Chapter 183: I want the Terrans to step on the heavens!!

“Not good, retreat!”

The innate divine who can get away with stealing life under one calamity after another. How can there be no means to avoid evil?

So, almost at the moment of seeing this black dragon. All the innate divine who rushed into the barrier.

They all felt a tyrannical aura at this moment.

The dark dragon body was reflected in their eyes like an eternal night. And what was even more terrifying was the black dragon that exuded the breath of annihilation of everything. It’s like a pet, rubbing under a pair of big hands.

The shadow of a mighty emperor who could not summon his true face reflected in the heavens.

Their faces showed a little horror, and they retreated back in embarrassment. There is no appearance of flooding power at all.

However. With the appearance of the black dragon.

It is destined to be the victims of its birth. Just like the great merchant monarchs of those days.

Almost all the innate divine present.

The aura on his body was all locked by the Emperor Dao rhyme emanating from the black dragon. Connection.

With a dragon groan. Heaven and earth hang upside down. All in all.

It seems to have lost its original color. All the rules.

It all seems to be chaotic. Even.

Even the barrier space they are in. All under the influence of this rhyme.

It becomes twisted.

“It’s Space Avenue! How could the Terrans have? ”

“Is it raising an eyebrow? No, no, this is not a space avenue! ”

“Ah! My origin is out of control! ”

“Let me go! Leave me alone! I don’t want to die! ”

Accompanied by the shouts of the innate divine.

The First Emperor, who stood on a high platform, waved his hand. In the dark.

It seems that countless luck is converging.

The rhyme of the Emperor Dao in his body is even more mysterious. The emperor is the ruler of eternity, the supreme beings.

If it is said that Dijun is the root of the concept of rule.

Then the first emperor is all emperors, and the origin of the concept of domination is repression, and domination is to control everything.

If I am the emperor, the heavens will follow my heart! This is the ruler, and the emperor!

At this moment, under the blessing of the luck of the human race, the strength of the First Emperor has reached the level of half-step fruit.

In the immeasurable world, the root of all imperial concepts and dominant concepts is manifested little by little.

A figure dressed in black Xuan clothes overlooks the endless years. Looked at.

Even those strong people standing in the crowd couldn’t help but feel surprised. One of them was just about to communicate with his partner.

I saw that the latter’s face was like light gold, as if he had encountered some great fear, and his mouth kept chanting words: “Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!” ”

This god and demon, who has been hiding his talent since its birth, was surprised to find it at this moment.

It seems to be out of its own control. It exploded in an unstoppable manner.

“Xu Shang, what’s wrong with you?”

Curiously, my friend was just about to step forward to check on him.

He felt a chaotic aura suddenly emerge from Xu Shang’s body.

After this.

This breath that was gradually getting out of control converged in mid-air. A gray dragon was formed that only they could see. Straight towards the barrier in the distance.

Thundered! The drums of war are back up!

It was as if urging the dragon in mid-air. Let its figure become more and more hideous.

A fishy wind rolled up in front of the barrier. Subsequently.

It was in those Innate Divine eyes full of horror. Entrance to the space barrier.

Together with the black dragon from before. Upside down!

“It’s a reverse avenue! Are the true spirits of gods and demons about to be born? ”

Almost at the moment when this unique aura permeated the barrier. All are either retreats or epiphany or healing Daoguo Dharma.

All of them set their eyes on the Honghuang Central that was blessed by the Chao Dao. A world carved out.

“It is indeed a reversal of the avenue, counting the time, it is almost this time. It’s just…”

In the Heavenly Court of Taikoo.

Di Jun who retreats and participates in the realm of the beginning of the world. Wake up and turn around.

In the eyes that look at the human world.

A hint of puzzlement flashed.

It’s like in the breath of this inverted avenue. There is also a different smell mixed in.

“Strange, it’s true that it’s a reversal of the avenue, but why…”

Dijun also tried to trace the roots.

Somehow. Behind this rhyme.

There was a mist blocking his prying eyes. Could it be that those gods and demons are really doing the trick?

“No, they shouldn’t have that power right now. Who is that? ”

“Can’t be spied on, can’t be summoned…”


“Cover up…”

It’s not just Dijun.

Even those other Daoguo Daluo.

Even Fuxi, who has already stepped into the realm of the beginning.

