at all. One punch out.

Then countless fists roared. There is not the slightest joke in the eyes. Some are just endless war intent. Like a Valkyrie.

However, Su Tian’s eyes were as bright as stars in the Three Thousand Avenues. The Avenue of Cause and Effect, the Avenue of Destiny are intertwined with each other. Every punch of Liu Yaoer was stopped by his ———. Then the Avenue of Power erupted.

Directly suppress everything. Bang!!

The strong force directly blasted Liu Yaoer out without mercy. The killing aura on the battlefield became thicker and thicker.

2nd floor of the training ground.

The ten eighth-order gods looked at this scene, and their eyes flowed with different colors.

“Liu Yao’er majored in the law of war, and she couldn’t take him!”

“This kid’s talent is higher than I thought!”

“Don’t worry, it’s not so easy to defeat Liu Yaoer, although she majors in the Avenue of Battle, what she is best at is…”

“Stop it!”

Liu Yaoer’s voice sounded from the depths of the battlefield. Airplanes!!

In an instant, it was as if everything on the entire battlefield had stopped functioning. The dust in the air stopped.

All time stopped.

Then, a terrifying impact bombarded out from the depths of the battlefield. Thundered!!


The tyrannical impact flooded Su Tian’s body in an instant.

“The law of time!!”

“Liu Yaoer! I remembered, she is the third in the last session, Fairy Liu Yaoer! ”

“In the era of star-studded Tianjiao, suppress countless Tianjiao, fairies, with a woman!!”

“Mastering the law of time, the existence of the strong law of the law of battle, no matter how strong Su Shen’s strength is, it is not her opponent!”

All the students seemed to see Su Tian’s defeat.

But only Wu Wenqi, Gao Weihang and others who finished the assessment were still looking at the battlefield with a strong nature.

“He won’t lose!”

Wu Wenqi said seriously, “Whether it is the era of Tianjiao or the era of stars, when his existence appears, then his era is the strongest!” ”

“Of course we knew, and always knew…”

Pang Jiaqi said noncommittally.

On the battlefield.

“Senior sister is still senior sister, you must be careful in the future.”

Liu Yaoer said charmingly.

“Then thank you Senpai for reminding!!”

The voice was still lazy and indifferent.


An extremely terrifying fluctuation erupted from the depths of the battlefield. Airplanes!!

Buzz ~ Zizi!

It was a force of strong laws intertwined. It was the blood-colored thunder that appeared after manifesting to the extreme. A white suit walked out indifferently from the depths of the battlefield.

One-step. Two steps. Three steps…

Every step of Su Yang fell on the hearts of countless students as if stepping on their hearts since that day.

Until the heavens of this era rose up and suppressed everything. None of them can forget this day.

That style of white clothes.

Su Tian’s figure stepped out from one step.

Then he appeared in front of Liu Yaoer.

A punch is raised, and then the heaven and earth move together, and the sun and the moon are the same. There is not the slightest pity for jade.

Airplanes!!! A punch is thrown.

“Stop it!!”

Liu Yaoer felt the power of that punch, and couldn’t help but quickly evoke the rules of time, trying to pause time and avoid this powerful punch.


This can stop all the laws of time, and at this moment it loses its original color.

“Time, I will too~”

This punch fell with devastation. There is not the slightest drag.

All time and space seem to be penetrated by this punch.


This thought flashed through Liu Yaoer’s heart. Subsequently…

Bang!! Thundered!!

Her figure was smashed to the ground. There is not the slightest sense of pity for jade.

“Then trouble Senpai…”

Su Yang whispered to the burst of gunsmoke.

Then without looking at it, he walked straight out of the battlefield.

“The number of mastered laws is terrifying, the control of the laws is very deep, and the laws are strange, able to suppress the same laws, the fourth-order creation god, the flesh is strong, although there is no manifestation of the god body, but the body should be extremely strong, very, but…”

The smoke dispersed, and Liu Yaoer recognized it very much

Really recorded Su Tian’s evaluation.

“I don’t know how to pity Xiang Xiangyu at all, and I will deduct 100 points for a beauty like me!!”

Liu Yaoer said hatefully, and then looked at Su Tian’s back, revealing a heart-warming fox smile.


After Su Yang walked out of the battlefield, he saw that there was still no information on his information sheet.

The eyes of the rest of the people looking at Su Yang had completely changed. They knew that Su Yang’s strength was strong.

But I didn’t expect that the strength would be so strong.

The previous batch of students was called the era of Tianjiao, the era of stars.

Without exception, those students were all true Tianjiao, and their strength far crushed this class of students.

However, Liu Yaoer was able to suppress countless Tianjiao in the top three positions among that class of students.

Standing is invincible at its level.

And Su Yang actually defeated her so easily. And it seems that Su Yang didn’t even use his full strength. At this moment, there is no cheering, no cheering.

Only a long silence.

It is a sense of distance created by the moment the unattainable gap explodes.

“Student Su, what do you think of the Imperial Capital Academy!!”

Suddenly a hearty voice suddenly sounded.

An old man with a beard appeared out of thin air. Looking at Su Yang’s hearty laughter.

“I am Guan Lijie, the director of admissions office of Didu College, and the director of teaching, I can promise you that as long as you join our imperial capital college, all living expenses during the school will be borne by our school, and there will be a divine source subsidy of 1,500 per month, and you can designate a tutor to be your teacher at will, including me.

The rest of the bits and pieces of conditions, you can mention casually, as long as you are willing to join the Imperial Capital Academy, I can guarantee that in the future, your achievements will be above the eighth order, or even the ninth order immortal!! ”

Guan Lijie’s voice spread throughout the training ground.

“The teaching director of the Imperial Capital Academy actually came personally!”

“One thousand and five divine sources a month, oh my God! I’m only a hundred a month!! ”

“The gap between this person and people is too big!!”

“Please point out, Director Guan thinks that Su Shen has the potential to become a ninth-order.”

All the students will be blown away at this moment.

Imperial Capital Academy, that is the oldest academy among the ten venerable colleges, and it is also the most profound academy.

And the director of the Imperial Capital Academy would actually personally come to recruit Su Yang. Such big people can’t be seen on weekdays.

However, an even more surprising scene is yet to come.

“Humph!! Eighth order? With Su Tian’s potential eighth-order realm hand to capture, you still use it! ”

“Student Su Yang, the Imperial Capital Academy is already old, a young man like you should come to my Magic Capital!”

“Mordor! Hehe! Student Su is the Tianjiao of my Demon Capital Academy, so I won’t bother you!! ”

Today’s mediocre update of 20,000 words is good

Strong figures continue to emerge.

Looking at their figures, the students’ breathing couldn’t help but become a little heavier.

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