Chapter 189: The Terran Race Has No Great Emperor, True Self Against the Sky!!

The palm of the Buddha, which seemed to annihilate everything, slowly fell.


The terrifying Dao Yun was unscrupulously annihilated, assimilating everything around it.

This is the power of Buddha.

It is the power to enlighten all sentient beings.

Where the palm of the Buddha passes.

Everything is Buddha’s land.

All beings are Buddhas, and all beings are me.

This moment.

Immeasurable beings are at this moment ~ Fanyi.

Within the human realm.

One by one, the small Terrans raised their heads and looked up at the gods and Buddhas.

The unyielding under their eyes disappeared little by little.

That was once given an indomitable Terran by Nuwa.

In front of this immortal true Buddha, he seems so fragile.

This palm is not the palm of destruction.

It’s the palm of absolute sex.

It does not fall on earth, nor does it fall in the wilderness.

Instead, it is the quasi-retreat, and the lead is led by the Da Luo Daoguo.

Strike at all thoughts.

Temper all sentient beings. This palm is the root of Buddhism, and it is necessary to use the power of this palm to transform the entire human world.

Thus cutting off Shi Hao’s path.

Invincible Avenue? May everyone in the Terran race be invincible?


Then I will include all your human race in the Buddhist Sect.

See how invincible you are!

Quasi-mention, the evil thoughts of the lead are obvious.

They want to directly destroy Shi Hao’s Dao Heart!

Infinite Buddha country, hundreds of millions of Buddhas, only in one palm.

This palm slowly fell.


Countless human beings, hands together, although there is a little struggle under their eyes, but under the terrifying power of the Buddha Gate.

Soon he was overwhelmed by gratuitous compassion.

A human race is like a doll.

Speak to compassion.

This is the horror of Buddha.

Degree of everything.


At this moment, a roar exploded, and suddenly several figures rushed from the Terran temple.


Several distinct but equally powerful avenues emerged.

Exudes a tyrannical atmosphere.

Contrary to the avenue.

True Devil Avenue.

Fire Avenue.

Burning Sky Avenue.

Immortal Avenue.

One after another, the former Terran Tianjiao emerged.

The true self powerhouses who should have entered the long river of Da Luo to repair their origin after being freed from the shackles were all killed.

The powerful Dao rhyme is intertwined in the sky above the human world.


Space wails.

Then the Dao rhymes of the Terran Tianjiao intermingled.

The next moment.

A Terran phantom made of a mixture of Dao Yun and Dao appeared from the sky.

His body is not tall.

There is only one ordinary human height but facing the terrifying Buddha palm.

That shadow actually did not dodge.

Rushed straight up

“Take refuge in Buddhism, the Terrans have an infinite coming!”

Quasi-mention voice compassion.

And the first generation of Terrans sneered.

“Huh! Buddha Gate, it’s really ridiculous, if you say that you covet the luck of my human race, I still admire you for being a little honest! ”

“Hypocritical teaching! False Tao! ”

Su Mingshi said indifferently.

Between words.

The shadow woven by their rhymes had stopped in front of the Buddha’s palm.

The Buddha palm that was so huge that it almost covered countless worlds crushed the shadow in an instant.


At the moment when the palm of the Buddha collided with the figure.

The space above the entire human realm shattered.

The pitch-black spatial cracks spread over the sky like cracks on the mirror surface.

Like a spider web, it is intertwined.

“The light of the candle fire, dare to compete with the sun and the moon~” has been silent to lead to an indifferent whisper.

Although they came as doppelgangers.

But it has the strength to be infinitely close to the Dao Fruit Realm.

These real human races are powerful.

But in their eyes, it was just a few stronger ants.

As for the other Terrans.

Luck aside, in their eyes, not even a mote.

Yet the next second.

The indifferent eyes jumped suddenly, as if he had seen some incredible scene.





The shadow in the palm of the Buddha, which was originally covered, began to grow gradually.

In an instant.

He turned into a huge giant.

Resist the Buddha’s palm abruptly.

The incomparably complex Dao rhyme raged on the giant’s body like a stream of water.

Then, it quickly covered the palm of the Buddha.

Countless miscellaneous thoughts have been tainted with the concept of Buddha over the years.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, hatred and parting, incomprehension, insatiability, indulgence.

One after another, the emotions of the Buddhist gate were surging wildly for the calamity.

This power is as if it was born to fight against the Buddha.


Quick as a wink.

The Terran beings who had originally converted instantly woke up.

Su Mingshi looked at Zhunti and showed a little smile on his face.

“The heart of the Buddha Gate, I knew from the beginning of the human world, how could there be no means to deal with it!”

“Buddhism talks about fate, about the equality of all beings, and about the unity of all heavens, but if all beings are equal, why are you so high, why should my human race be manipulated?”

Su Mingshi’s tone was calm, but it carried some kind of reassuring power.

Dangerous people know, the existence of this innate human race.

Whether it was Di Jun or Hongjun, when they observed the Terrans, their eyes were always on the Shi Hao Clan, a Terran like a big sun.

Until the human realm was formed, the Terran entered the temple to suppress the human realm.

The attention of the saints shifted from the first human race to the First Emperor and others.

What none of them knows, however, is.

Whether it is suppressing the human realm, or retreating from Da Luo’s sight, or reopening the human realm, or even Shi Hao chose to promote Dao Guo at this time.

It’s all done by this inconspicuous Terran.

The road he built was against his fate.

Against the avenue, against the destiny of heaven and follow my heart!

“You say so much, it’s just that you want to delay time.”

“I really think that in my presence, he can preach the fruit?”

“That’s it, it’s completely cut off your thoughts.”

He looked at Su Mingshi indifferently.

It’s like looking at an ant again.

His voice was extremely compassionate, but the killing intent in his eyes was like muddy water.

“Hehe~ indeed, it’s just to delay time!”

Su Mingshi chuckled and his face did not move, but the Buddha’s finger was slightly bent.

Quick as a wink.

It was as if heaven and earth were turned upside down.

A force even more terrifying than Zhunti erupted.


At the snap of your fingers, annihilation is infinite.

That power that resists before the palm of the Buddha.

Annihilation in an instant.

The Buddha’s light shines brightly on the heavens.

“Enter the Buddhist gate, you can live~” The voice that led to it lost its former compassion.

He tore the mask of mercy.

With the unattainable indifference tone of the Innate Divine, it was as if some kind of judgment had been made.

Then the palm of the Buddha fell with a thud of destruction.


A Terran powerhouse snorted coldly and suddenly killed out.

The power of the true self is extremely sublimated.

“Hahaha!!! Su Mingshi, I’m old, I can’t achieve enlightenment fruit, it’s useless to live! ”

“It’s good to die for the Terrans, it’s good!! Very good!! ”

“It’s a pity, my life can’t settle everything, Shi Hao boy, with Lao Tzu’s vision, see for me where those divine are nobler than the human race!”

He laughed and burned his own Dao, and without hesitation, his body was annihilated on the palm of the Buddha, and the true spirit sank, only the infinite avenue was dead and blocked on the terrifying Buddha’s palm.

Then, one by one, the first generation of Terrans laughed one after another.

They used to be peerless and made countless contributions to the Terrans, and today.

They want to burn everything for the Terrans at the end!!

The human race has no Dao fruit, and all beings of the human race destroy the true Buddha! Lose!

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