Chapter 190: Invincible Avenue! Shi Hao extinguishes the saint!!

The heavens were dark, and figures soared into the sky, and then faintly fell, turning into flying ash.

In the face of a power close to the level of the Great Luo Daoguo, there was no other use than exhausting all the strength.

Countless Dao figures shattered and worn out in the void, and their will also completely returned to the void around them with the surrounding void, and their true spirit companions fell into the years, which could not be seen or left in the distance, Shi Hao’s surrounding avenue imprint continued to flicker, and the Dao fruit was constantly improving, but at this moment he was already blinded, blood and tears flowed down, but he still stubbornly stopped the desire to strike.

He must get the fruit as soon as possible, the ancestors of the human race, and all the people who are not only for him, but they have dragged their lives for him!


A roar, as if to vent the resentment in his heart, immediately the power of the surrounding avenue became strong again, and a surging power slowly condensed in the faint way!

Daoguo… Will become…

The powerful Dao Yun slowly operated, and for a moment, Shi Haoshi only felt that he instantly seemed to have entered another world, or another time, he saw the beginning of the ancient chaos, got the figure of the great bank, held the Heavenly God Axe, and fought three thousand gods and demons.

Time passed, and I saw the vicissitudes of endless years, the calamity of gods, and the competition between dragons and phoenixes…

Scenes circulating in his eyes came to the moment when the Terran was born.

“Wangren, dangxing.”

Endless years, I don’t know when a voice came, it seemed to be chaos and seemed to be the end of time on the other side, Shi Haoshi’s body was like a lightning strike.

“Wangren, dangxing.”

He whispered softly, and the light in his eyes gradually flowed, and the random light was prosperous!


In heaven and earth, the entire human world began to lighten, as if it heralded the imminent birth of a Da Luo.

The Zhunti and Zhun Ti in the distance were even more cold when they saw this, obviously they had already felt the Dao Fruit Will above Shi Hao’s body, and the terrifying invincible avenue was constantly brewing, as if they had the terrifying power of being invincible to everything!

“Kill this fang with all your might!”

In an instant, the golden light of the huge palm above the heavenly dome skyrocketed, carrying supreme power to suppress it!


Can’t stop it, can’t stop it at all!!

Countless Terrans’ eyes were bleeding, looking at the terrifying force that was almost frantically suppressed, and a desperate mood began to spread.

“My Buddha has compassion and is duty-bound to eliminate demons and defend the way.”

The vast Sanskrit sound fell, and every word was like a nine-heavenly divine pattern, completely shattering the will of countless human races.

The first generation of human races was already dead, and blood was spilled all over the earth.

At this time, a figure slowly walked in front of the aisle, looking at this almost world-destroying palm print.

“The world is not bad, the flood is old and old!”

Saying that, Su Mingshi’s eyes were like torches, and he stepped out one step, and at the same time, his body burned directly, not only so his soul, will, and even his Dao was completely ignited at the same time.

“Now with my blood, soul, and will as the guide, burn everything and greet my Terran Daluo!”

When the words fell, the whole person instantly soared into the sky, and he used his switch to take the last ray of life, and it was as bright as the blazing sun for a moment.

“Damn! The Terrans are really so stubborn! ”

Seeing that his palm print was blocked again, and then the two of them suddenly turned gloomy, although this Su Ming clan is not as big as the Dao Daoguo, its potential is supreme, once it ignites everything in itself, the power that erupts is far more terrifying than those Terran ancestors!

Because of this, coupled with the constant self-explosion of the Terran personnel around them, they directly stopped this palm print under suppression!

The Terran Temple, a long sigh contains endless vicissitudes and bitterness.

There is a chaotic gaze, he has planned to make a move again and again, but he let it go again and again.

He can’t make a move, he has the Tao is the real human world, once he makes a move, without his own blessing, the entire human world will turn into the end, the real human race apocalypse, but seeing this scene, even he can’t help but feel a little unbearable, and finally can only sigh.

“May the Terrans, be prosperous…”

Dao blood swept down and completely disappeared into invisibility, and Shi Haoshi finally slowly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth faded, and everything seemed to stop.

Endless years seem to be stretched, and at the end of time, there is an extremely familiar gaze of Shi Haoshi.

And the leading and junior mention is a big change in complexion.

There is an unknown power, with an invincible posture, stretching the time of this universe!

Who is it!

The faces of the two changed greatly, and one possibility after another flashed through their minds, but they were finally rejected.


The real unknown.

And Su Tian, who was immersed in this at the moment, couldn’t help but take a sip of tea, looking at the endless years, maybe only he saw a figure on the other end…


The sky shook, Shi Hao’s figure slowly got up, one-handed to the sky, and the huge palm print in the next scene was held up by him with one hand!

Boom boom!!!

The power of boundless destruction scattered throughout the world, and the terrifying power shocked Qiankun.

Shi Haoshi swept through the long river of time, and then slowly looked at the two Buddhas emitting golden light above the heavenly firmament.

“!!! Buddha”

The roar pierced through the void, mixed with endless resentment, while the two Western Buddhas had extremely cold faces, and the scene that the ponds did not want to see appeared.

The true self is eternal, but only the Dao fruit can be called Da Luo, ruling the heavens, and everything in Luo Town!

In the end, the real Da Luo appeared in the Terrans.

And at this moment, countless Terrans knelt down and bowed down towards that figure, and the roar was shocking.

“I’ll wait, welcome Da Luo!!!”

“I’ll wait, welcome Da Luo!!”

The roar was hoarse, a pair of eyes full of blood and tears, looking at the two Western Buddhas above the sky contained endless hatred.

Shi Haoshi stepped into the air, looked at the two figures in the distance, and bent his fingers.

“Cut off the two ancestors today to sacrifice the spirit of my human race!”

In other words, the invincible avenue around the body crossed out, and in an instant, it pulled the two Buddhas into the rhyme of the surrounding body!

In the next moment, the three figures directly disappeared between heaven and earth!

Shi Hao knew that fighting here, with the aftermath of their current strength, they could definitely completely destroy the power Tianyu, so they pulled the other party into the other side Tianyu years.

In the endless river of history, the three stood against each other, Shi Hao’s eyes were cold and full of killing intent.

The invincible avenue around the body constantly resonates with heaven and earth, exuding a stream of supreme power, and the supreme power above the head is intertwined into the rules of the sky, randomly turning into a heavenly god!


With a roar, penetrating the endless years, the endless avenue instantly unfolded, rushing towards the two in an invincible posture, and I don’t know how many worlds turned into ashes with each step.

“Even so, be angry at Vajra!”

The two looked at each other, their eyes emitting endless Buddha aura, and at the same time, the golden paint on their bodies withered.

The other half of the originally kind and easy-going face became gloomy and terrifying, like the extreme evil in the world!

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