Chapter 178: Buddha Gate Dao Fruit, Buddha Comes to Earth!!

In the depths of the Da Luo years.

In order to further suppress the breath of the three ancestors who raised their eyebrows.

Both the lead and the quasi-mention will wake up from the epiphany from time to time.

With the new teachings of Buddhism that were gradually accepted by the creatures of the flood wilderness, the influence of the three ancestors in the Buddhist sect was suppressed.

It prevents it from waking up smoothly in the years.

The avenue injured by Hongjun also added a few splinter marks in vain. Originally, according to such a trend.

It won’t take long.

The two of them can completely replace the raised eyebrows and others and become the source of the concept of Buddha.

I just didn’t expect it.

All this was almost disturbed by the sword of the human emperor.

Although the Yellow Emperor has not yet thoroughly preached the Daluo Daoguo, he has added imperial majesty with the luck of the human emperor.

Its strength is infinitely close to that of Da Luo Daoguo.

In addition to the quasi-mention and the connection to cause and effect, it is widely involved with the Terrans. The power of the imperial path pervades everything, shocking cause and effect.

It actually woke up the quasi-ti and let the three sacred shackles that constantly blocked the raised eyebrows.

A tiny crack began to appear.

This made the three ancestors of the raised eyebrows find a glimmer of life in the years. The three Da Luo Dao Fruits almost revived directly.

Plus, all these years.

The Terrans have repeatedly obstructed the development of Buddhism.

Folded the skin of the two of them in the flooded world. This section is for the old and the new.


And how can people not be angry? Not angry?

At the moment, as the future of the second sect leader of the Honghuang Buddhist Sect.

So he wanted to get out of the years and go to the flooded world to find the human emperor to discuss the Buddhist path. I just didn’t expect it.

Not even before He actually left. The guide who sits cross-legged beside Him. Then he used the supreme mantra of the Buddhist gate.

Imprisoned His true Spirit in the river of time.

“Big brother!!!”

Zhunti obviously did not expect the lead to do this. Stunned.

A wave of resentment also spread.

Faintly, even the Buddha’s light in Him was affected. Like a candle in the wind.

Constantly swaying under the line of sight of the lead.

“Junior Brother, you’re hooked!”

Although the strength of the three ancestors of raising eyebrows cannot catch up with the first generation of Da Luo led by Di Jun. But it was also under the previous quantitative robbery.

The few who have survived are the innate divine who can preach the fruit of the Tao. Its own luck is naturally three points stronger than ordinary divine. Not to mention the destiny of the Terran in hand.

I want to fight it.

It is none other than Hongjuna and other Da Luo powerhouses who are at the peak of Daoguo and enjoy supreme luck.

In addition, they are the little remnants of the gods and demons left in this world. His own understanding of the avenue is different from ordinary people.

Even if it is forced to retreat in the middle of the years at this moment.

The avenue contained in it can also directly or indirectly affect Zhunti’s state of mind, so that when he saw that the lead actually imprisoned his true spirit.

That kind of friendship born in countless yuan associations. There was actually a faint sign that it was about to dissipate.

“Big brother… What’s wrong with me? ”

At this moment of awakening.

Junti clearly felt the malice circulating in his body. At the moment, his face changed abruptly, and he hurriedly ran the Buddha Gate Avenue.

Golden light gushed out from the body.

Condense the Golden Lotus of the Dao Buddha Gate around him.

The supreme Dharma Sanskrit sound washes away his mind that is stained by evil qi. For a long time.

With a wisp of lilac smoke discharged.

Junti’s eyes, which were originally a little bloodshot with anger. Clarity has been restored again.

“Phew~ so dangerous.”

“If it weren’t for the eldest brother’s timely reminder, I would have almost lost the path of the three of them, sinful and sinful!”

Seeing that the junior brother recovered as before. Although the lead face is as usual.

But secretly he couldn’t help but pinch a cold sweat for him. Immediately, he chanted the supreme law of Buddhism.

