Chapter 184: Divine and Demon Recovery, Human Emperor Heavenly Emperor!!

Inside the True Immortal Realm.

Countless years appeared in Hongjun’s eyes.

The past, the future, the beginning, the end and the end of everything are microscopicly revealed. However.

At the end of it all.

It was as if there was some unspeakable haze hanging over everything. The past is being buried, and the future is crumbling at the moments.

“Among the three thousand gods and demons, some gods and demons have entered the human race, and reversed the gods and demons into the human race, this matter is clear in our hearts.

But with the strength of his current freshly peeked self, can he operate this avenue to such an extent? ”

Hongjun muttered.

It was as if he was talking to a powerful god. Gollum~

An obscure and terrifying Dao rhyme slowly emerged behind Hongjun. It’s like the end of all worlds.

The shadow of the god of death and demon emerged from it.

“That’s right, there is existence, borrowing the Dao of inverting gods and demons.”


Hongjun’s face changed suddenly when he heard this.

Da Luo rules the heavens, and each Da Luo has the ability to master countless avenues.

But going back to the source, in the final analysis, Da Luo Xiu is the only way to eternally self-fundamental

The rest of the Dao is only powerful to a certain extent, and it can be used superficially.

It’s like Hongjun Palm Immortal Dao, and Enlightenment Heavenly Dao, but I have some understanding of the Moon, years, time and space, and other Dao.

But it’s just a few points. And the inverted avenue that emerged just now.

Its true intention subverts heaven and earth, reverses the sun and the moon, and goes further, even enough to reverse the cognition of the heavens.

That terrifying Dao is a depth that only the ruler born from the Great Dao is qualified to master.

And such a terrifying Tao. It was actually borrowed??

“Among the three thousand gods and demons, there are many powerful existences, and they may have some shackles in the chaos.

But in this world opened up by Pangu, these gods and demons will show their true power, such as…”

“Law gods and demons…”

Death whispered, as if the god and demon that had been in his camp appeared in front of him.


Hongjun couldn’t help but mutter.

For many beings, the road is difficult to see, and the law is natural, and the law is the foundation of their practice.

Peek at the law to get away with it.

The law is the simplification of the Tao, but for the strong above Taiyi. The law is just a toy that can be made with your own hands.


All things in the heavens are born in order.

For the mighty, the law of insignificance, but also the law of one of the three thousand avenues, is the simplification of all the ways.

In other words.

Fundamentally, the law gods and demons have the essence of everything in the three thousand avenues. In the chaos, gods and demons dominate all avenues, and laws and gods and demons cannot show their true power.

However, in the current flood and waste, the avenue is all over the heaven and earth years. In such an environment.

The law gods and demons can ‘borrow’ the authority of all avenues.

“His Word is not strong…”

Hongjun had the memory of immortal gods and demons, and he couldn’t help but speak.

The presence of that god and demon in the chaos is minimal.

“You are not a real god or demon, a thought of spiritual light, after all… The Death God Demon said with a slight mockery. ”

“Three thousand avenues, there is never a distinction between high and low, even if it is Pangu, the avenue of power, and the general division, but he is not completely suppressed above the rest of the avenues.

The three thousand avenues have the foundation of achieving countless worlds, and any avenue can open up an immeasurable world to the fullest sublimation.

It’s just that it depends on whether this path fits into this world.

And now, the world opened up by Pangu is suitable for all Dao, and in this heaven and earth rule, you will glimpse the mighty power of true gods and demons…”

Death is faint

Said. Whoo-la-la~

An unforeseen fog rose in the True Immortal World.

The figure of the heavens who laid the net with his own hand rose in the mist.

“I can’t glimpse Him, this guy, out of samsara!”

He said lightly.

Death chuckled: “Can’t even you glimpse it, but you can actually get rid of cause and effect?” The god of cause and effect was expressionless. ”

Out of the fog.

He has no entity of his own, like a fog that can never be seen.

His face, His voice, His emotions change in each Meru

“The law gods and demons can borrow the three thousand avenues to cover themselves in this world, and the path of reincarnation is also borrowed by him.

He escaped from our inability to see, but one thing is certain, He is still in the Terrans.

It’s His own choice! ”

The God of Cause and Effect said conclusively.

“It doesn’t matter…”

“All causes are fruitful, and soon all cause and effect will be seized in your hands, and then…”

“Then all things will be ruined!!”

“And I, will continue to annihilate the Ten Thousand Realms!”

The God of Death whispered, his gaze looking into the endless nothingness.

The white clothes that Pangu had glimpsed also fell into his eyes.

“Wait for me, then, belong to me!!”

For death, Su Tian’s figure represents the origin of everything, so for the avenue.

The annihilation of the white garment is His ultimate goal. Hongjun was silent, and there were all kinds of calculations under his eyes.

“Gods and demons? Do you really think I’m going to be the pawn that is being manipulated at will? ”

Hongjun let out a chilling smile in his heart.

The human world. The black dragon hangs in the sky. The way is endless.

And the heavens are watching this moment. The First Emperor stood above the firmament.

There is an endless light under the eyes.

It is the arrogance that can swallow all ambition, the arrogance to take everything into your hands. He is the Emperor of the Mighty People, the Godless King who is in charge of one-third of the luck of the Terrans. But at its root, he is the true intention of the emperor who suppresses together, the great road of the emperor. Whether it is the way of power or the way of kings, it is all the will of the world.


The immeasurable human beings have a bit of high in their eyes.


“The wind rises…”

Qin Huang whispered.

Then he stepped out and instantly swept through the barrier of the human realm. He felt the flood that was much wider than the human realm.

Experience this grand and endless world.

A smile appeared at the corner of the First Emperor’s mouth.




Countless Terran soldiers roared at this moment. The Great Qin Battle Banner rose noisily.

The black dragon roared, and the First Emperor stopped.

“I’m coming…”

Da Luo Tian.

Di Jun bowed his head, his golden eyes were a little interested.

“The First Emperor, the concept of the imperial avenue, the concept of dominating everything.”

“Interesting, but I don’t know, you want to be the emperor of this human race, or the emperor of the heavens~”

The emperor, the origin of the concept of all the great suns in the heavens, the emperor of heaven, the fundamental embodiment of ruling everything.

If the First Emperor is successful, in terms of authority, he will have a dispute with Emperor Jun.

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