None of them have been able to find a trace of the truth behind it.


Among the barriers of space.

With the addition of the reverse avenue.

Those innate divine who tried to prevent him from entering the flood wilderness. Half of them were suppressed under the Dao Yun.

Like an old dog to be slaughtered.

Watch the origin of the avenue that you are gradually being lost. There was an indescribable bitterness in his eyes.

I knew that this was the case. And why provoke the Terrans?

Is it bad to hide in the shadows and be a dog? Right now.

These innate divines also figured it out. Those destiny that they have taken away.

In fact, it is the water that causes all the root causes. If there were no such destiny.

How could they be worried about Terran retaliation and running to prevent the Terrans from entering the flood wilderness?

“No, we are not wrong, what is wrong is to raise your eyebrows! It was He who took the lead in bringing us to where we are today! ”

“Good! The old thief who raised his eyebrows was bald because of Him, otherwise we would have been Daoguo Daluo long ago! ”

“Daoguo Daluo? What is that! If it weren’t for Him, we would have been the masters of the ages! ”

“Haha! The years are long, and the ancestors of the slaughter road are like slaughtering pigs and dogs! ”

A divine statue did not choose to speak at this moment, as if the spirit was covered in dust.

Next to those innate divine who were suppressed in the barrier with Him. As soon as I heard this.

He quickly moved to the side. And at this time.

A strange aura also wrapped around the statue. It was said that he would slaughter the innate divine of the Dao ancestor.

“It’s the breath of the years, Dao Ancestor is about to make a move!”

Almost at the same time.

All Daoguo Da Luo focused their attention on the True Immortal World. Especially Dijun.

Even ready to strike at any time.

If he Hongjun really dared to influence the progress of the human race, then Dijun wouldn’t mind having a fight with this Dao ancestor he hadn’t seen for a long time.

Instead, he seemed to feel the murderous aura that Di Jun had spread over thousands of miles. Hongjun sitting cross-legged in the Purple Sky Palace.

But there was a faint smile on his face, not happy or sad. But a trace of obscurity flashed under his eyes.

Then a purple thunder descended from the sky.


The power of the Immortal Dao is endlessly brilliant. With the explosion of the Purple Sky God Thunder. Influence the qi of the surrounding avenues.

Unexpectedly, the world that was originally turned upside down because of the reverse avenue. Back to the way it was.

Looked at.

At the same time, a group of divine beings suddenly exerted their magical powers, not daring to linger or hide in the starry sky at all.

Or hidden in the earth. Or hidden in the pool. Or hidden in grass and trees. Counted!

These true self-strong people are freed from the shackles of the human realm. Wisdom is instantly clear.

There are great magicians, blinding their wisdom avenue.

The divine that comes today is nothing more than a whetstone for the human race. The true powerhouses who have received the division of the mandate of heaven.

None have yet appeared.

What has come today is nothing more than a group of divine beings without false fruits. It is the great magicians who see them as pawns.

Di Jun, Fu Xi, Di Jiang…

They don’t dare to guess, they just want to quickly exit this terrifying vortex.

This First Emperor controls the luck of the human race, and with the help of the killing god Bai Qi on the side, the blessing of the luck of the human race, the realm of half-step fruit.

Enough to kill them.

If it weren’t for this Hongjun shot, I was afraid that I wouldn’t know how many divine falls would have fallen today.

“Dao Ancestor Gao Yi!!”

“Thank you Daozu!!”

“Today’s kindness will be repaid tomorrow!”

A crowd of divine voices spoke. When Hongjun heard this, the corners of his mouth evoked a hint of mockery.

In the invisible cause and effect, a thicker line of cause and effect poured into the True Immortal World from countless divine roots.

The Purple Sky Divine Thunder slowly dispersed, but I don’t know when a divine statue quietly fell, the true spirit died, and countless eras of ascetic cultivation were wasted.

Even if you are reincarnated, you are just a mediocre person.

It was the divine statue that had spoken to the Dao ancestors just now… Connecting cause and effect with all sentient beings, seeking everything, but…

How can Dao Ancestor be a person who arbitrarily makes false arguments.


In Da Luo Tianzhong, the majestic and domineering Di Jun looked at the True Immortal World, and his tone was meaningful.

Turn your back to Cangsheng.

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