Chapter 169: The Buddha is nailed to the Buddha Hall!!


A burst of powerful Dao rhyme. It spread out on Xuanyuan’s body.

The golden Dao rhyme emerged in mid-air. That domineering aura from the ancient wilderness.

With an indescribable brilliance.

It was a kind of escaping from countless Terrans. And the imperial road that condenses the power of all human races. This is.

The majesty of the human emperor!! The majesty of humanity!! Buzz!!!

On the Xuanyuan sword~ bursts of golden light constantly glowed. In the golden light.

It seems that there are countless fires endlessly.

That is the peak luck of the Terran race, carrying the strong luck of the Three Thousand Avenues. That dignified and undisguised sword of the imperial path.

Exudes unparalleled power.

This is not the Yellow Emperor controlling the luck of the human race.

It was the Yellow Emperor alone, who lifted up the luck of this human race. Sacred throughout the ages.

Seek luck and carry oneself and bless oneself.

Only this Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, as a person, carries luck and blesses luck. Between 10,000 years.

Lead this Yellow Emperor tribe to fight in the flood waste. Fight with the Lich.

Zhan Jiuli. Battle Green Hill.

Starting with less than one-third of the Terran luck, this luck will continue to increase. Keep rising.


This Terran luck was in Xuanyuan’s hands.

It has become a huge and incomparable nine-striped golden dragon. Hovering behind the Yellow Emperor.

The amber dragon eyes stared indifferently at the countless Buddhas. The aura of majesty and righteousness continues to deepen.

And another unspeakable tyranny is slowly floating.

“Yellow Emperor, do you really want to be an enemy of our Buddha!”

The Lord of the Little Thunder Yin Temple said with an unkind face.

And at the moment when his voice fell.


The gentle but domineering voice of the Yellow Emperor suddenly sounded. Subsequently.

Zheng!! Airplanes!!!

Xuanyuan sword slashed out of thin air from top to bottom. An endless brilliant golden light rose violently.

The golden half-moon slash became the only one in the entire heaven and earth. This seems to be an extremely ordinary sword.

But with unspeakable rules.

It was as if the will of the human emperor could not be shaken.

Even the Buddha needs to bow down before the human emperor.

“Retreat 30,000 miles!”

The Yellow Emperor whispered softly.

And in the face of this terrifying sword. The indifference on the Buddha’s face quickly disappeared.

In its place is an unspeakable sense of crisis. His figure kept exploding.

No more majesty than before. Only embarrassment remained.

Under the majesty of the sword of the imperial path. Keep running backwards.

Run in the direction of the Little Lei Yin Temple.

“Buddha save me!!”

The Buddha felt the edge getting closer. Cold sweat on his forehead.

Shout in the direction of the Buddhist gate.

At this time, the Buddha had already escaped 30,000 li, and all this was only between Sumi.

But that terrifying edge has not disappeared.

Above the golden half moon, a dragon claw suddenly appeared. The Golden Dragon of the Imperial Dao floated in nothingness.

Condescending. Overlooking the Buddha.

As if looking at an ant.

“The luck of the human world has been unified, is it a big businessman?”

“Hong Huang can hear the chirping of the green bird again.”

Xuanyuan looked at Kong Ru and asked.

Without even taking that Buddha to heart.

The Yellow Emperor vaguely remembered when he left the human realm.

The Terrans are divided into seven kingdoms, each of which is a descendant of the first Terrans. The strongest of them are the descendants of the Flintstones.

Founding businessmen.

Then take the rest of the Terran luck. Terran luck is linked to each other.

The Yellow Emperor could feel that the luck scattered in the human world was condensed in one place again. Presumably, big businessmen unify the countries.

“It’s not a big businessman, but the Great Qin Empire dominating the world.”

“The original Great Shang was indeed the strongest existence in the Seven Kingdoms, but since the First Emperor was born as the King of Qin.”

