Chapter 187: The Wind Rises the Great Qin, Extinguishes the Buddha Gate!!

“First Emperor!”

“My Buddha has compassion and compassion for the weak of the human race, and today he enters my Buddha gate, is protected by the Buddha, and will never be destroyed.”

“Be merciful!!”

The Buddha at the head clasped his hands together.

The tone is compassionate, but there is not the slightest compassion in the words.

When the First Emperor heard this, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.



The Avenue of Terran Luck Blessed Emperor emerged.

The black dragon hangs in the sky.

Angry and tyrannical.

A touch of scarlet appeared directly behind a Buddha.

It was the murderous god who rose in vain.

“A group of bald people also dare to be presumptuous in front of Shu!”

Win Zheng whispered.

Then he waved his hand.


The black dragon surged, and the black sky was at every turn, as if the wear and tear was coming, the yin and yang were annihilated, and the heaven and earth were sorrowful.

“What a peak!!”

A hint of horror flashed across the Buddha’s face.

But soon his face was filled with anger.

“Terrans are stubborn!”

“Today, in the name of the Buddha, we will enlighten all sentient beings!”

He roared, and endless Buddha light appeared around him, and the shadow of the quasi-lifting guide appeared behind him.

Then a touch of divine thought fell directly into his body.

Quick as a wink.

Endless Dharma shines on the heavens, as if countless Buddha kingdoms are entangled around him.

“Palm edge is born and destroyed, Buddha points to the flower!!”

He roared, then clasped his hands together.

In an instant, the concept of countless worlds was directly crushed.

Wanted to suppress the First Emperor.


Under the blessing of quasi-lifting and leading.

The strength of this Buddha has reached the limit of what can be reached in the realm of true self.

Under this magical power.

Countless beings are silent, and countless Buddhists are chanting.


The black dragon roared, while the emperor road surged.

The figure of the first emperor reflected on the years, and with a wave of his big hand, he suppressed everything.

Two very different but equally powerful forces are intertwined.

Space is constantly shattering and tearing.


The Buddha roared, and the shadow of Zhunti seemed to solidify instantly.

Directly into him, this moment.

The breath of the Buddha changed.

It becomes more majestic, more vast, as if the root of all Buddha’s thoughts.

“Amida Buddha~” He chanted a Buddha horn.

Then the endless world of Buddha appeared behind him, pushing all sentient beings immeasurably.

Bring the power of a strong Buddhist sect.

Under the blessing of this force, Buddhist beings gradually become stronger and stronger.

They began to enter the Great Qin army.

The battle between the Terrans and the Buddha Sect is frantic.

And the true shadow of a great Buddha with great compassion has emerged from the depths of time.

“One palm for all sentient beings~” The big Buddha’s palm spread out and turned into billions of giant palms.

Since the depths of time.

In a flash.

Countless Terrans turned into blood mist and annihilated.

Qin Huang’s face sank.

The black dragon hovered behind him.

The shadow of the Dao Fruit, which represented the fundamental concept of the emperor, slowly solidified.

“Sin deserves death!!”

The voice was not spoken by the First Emperor, but manifested in the terrifying shadow.

Imperial authority, I say heavenly.


A terrifying power broke out in an instant.

It’s like some kind of established rule is presented.

A Buddha began to collapse, and the golden body of the Buddha collapsed.

The words of the first emperor are like the destiny of heaven.

The golden blood of Buddhism is sprinkled all over the heavens.

One powerful Buddha Sect after another was constantly annihilated under that word.

“But that’s it!”

The First Emperor said coldly.

The Buddha’s face turned cold.

Just about to say something, I only felt an inexplicable sense of crisis erupt.



An extremely terrifying scarlet Dao rhyme erupted.

That tyrannical power carries crazy magic.

Where it passes.

Even the Buddha, who was pure in his heart, had a bit of tyranny under his eyes.

The Avenue of War has led to countless dead silences.

Killing gods rose in vain, leading the avenue of war, condensing the body of killing gods, his whole body was scarlet, and the bottom of his eyes was tyrannical.

The Buddha’s face was compassionate, and there was an indescribable chill in his eyes.

The shadow of the Quasi-Ti reflects the heavens.

Suppression of the Ten Thousand Worlds.

The black dragon hangs in the sky, and the emperor wins.

War manifests, killing gods and tyranny.

Powerful and incomparable forces are frantically intertwined.

Constant annihilation.


In the eyes of all sentient beings, the three strong figures just stood quietly in place.


In the depths of the years.

In the realm of the weak. Countless worlds are collapsing and annihilating.

Under the collision of forces, it no longer exists.

At this moment, this Buddha has become the embodiment of Zhunti.

Behind him, countless worlds resonate.

And among the heavens, one after another Buddha of the world kept emerging.

I want to suppress everything in one fell swoop.

The First Emperor is neither sad nor happy.

The black hair of Xuan Yi moved against the wind.

The endless way of kings surges.


A power of all-overarching emerges.

Even the Infinite Buddha Dao let out a bit of sorrow.

Where the emperor is, everything is fundamental.

The Imperial Avenue dominates life and death.

Erupt in terror.

The two forces collide together.

Immediately aroused all the sorrows of the heavens.

The collision of two forces was reflected in the flood.



Suddenly the sky cried blood.

The Terran warriors saw that the First Emperor was so majestic.

Morale was immediately boosted.


“The wind rises!!!”

“Buddhism and others, compassion is false, taking luck is true, killing!! Kill me!! ”

“Whoever commits a crime against my Great Qin will be destroyed!”

“Today, Great Qin Fa Buddha!!”

The way of the emperor blesses everything, and all beings of the human race are blessed by this way of kings.

More and more courageous.

Actually vaguely.

Suppressed the infinite Buddha.

Many Terran Tianjiao killed one Buddha after another.

There are also several reincarnations of gods and demons, using the avenue to cover the Buddhist gate.

The haze of ash and annihilation began to cover the luck of the Buddhist gate.


In the Great Thunder Yin Temple.

Zhunti, the two merit golden bodies opened their eyes at the same time.

“The Terrans are so powerful…”

“When the gods and demons first awaken, the Buddha gate is the best means, if we can’t really come out, Dijun and the teacher will not have an opinion.”

Quote whisper.

Di Jun lays out the overall situation of the reincarnation of gods and demons.

It is to master the power of gods and demons.

Therefore, the strong man of Da Luo Daoguo did not easily appear in order not to interfere in this scheme.

And in the teachings of Buddhism itself.

The special concept of degree.

Let the Buddhist sect have the most suitable ability to master gods and demons.

Therefore, over the years, Di Jun allowed the Buddhist sect to grow.

If it is allowed to bring the real body to come. I am afraid that it will cause the dissatisfaction of Di Jun, Di Jiang and other Da Luo, but these two doppelgangers are harmless.

Quasi-mention, then lead to look at each other.

The whole body is surging with golden light.

Step by step from the Great Lei Yin Temple.

I want to go to the Eastern Great Qin.

Suppression of the Terrans.

However, Dijun who saw all this in full view.

At this moment, a little smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

That smile carries the calmness of mastering everything.

“If you want to seek the luck of the human race, how can it be so easy~”

“What Hongjun is planning, I don’t care, but”

“Brother, you should wake up too~” Dijun whispered.

In the dark.

Cause and effect are permanent.

At the moment when the two ancestors of the Buddhist Gate separated from the Great Thunder Yin Temple.

In the Terran temple.

Several ancient and lonely figures slowly stood up from their endless slumber.

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