Chapter 177 Ask Jian Xuanyuan, Kendo Immortal!!

All these years.

Although the two parts of Yan and Huang have close contacts, there seems to be some trend that does not distinguish between you and me. But in the end, it is just the exchanges between the following tribesmen.

As for Yanhuang, the two leaders of the Terran tribe. In line with the principle that the two emperors do not meet.

Except that there is a big crisis in the tribe. In general.

There will always be one absence, Xuanyuan and Shennong. So much so that in these years when the Terrans were safe and sound.

These two leaders of the Terran tribe had never met. And this time, if not because of the Buddha coming to the door.

The crisis is emerging.

I am afraid that this unwritten rule will continue to be continued. No way, who let them now stand side by side with two emperors?

In the absence of the threat of catastrophe.

I want two emperors who are very different in the world to live in peace. It’s a very difficult thing.

Not to mention, the Terrans are constantly getting stronger in one battle after another.

As an emperor, he should lead his tribe to become the only supreme existence. Of course, this is only a benign competition relationship internally.

Externally, people who believe that every Terran tribe has a common belief. So much so, when sensing the breath of the Shennong clan.

Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan appeared in front of him early with his courtiers. Although that mouth still didn’t say anything good.

“Xuanyuan, it’s really unforgiving for you to open your mouth!”

Shennong slowly stopped his figure.

Looking at the old friend in front of him, who he hadn’t seen for many days, he couldn’t help but show a knowing smile on his face.

And Huang Jiu, who was following him, when he learned that this was the Human Emperor Xuanyuan in front of him, also respectfully bowed in the direction of the Yellow Emperor.

“Junior Huang Jiu, I have seen Ancestor Xuanyuan!”

Then, the sword was drawn. The ultimate sword rhyme.

In an instant, this piece of heaven and earth is enveloped. Just a sword! That is, the sky falls! Instant sinking! All souls are silent!

“Dare to love the ancestors to advise, this sword, the heavens will be silent!”

Although Huang Jiu’s voice was a little respectful.

But above the long sword in the hand.

That sharp edge did not converge in the slightest, and it was even more terrifying than when facing the descending dragon.

This is the homage of kendo. Respect the strong, and ask from the front of the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan with the sword.

A yellow dragon aura suddenly emerged from the ground.

This was accompanied by a sword chant with a hint of anger. Zheng!!!

At this moment, even if it has not yet appeared.

As a kendo grandmaster, Huang Jiu could also feel its ferocity. It was a rage in which supreme majesty was violated.

It is the anger of the superior against the inferior.

“Interesting, first Kong Ru, Emperor Qin, and then you Huang Jiu. Hahaha! This Fang Huanyu is a great prosperity for my human race! ”

“Come on! Let me see how your sword is silent! ”


At this moment, endless Dao rhyme emanated from Xuanyuan Clan’s body. It affected the yellow dragon qi that emerged from the ground.

With the sword groan, it gradually solidified in front of him. Turned into a divine soldier of the Imperial Dao that shocked the ancient and the modern!

“Xuanyuan Sword!”

Shennong’s eyes narrowed slightly. Although his face is as usual.

But in my heart, I had already begun to worry about the junior who was masked for the first time. After all, compared to his Shennong whip, which contains the power of benevolence.

The inside became the Xuanyuan sword that destroyed the avenue. Under the blessing of the Dao Yun of the Emperor Dao, it is even more ferocious!

Almost all the unenlightened fruits, or the Da Luo who will enter the Dao fruits. Under that ferocious aura, the Taoist heart is turbulent.

This gives birth to a sense of powerlessness.

He didn’t even have the thought of resisting, so he turned around and ran. Just like the Buddha who came to hunt down Confucius before. And now.

Huang Jiu asked Jian Xuanyuan with half a step of the realm of true self. The pressure on him must have far exceeded that of the Buddha of that day.

Now, Shennong only hopes that this guy Xuanyuan won’t go too far.

If he missed a hand and left a sword mark on the heart of this junior, it would become an insurmountable gap for him in his life.

