Chapter 188: Terran Da Luo? Buddha is not allowed to appear!!



A dilapidated aura raged in the Terran temple.


The once flourishing Terran Tianjiao.

Now it is so old.

They were the first creatures made by Nuwa.

It was the original Terrans.

It is the strong man who once led the Terran race to immortality.


They voluntarily fell into the temple for the sake of the Terrans.

Abandoned the Da Luo true self, abandoned the eternal leisure.

Only for Terran immortality.

And on the way to explore the big Luo Daoguo.

They failed.

They lost their qualifications to carry the Dao Fruit, but they captured the immortal seed for the Terrans.

Therefore, the world is formed!

“Zhunti, the world has appeared~” An ancient and ancient voice sounded in the depths of the years.

“The luck of the Terrans, the temptation is too great.”

For countless eras, the Buddhist sect has been forbearing, waiting for this opportunity, and only by plundering enough luck and being able to lead can they be qualified to clamor with the rest of them.

Su Mingshi woke up from his deep sleep and said slowly.

Another of the first Terrans beside him whispered, “The Terrans have lost their destiny and are free from the shackles of infinity.” ”

This is a plan by the Flintstones based on their own immortal avenues, and I will not allow any existence to destroy everything in the human race!

“Hahahaha!!! What about the Buddha, if you stand in the way of the human race, I will want him to fall!! ”

The resolute and invincible voice sounded indifferently.


The originally decaying temple seemed to be stained with a layer of golden light.

A figure stood up from the deepest part of the temple.

His side is covered with the lines of the avenue.

The strong aura erupted unscrupulously on his body, and every inch of his flesh and blood carried infinite power.

There is boundless confidence in his eyebrows.

All in the heavens.

I am invincible!!

Shi Hao clan, the ancient human clan, the position of the emperor of the people, seeking the way of invincibility, the bear child who used to be.

At this moment, an indescribable terrifying strength has erupted.

With the moment he woke up.

Many strong people in the flood wilderness felt an unspeakable avenue that permeated the entire years.

An almost arrogant avenue is at the root of the slumber of all avenues.

With the most tyrannical posture, a way was torn out.

This avenue is to be on par with the Three Thousand Avenues.


It is to be above all avenues.

Whether it is death, life, or time and space, it must be suppressed!!

This is the Avenue of Invincibility.

Abandon everything in the heavens and suppress it for eternity!!


Behind Shi Hao’s clan, an extremely sublimated Dao Fruit Illusory Shadow was constantly condensing until this Dao Fruit completely appeared.

The Terran will give birth to an invincible Da Luo strongman.

“Shi Haoshi!!”

A venerable first generation Terran looked at the Shi Hao Clan excitedly.

All this time, the Terrans have been like a wildflower on the edge of a cliff.

Growing in the midst of countless crises and germinating in despair, the gods of the heavens are too powerful.

Terrans are able to fight against those who are really strong.

But in the face of Di Jun, Hongjun, and other people who really dominate all the strong, the Terrans don’t even have any qualifications to resist.


Even if they had long understood that the Terrans had become the chessboard for the Da Luo to fall.

But only silence.

Seize every opportunity to get stronger.

In order to break free from the nets laid by the big Luo.

So there was the first emperor to go on a campaign, and the sword asked the heavens!

And now.

Under the luck of the increasingly strong human race, under the luck of the First Emperor to go out to the flood and famine and suppress the ten thousand races.

Invincible True Intent swells up from Terran roots.


Avenue into!!

As Shi Hao’s Dao Fruit breath emerged.

The invisible shackles that were originally shackled on a Zun Tianjiao shattered in an instant.

Youchao’s face, who was still sleeping, also showed a little relaxation.

Carrying the human realm requires dozens of true self-strong people to do.

In the eyes of Shi Haoshi, who condensed half of the fruits, it was so relaxed.

“Guys, fortunately!”

Shi Hao’s is surrounded by invincible avenues.

With infinite golden light under the eyes.

And after being freed from the shackles, there is no drag of the human world.

The originally rotten Terran Tianjiao began to constantly return to their origins.

“The Buddha Sect is at war with Daqin, bullying our juniors, and there is really no one in the human race!”

“A true self-strong man after being freed from the shackles.”

Endless flames burst out under the eyes.

Passed down from generation to generation, he inherited the avenue of the Flintstones.

At this moment, he wanted to kill from the temple and storm the Buddhist gate.

However, Su Mingshi, who had been silent, got up at this moment.

“They have their ways, and now it’s time for us to do our thing!”

He looked up at the sky and looked at the sky, and in his eyes, everything was empty, and the road of rebellion slowly emerged.

“Some divine people will not accept the birth of such a strong person from the human race.”

“Such as…”

“Buddha Gate!!”

Almost at the same time.

Zhunti, the doppelgänger who was led walked out of the Great Thunder Yin Temple.

I wanted to go straight to Daqin, suppress the human race, and temper the human race.

But he was suddenly stunned at the moment when Shi Hao’s invincible avenue appeared.

“Half the fruit!”

“And it’s constantly improving!”

Zhunti, then led to look at each other, they all saw the killing intent in each other’s eyes.


The Terran race must not give birth to a Dao Fruit powerhouse at such a critical moment.

Otherwise, it will become more difficult for the Buddhist sect to plunder the luck of the human race.

Suppress the three ancestors of raising eyebrows, use Buddha to turn into a flood and waste, endure for a hundred years, and watch the Great Qin Eastern Crusade to forge the country, just to wait for this time.

Directly plunder one-third of the Terrans’ luck.

To this end, they did not hesitate to use the great cause and effect, asking for help from the innate divine of several half-step path fruits, dragging the two parts of Yan and Huang.

This is also why the Buddhist gate entered Qin, and the Yan Emperor, the Yellow Emperor, did not rush to support.

And now.

And right now, the strong man of the human race is rapidly perfecting the Dao fruit.

The Dao Fruit is strong, or the terrifying existence of the Invincible Avenue, which is so powerful that it almost restrains half of the Dao.

What kind of changes will be brought about.

They will never allow such instability to exist.

The eyes of the two powerful figures changed.

The rhyme of the whole body is flowing.


Space began to twist wildly.

The strength of the two doppelgangers who had come from the end of the years began to skyrocket at this moment.

Then the situation is defined by the degree to which the Dao fruit is crossed only one line away.

This is the bottom line set by the power of the Heavenly Daluo.


Above the human realm.


A gentle breeze blows.

There were waves in the sky.

The endless light of the Buddha is like a blue wave.

Bursts of Sanskrit sounds.

The heavens take refuge and speak mercy.

Zhunti, the figure of the lead reflected on the Terrans.


“Among the human race, there is an evil way that will be achieved!”

“Fear of a flood of famines.”

“The evil path cannot be achieved~” Zhunti compassionately sounded.

But he did not hide the killing intent in it.


He raised a palm.

King Kong is angry, Buddha is angry!

Buddha Kingdom in the palm of your hand, immeasurable heavens!!

A terrifying giant hand that traverses the ages and covers the heavens falls from the end of time and space.


Where the big hand passes.

Space, all the basic Dao of time is annihilated in it.

Quick as a wink.

That Terran temple and the human realm.

He was completely enveloped by this terrifying haze.

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