A golden light did not enter the center of the eyebrows. It was to bring His true Spirit back to place. Seeing this, Zhunti couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

“Big brother! You became? ”

“Hahaha! Congratulations to the eldest brother for achieving the Dao fruit! ”

“In this flooded world in the future, there will be no three ancestors of the Buddhist sect, only the two brothers! Hear Him say so. ”

A smile could not help but appear on the face of the guide. Years of planning.

Today is a success. Thereafter.

The two brothers of them can also be called mighty in the flood wilderness! No need to look at the faces of those other Daoguo Daluo anymore.

In addition to Hongjun, Dijun, Fuxi, Hongyun, Nuwa, Luo Qi, etc. Forehead………

“Junior Brother, you still have to be cautious in your words and actions in the future!”

Thinking that there are so many strong people who are pressed on their heads in the flood wilderness and cannot be provoked. Jian Ying suddenly felt that the Dao fruit he had achieved now was just that.

There was even no other use than to give the two of them a little more and raise their eyebrows and other innate divine clamors.

Moreover, the reason why the two brothers can have their current strength is indispensable for the help of Hongjun.

Think of those eyes that seem to be extremely charitable, but are actually indifferent.

He only felt that even if he achieved the Great Luo Daoguo, he would not be able to glimpse Hongjun’s purpose.

He could only faintly feel that there was an invisible shackle covering the entire flood wasteland.

Even he was slightly worried. And see the lead like this.

Zhunti’s mind also converged slightly.

“Big brother, what should I do about the Terran side?”

“If you don’t do anything, you will let the Honghuang World underestimate my Buddhist sect.”

“At that time, who else will ‘willingly’ be equalized by me?”

“Isn’t the day when my Buddhism will be prosperous?”

Faced with the three questions raised by Zhunti.

The lead couldn’t help but fall into contemplation.

The main thing is that the current situation in the flooded world is complicated. It’s like a mess.

If they made a rash move, they would inadvertently disrupt the Dao Ancestor’s plan. To the wrath of the One.

In this case, even if he is promoted to Daoguo Da Luo at this moment. I’m afraid that it will be like raising the eyebrows of the three ancestors.

Lost in the river of years. But if you don’t make a move.

Just as Junti was worried.

It will indeed break the face of his Buddhist sect. Sometime.

It is to get rid of the three ancestors who raised their eyebrows.

The day when His Buddhism flourished was far away and in vain. Thinking of this, I moved my heart.

Ten thousand Buddhist golden lotuses gushed out from Zhou’s body. Under the tempering of Da Luo’s true will.

It was condensed over the years into a Buddhist golden body.

“You and I take the divine idea as a guide, and use the method of external incarnation to condense the golden body, adding strength to my Buddhist sect.”



Immediately, a golden body was also divided.

He wears a purple and gold robe and wears five Buddha crowns. Face Him from afar and smile at each other.

Then, together with the golden body of the divine thought, he jumped out of the long river of time. In the twinkling of an eye.

It appeared at the door of the Great Thunder Yin Temple. And at the same time.

The descending dragon Arhat, who was previously ordered to find the human race, also returned to the Great Thunder Yin Temple and collided with the two gods and golden bodies.

While being shocked, I only felt that there was an infinite Buddhist rhyme spreading.

Immediately clasped his hands together and performed a Buddhist salute in the direction of the golden body of the two gods.

“Who is my Dao, it turned out to be the Descending Dragon Arhat.”

“Introducing the Buddha, Junti Buddha, aren’t the two of you in retreat to enlighten the Dharma? But I don’t know why, I actually disturbed the arrival of the two Buddhas, and the dragon descended in fear. ”

And hear him say that.

Fuhu Luohan, who was originally standing beside him and still had some unknown reasons, changed his face abruptly.

Looking at the two extremely strange Buddhas in front of him, he hurriedly gave gifts.

“Fuhu to meet the two Buddhas!”

“That’s it.”

Zhunti glanced at the two golden-bodied arhats standing in front of him. The brows instantly condensed.

Da Luo sees everything, omniscient and omnipotent, and in the past and future thoughts, everything that the dragon has experienced flashes in Zhunti’s eyes.

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