It would be a great sin to directly or indirectly destroy this rare good seedling in the human race!

Compared with Shennong, a good old man, he is worried about his juniors on the sidelines. Huangdi Xuanyuan thought much more simply.

I saw him hand over the sword in his right hand.

The infinite Dao rhyme emanating from the surrounding body was also raised to the extreme at this moment.

“This sword asked, if you can take it, Da Luo Daoguo, the future can be expected!”

As he spoke, a killing aura hit.

In an instant, it tore apart the Dao rhyme that enveloped the heavens and the earth. Swordsman, the leader of fierce soldiers!

Unsheathed! Instant winner! Victory and death!

Of course, in the face of juniors, Xuanyuan naturally would not be so indifferent.

Especially if this son himself is extremely talented, even far beyond his Yellow Emperor’s subordinates, if they can seduce them step by step.

In the future, the Terran may be able to add another Dao Fruit powerhouse! How could he not know the depth and ruin the fortune of the human race in vain?

“Catch the sword!”

At this moment, the voice of the yellow dragon resounded in the sky!

A different kind of absurd aura also came into being.

It spread out in the Honghuang World and attracted the gaze of the heavenly Daluo.

“Oh? Xuanyuan Sword? ”

In the void space.

Su Xiao looked at the Emperor Dao Divine Soldier who was regarded as an artifact in countless novels with interest.

Between the opening and closing of your eyes, you have already understood the secret. And at the same time.

Da Luo Tian, located above the thirty-three heavens.

Fuxi and Flintstone, who had slowed down a little, also seemed to sense something.

His eyes fell on the Terran tribe in the northwest of the flood wilderness.

“The Yellow Dragon Qi……… Daoyou, it seems that the old guy from Zulong made a move. ”

Fuxi made a little calculation based on the innate trigram, and then peeked into the mind of the old guy in Zulong.

His brows couldn’t help but furrow slightly, and he was just about to say something.

He was stopped by Di Jun, who was in retreat above the Da Luo Heaven, with a wisp of truth. Immediately, he also relaxed and concentrated on his injuries.

“Let’s see what this old dragon wants to do.”

The voice just fell.

Flood wilderness northwest.

The sudden appearance of the absurd aura awakened many innate divine beings who were wandering in heaven and earth.

“Terrans again? Could it be Buddhism? ”

“I heard that Xuanyuan Huangdi folded the face of the Buddhist gate, and Xu came to the door.”

“Just with the current background of the human race, dare to provoke the Buddhist sect? Don’t forget, back then, they raised their eyebrows and ‘degreed’ a lot of Da Luo Zhen I went to his Buddhist gate, and just taking out a statue at random was enough for the Yellow Emperor to have a headache, right? ”

“Hmph, who knows? It’s useless to talk more, go, go and see if there is anything cheap that is related to everyone! ”


Perhaps the three ancestors who raised their eyebrows back then learned to lead and mention in other flooded worlds, and did a lot of dirty things.

I also have to say “This person has a relationship with my Buddhist sect” and “This treasure is related to my Buddhist sect”.

The only remaining innate sacredness of these fruits, whenever it involves taking advantage, I always like to hang on to my mouth.

As if this gave yourself a justification to do dirty things. Su Tian, who was in the void, couldn’t help but laugh.

Looking at these innate sacreds, it seems that they have really found some shadows of Buddhism from them.

But they don’t know.

What awaits them in the northwest of the flood is not cheap. Instead, it was a bloody scourge!

No one expected that Xuanyuan Sword, the imperial soldier of the human race, would exude such a terrifying aura!

The Yellow Dragon Qi wrapped around his sword blade, the Dao Rhyme of Destruction, and the Yellow Emperor’s own Emperor Dao Rhyme poured out.

Transformed into a supreme force.

The sword that Huang Jiuna had not yet killed was completely erased from the root.

Even, even at the moment silent in the years.

Sensing the fragments of the Heavenly Dao, perfecting the connection of their own Dao fruits, and quasi-mentioning the two.

They also sensed this palpitating breath and woke up from their epiphany.

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