Chapter 191: The Emperor of the Divine Generation, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!!

An incomparably powerful being in the Terran temple slowly woke up from a deep sleep.

Feng Shen Junlang has a detached aura, but his eyebrows are a little dazed…


In the tens of thousands of years that many early Terrans were silent, he was alone in suppressing all turmoil.

Eventually fell into a deep sleep.

Over the years, One has never stopped looking for his own way.

I never stopped thinking about my identity.

But at the moment.

Looking at the empty shrine except for the Yuchao clan.

Looking at the ruined human world, looking at the Buddha Venerable is gone, but the Buddha is still overwhelmed by the human race.

An unwarranted emotion in his eyes began to breed.


One, the first generation of the human race, the avenue is unknown, the law is inviolable, in the destruction of countless monsters that invaded the human world, worshipped by countless human races.

He is the emperor, the east is the pole, and he is the emperor of the east.

Engraved in the heart of the Terrans, although there are no statues or portraits, they are planted in the blood of the Terrans.

“I, who the hell.”

Suddenly, One stood up.

One after another, invisible obsessions from the human world began to spread in his body and continued on his unpredictable path.

It seems that there is a great power from heaven and earth contained in it, and Chi can feel the horror of this power, and this great shore is mixed with unparalleled domineering.

It seems to contain everything and discard everything.

Mysterious, even if his strength at the moment is unable to penetrate it, it seems that there is a mysterious power like a mist hovering deep around the sleeve, which is untouchable.

Gradually, a stream of anger rose from between his eyebrows again!

The power of turning into an endless blazing sun is extremely violent, as if it wants to burn everything in the world and exude endless destruction.

Daiichi Jinyan!! The sun is really hot, and it is impossible to control it unless it is golden crow!

“I am the Demon Emperor Taiyi?”

A little dazed appeared in One’s eyes.

Under that fanatical force, all the shackles set by Di Jun were annihilated at this moment.

All kinds of pasts, all sentient beings, are in his heart.

The True Immortal World withdrew from the sight of heaven and earth, entered the human race, and sought its own only avenue.

The black eyes began to fade, replaced by a coldness that was indifferent to everything.

With his past revived.

Human nature is gradually annihilated under the divinity.

On the side, Yuchao’s eyes looked at his mat friend since childhood.

There was a bit of indescribable bitterness under his eyes.


However, the teenager who used to be indifferent but has always had infinite gentleness only has endless coldness under his eyes at this moment.

It was an unattainable great shore like a big day.

“There is no such person in this world anymore.”

Taiyi’s tone was indifferent but carried a certain indescribable compassion.

It’s like remembering countless years of the past.

“Nope! One, still there! ”

Yu Chao said in a very firm voice.


The avenue is turbulent, and the beings are endless.

A resolute voice of the individual race began to gradually ring in Taiyi’s ears.

With infinite will, this voice exploded from the power of the fear cloth that made Taiyi break through the shackles.

“I want to become stronger, I don’t want to see my family scattered in the wilderness anymore, and I don’t want my Terran to be bullied.”

“Born? The protagonist of heaven and earth? Scold! Why should the born souls be slaughtered by others? I don’t believe in the heavens! ”

“My human race is inferior to the innate beings, and there is no great shore and endless changes, but I am willing to use my blood and bones as the cornerstone to pave a true indomitable road for future generations!”

Every voice echoes with unyielding faith and an incredible tenacity.


In his golden eyes.

The darkness that symbolizes humanity is constantly emerging.

“I’m One!!”


“Wu Nai Taiyi, Heavenly Court Demon Emperor!”

“Great Sun True Spirit!!”

At this moment, Taiyi’s face seemed to have become two people from the left and right.

The first generation of Terrans.

Demon Emperor Taiyi.

Humanity and divinity were constantly struggling in his face.

Then the indomitable will of the Dao Terrans, the belief in thirst for strength began to erupt.

It is an extremely domineering force, but it is so calm that it contains all the great forces in the world, but it is hidden deep in it and does not move.


The void lightened, feeling the change of Taiyi, a huge flood bell slowly appeared in the palm of his hand, and a gray light emanated from his body.

This was once the oldest soldier of heaven and earth in the world, and at this moment, a mysterious artistic conception emanated from the quaint surrounding body, and then it poured directly into the endless years!

It seems that I feel the call and seem to feel something.

The long river of years keeps surging, but the lonely figure is still dull, like an ancient stubborn stone, unmoved by anything.

Silence everything, contain everything, give birth to everything.

The ruined human realm appeared in his eyes.


One by one, the Terrans, who longed to become stronger, seemed to turn into a ball of flames.

That’s the thirst for power.

It’s about strong faith.

It is the root of the concept of distinguishing between strength and weakness.


Yu Taiyi’s eyes are clear in everything.

Divinity and humanity are intertwined at this moment.


Turned into golden and black eyes.


Over countless years.

A terrifying Dao Fruit is constantly emerging.

“I am a Terran, and my name is One.”

“I am the Demon Emperor, and his name is Taiyi.”

Two voices with the same sound, but a world of difference, are weirdly superimposed.

Eventually two voices.

Slowly merge into one place.

An indifferent but somewhat human voice.

It sounded in the depths of the temple.

“Wu Nai, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!!!”



The moment these words sounded in Taiyi’s mouth.

Countless human races in the human world feel lost because of the strength of the Buddhist Sect.

I only felt that in my heart, the thought of wanting to become stronger seemed to have some kind of sustenance.

It was an indescribable feeling.

It’s like in the shadows, all the weak and small seem to have some kind of sustenance.

This incomparably powerful Dao rhyme exploded over the years.

A Da Luo Daoguo strong man who originally watched the play showed surprise on his face.

Inside the True Immortal Realm.

Hongjun’s indifferent eyes flashed a trace of shock.

“Such a terrifying Dao fruit!”

Dijun, so calculating!! Hongjun’s brows furrowed slightly, and the immortal aura around his body collapsed.

He wanted to annihilate this Taiyi who should have fallen in the first place, and that terrifying Dao Fruit should not appear in the world.

But in the end.

Di Jun’s golden and indifferent eyes seemed to appear in front of Hongjun.

Like the great sun tyrannizing everything.

In the end, the power of the Dinobu Immortal Dao dissipated.

“The concept of everything from weak to strong holds up the starting point of the idea of all beings becoming stronger [strong], and defines the god generation as the source of [strong]!”

“Dijun, have you calculated this, the current Taiyi is not just your younger brother.”

“He is even more, the emperor of the Terran God, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!!”

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