“The strength of the Qin State skyrocketed, swept through the countries, and the Great Shang Kingdom was swallowed up by the Great Qin within a hundred years.

Black Dragon Swallow!! ”

Kong Ru seemed to have the emperor shaped like a lone crane in front of his eyes. They once had a relationship in the human world.

Yu Taishan, one person descends the mountain, and the other climbs to the top.


A little surprise appeared under Xuanyuan Huangdi’s eyes. Then the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

A slightly meaningful smile appeared.

Then looking to the west, it was Xuanyuan Sword that fell again.

“Another 100,000 miles back!!”


The golden dragon roared, humane and tyrannical, and the emperor was matchless. The Emperor Dao Golden Dragon roared endlessly.

The mighty power was blessed with that sword qi.

Under the desperate and helpless eyes of the Buddha.

That sword aura completely penetrated the body of that Buddha. Bang!!!

The golden body crumbled, and the Buddhist path collapsed.

Buddha luck tried to mend his golden body.

But under that sword qi, the luck of the Buddhist sect was shattered. Thundered!!!

At last.

This sword nailed the Buddha directly to the Buddhist hall of the Little Lei Yin Temple.

Buzzing!! The Qi of the Imperial Dao runs through the Buddhist Gate.

So that the strong people of the Buddhist sect did not dare to act rashly.

I could only watch the Lord of the Little Thunder Yin Temple. He was nailed to the Buddhist gate in this way.

This is tantamount to giving the Buddha a mouth fiercely.

“So, then what about the Qin Emperor coming than me?”

The Yellow Emperor looked at Kong Ru and spoke in a calm tone.

The corners of Kong Ru’s mouth twitched very vaguely.

“You are the emperor of the human race, the emperor of the emperor, you are clearly competing just now”

“Still with my junior!!”

“Is this really good?”

Kong Ru couldn’t help but think like this. But he did not flatter the Yellow Emperor either.

Instead, he remembered the eyes that Yu Taishan glimpsed that day. It is as deep as the eternal night, with majestic eyes. Kong Ru looked through those eyes…

Saw an ambition to annex heaven and earth.

“The juniors are Confucianists, and they do not judge the luck of the emperor, but the first emperor, when I left, had already glimpsed the flood waste.

It is scheduled to be a hundred years later, when the Great Qin enters the flood and famine, presumably at that time. You’ll meet him. ”

Kong Ru said without humility. The Yellow Emperor who heard this.


Then he shook his head and said: “Interesting, interesting, it seems that this first emperor has a high evaluation in your heart.”

I’m also looking forward to meeting him a little, how interesting it would be to call Shennong when the time comes! ”

The Yellow Emperor said heartily.

And Kong Ru couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

It is unimaginable that although this Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan looks very hearty, there is an indescribable domineering in his bones.

And that Yandi Shennong can not be weaker than the Yellow Emperor, and even in the concept of Yanhuang, it is still before the Yellow Emperor.

It must also be a remarkable being.

Plus which is shaped like a lone crane, as powerful as a black dragon, the first emperor who devours heaven and earth. These three beings gathered together, and they didn’t know what kind of Asura Field there would be.

“Your Majesty the Yellow Emperor, I’m afraid the Buddhist Sect will not give up easily.”

“The two statues of the Buddha Gate will not make a move easily, but the Buddha of the Da Luo Zhenme-level is afraid that he will make a move.”

A long-haired boy whispered beside the Yellow Emperor.

“After the wind, don’t worry, that old guy from the Shennong clan has been waiting for a long time.”

“The Buddha Gate has been a little over recently, Duhua Terran?”

“There is a price to pay~”

The Yellow Emperor said meaningfully. At the same time.

Buddha Gate Holy Land, Da Lei Yin Temple.

Dozens of True Self Buddhas, who were originally immersed in Da Luo, slowly opened their eyes. All cause and effect emerge in their eyes.

“Terrans, be destroyed!! Just! ”

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