Chapter 170: A Sword Slashes the Buddha, Shennong Yandi!!

Among the Great Thunder Yin Temple.

Several Buddhas glared angrily.

The rest of the True Self Buddha did not speak. But.

But there was also a bit of anger under his eyes.

Some of them are holy people who are genuinely converted to Buddhism.

And some sacred, they just want to hug the thigh of the Buddhist gate. After all.

They also don’t know what the true relationship between the three Da Luo and the Zhunti Ling is, they only know.

Buddhism is among the top forces in the entire Honghuang wilderness. The only existence of the five Da Luo Dao Fruits. And these are sacred.

Although not in the same heart as the Buddhist sect. But Xuanyuan this sword.

It is tantamount to pressing their skin directly to the ground. Daoguo strong people must not make easy moves.

But the real strong have not received this whole limit.

It’s just that in the past ten thousand years, the True Self Strong has been cultivating desperately, trying to break through the Dao Fruit.

And now.

The Buddha Sect is really strong, but he got up angrily.

“Descending dragon, you can go for a trip~”

A voice of compassion sounded from the depths of infinite years.

A true self-strong man slowly got up. Folded his hands and said respectfully.

“Follow the Buddha’s will.”

“Suppress the Yellow Emperor tribe and accept half of his human race as my Buddhist disciples to set an example.”


Subsequently. Descending Dragon Venerable stepped out.

Then the figure has penetrated countless spaces. Slowly walk in the direction of the Yellow Emperor’s Department.

Everywhere he passed, the sound of Sanskrit was mighty, and countless creatures were converted. At the same time with the deepest part of the years.

Quasi-lifting, leading to sit cross-kneeled, constantly improving everything in the Buddhist path.

Improve their own heritage, and with the power of Da Luo, constantly make the three divine beings such as raised eyebrows unable to wake up in their slumber.

“Luck Golden Dragon, Yan Huang…”

“Behind this, there is the shadow of the dragon clan…”

Zhunti clasped his hands together and whispered softly.

Eyes on the future of Hang Seng.

“The dragon race is not a demon race, although the ancestral dragon is a demon master, but with his arrogant nature, how can he be subordinate to people, he is now half a step Dao fruit, I am afraid that the opportunity to promote the Dao fruit is on the human race.”

“The Terran is not simple, and the ancestral dragon may not take advantage.”

Junti said.

“It’s okay, all the heavens are falling, all tempting, waiting for the recovery of the gods and demons.”

“Let the descending dragon see where the Terrans are now.”

There was a bit of certainty in the tone of the introduction.

It seems that this dragon can kill everything in the end. Honghuang southwest.

Descending Dragon Venerable carries mighty power. Make no secret of your strength.

Countless sacreds who secretly noticed this scene were discussing.

“The strength of the Yellow Emperor is really terrifying, and he actually nailed the Lord of the Little Thunder Yin Temple directly to the Buddha Hall.”

“Tsk, now the beam is bigger.”

“The descending dragon is actually out of the Buddha Gate!”

“This guy is one of the most ancient divine, raising his eyebrows and three divine beings at the same time to transform him.”

“His strength can already be called the top existence in the true self except for the ancestral witch.”

“The Terrans are in danger.”

The descending dragon walks barefoot in the heavens.

I want to go to the Yellow Emperor tribe to suppress the Terrans. And right now.

He stopped suddenly.

Fold your hands together and look at a weak race tribe in front of you. The whole body is slightly restrained.

“Thank you, Aunt, the milk wine at your sheep’s head is really good.”

“Next time, I’ll bring you wine from my hometown, my father’s favorite Terran burning knife!”

A humble middle-aged man was exchanging pleasantries with the creature of the sheep head. Then.

Step by step, we will descend the dragon.

The breath of the descending dragon that shook everything seemed to be cut off by him, allowing the tribe that should have converted to Buddhism in his breath.

I couldn’t feel his breath at all.

The middle-aged human race, like an ordinary creature without any cultivation, carried a tattered long sword behind him.

He walked step by step. The first step out of that tribe. The smile on his face retreated.

In the second step, his expression became extremely indifferent.

In the third step, a sharp edge that seemed to penetrate everything in heaven and earth appeared on his body

The fourth step, the tattered long sword behind his back, with a bit of unspeakable sharpness, and the fifth step…

He crossed the space in this step and stood directly in the air opposite the descending dragon.


The descending dragon looked at the middle-aged man.

The voice was indifferent.

It’s like facing an insignificant ant.

“Terran, Huang Jiu…”

Huang Jiu’s voice was no longer as sincere as just now, but a little cold.

The whole person is like an extremely sharp sword. Desire runs through everything.

“Are you going to stop me?”


Huang Jiu shook his head slightly. The long sword behind him fell in his hand.

He looked at the sword forged for the first time in his life, a long sword that his father, who had been a blacksmith all his life, had spent his family fortune.

There is a bit of tenderness in the eyes. He stroked his long sword.

“I have a sword.”

“I want to ask the Buddha!!”

Next second. The ultimate brilliance exploded. Airplanes!!

That pure sword intent carries the edge of annihilating everything………… Cut the years.

Break space-time. Then. A sword falls. And everything withers away.

Huang Jiu’s sword went straight to the descending dragon. Moment.

This sword directly pierced through the body of the descending dragon. The golden body of this Buddhist gate began to gradually crack. The golden body was shaky and dim.


The descending dragon faces such a scene.

But it is still as indifferent as before. And Huang Jiu’s sword fell. But he did not collect the sword.

“It’s kind of interesting, but not enough~”

The golden body of the descending dragon arhat is constantly crumbling.

The golden light of Buddhism gradually dissipated. Then.


An endless black qi frantically gushed out from the golden body. It’s like a drop of ink falling directly into the water.

Defile everything.

A figure with dark bodies and eyes and no mouth and nose gradually emerged. At the same time.

That filthy aura became even stronger.

Even, it has far surpassed the golden posture of the previous Buddha Gate descending dragon. The descending dragon was before it was turned into a large Luo Du by the three raised eyebrows.

It is one of the oldest innate sacreds.

Born in a hint of obsession in Pangu. It is one of the highest sacredness.

If it weren’t for the plan of raising his eyebrows at that time, he was suppressing the three Dao fruits. He will not fall into the Buddhist gate now.

“Your sword is good, but it’s too far behind!”

The dragon whispered, casually waving his hand.

The terrifying power directly blasted Huang Jiu out.

And Huang Jiu resisted that force abruptly, wanting to use the sword again.

Every time he was blasted away, his sword intent was enhancing in a crazy posture.

And his breath is fading little by little.

Originally, Huang Jiu was a sharp sword, but now his edge seemed to be collected in the scabbard.

There used to be a little obscure. It also began to improve.

His realm has quietly fallen from the half-step of the true self to the true self realm. Become the only kendo master in countless worlds.

The descending dragon felt a little threatened.

He doesn’t shoot as casually as before. Instead, he wanted to directly suppress Huang Jiu with one blow.

However, just when his whole body was in one place. Syllable!!

A whip breaks everything.

I don’t know when, an old man in animal skin leaned on the top of the mountain. In his hand, he held a whip that exuded a mysterious aura.

See the old man.

“Shennong whip!”

For the first time, the tone of the descending dragon’s tone fluctuated

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