Chapter 192: Ten Days of Heaven, Welcome the Eastern Emperor!!

“I am the emperor of God, and the origin of all the mighty in the world is also the root of all supreme power.”

“Listen to my mantra and realize the strongest heart.”

His gaze was indifferent to the endless void, as if he was whispering.

At this moment, it is no longer the one of the human race, nor is it the demon emperor Taiyi of the demon race.

This is human being, both so.

The sleeve looked at the endless void, spanning time and space and the thirty-six heavens at the top of the heavenly firmament.

There, an incomparably great figure turned his back to all beings in the world, and Chi also felt this gaze, but did not turn around.

Only a great figure remained in the endless void, and sensing this scene, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi slowly turned back.

At this moment, both Chi and the figure of the great shore were silent, and the two brothers had already walked their own way.

All words have long lost their meaning to them.

This is a supreme tacit understanding, and since the birth of the two in heaven and earth, it is also the only time that the two have such a tacit understanding.

“Wu Nai, Donghuang Taiyi!”

Another sound, without the previous majesty and strength, but this sound was transmitted to the heavens and all realms, and all living beings couldn’t help but raise their heads and tremble.

“Such a breath… Such a feeling…”

“Impossible… How is this possible… Obviously already dead… Why”

The eyes of countless holy spirits in the heaven and earth universe looked at the sky in amazement, and their pupils contained infinitely complex emotions.

Obviously, the other party should have fallen, “Hahaha!!! ”

“I knew it! Uncle will never die!! ”

A long roar rose into the sky, and countless creatures raised their heads and looked extremely terrified!


A cry throughout the sun, moon and stars!

It’s a big day! Countless creatures looked up, their eyes were terrified, and they saw that above the bend of the sky, the great sun rose into the sky!




Each cry represents a round of scorching sun descending on the flood, the power of the terrifying sun burning the earth, and the endless mighty power shocking the heavens.

“Oh! Phew! Phew! Phew! ~”

“Ten days. Ten days to the skies! What a terrifying battle! ”

Countless creatures gasped, only feeling that they were greatly shocked, but they did not expect that the ten golden crows would show their might, and they would come out in ten days!

This is to incinerate the heavens!?

Such a terrifying and huge momentum immediately flooded the wilderness, I am afraid that only the golden crow can take out.

At this moment, the ten golden crows roared for a long time, and the power of the endless blazing sun and the power of the golden crow were displayed without scruples, which was a catharsis and also an excitement for his uncle’s death!

At this moment, the ten brothers descended on the flood and waste, and the endless might swept through the heavenly firmament.

On this day, all living beings could not forget the scene in front of them, and the same day on the tenth day.

Above the endless bend, the power of the unimaginable sun emanating from the ten endless scorching suns, the entire flood is soaked in golden yellow by this power.

But even though they called, the uncle never responded.

In the endless deep space, a robe figure looked at heaven and earth, his face was handsome and cold and cold, and he gently stretched out his hand to see the infinite Dao rhyme evolve.

The power of the rolling avenue continued to intertwine and converge in his hand, and at the same time, a violent sound slowly sounded above his body.

“Chaos Clock…”

He slowly unfolded his palm, and a huge quaint bell slowly moved between him, carrying an incomparable momentum, and seemed to contain the most terrifying turbulent power in the world.

Taiyi’s eyes turned joyful, and it was obvious that the Chaos Bell in his hand now was also like him, and he had made a huge breakthrough from it and reached a higher level.

“This is… Da Luo Daoguo. ”

Donghuang Taiyi felt the power of the terrifying avenue of his own operation, closed his eyes slightly, and then only between the vast heavens and universes, a long roar flowed through the heavens and ten thousand realms!

The sound wave of the fear cloth instantly spread to tens of thousands of great worlds, and continued to spread to the endless depths, and the powerful power was projected and penetrated the heaven and earth.

The red-clothed figure of the Kunlun Mountain Range slowly opened his eyes, and the endless Dao rhyme was contained in it.

“Such a result, sure enough, the world has changed.”

The Queen Mother of the West closed her eyes, and in an instant she captured a glimpse of the years.

In those years, one figure after another was fearless, facing the heavens, and the supreme belief in his heart had flooded the heavens!

Endless years of time and space, the rules of heaven and earth are frantically entangled, the terrifying power shocks the void, and the terrifying killing power pierces everything and collides with each other!

The two Buddhas turned into Vajra angry eyes, and their surrounding bodies not only contain the supreme Vajra power but also the killing power of the supreme evil demon!

The void trembled in the distance, a figure stepped through endless years, dressed in a plain clothes, holding a sword in one hand and pinching out his fingers in the other, a world-destroying god peak buzzed above his head, and the invincible avenue around him was running wildly, and everything around the place he passed was integrated into it!

“Lead death!!”

The roar came, and the other party directly cut out a shocking sword mark, instantly tearing through time and space, rules!

Not only that, the fingertip of the other party, the light of the shiner compared to the blazing sun, seems to contain the power of endless destruction into a towering guidance, pressed down, the surrounding void is imprisoned, cutting off the retreat of the two Buddhas!

The God of Extinction Ding is buzzing, and the lines on the top of the body are carved with mountains, plants, birds, beasts, insects and fish, and the scene of countless Terran Southern Sacrifices is also inscribed, and in an instant, all this is rushing to the face, as if an endless world is smashing in!

Each of the three attacks contains the ultimate way, and also represents the most terrifying way of attack of the Shi Hao clan.

“Zhangliu golden body, immortal and immortal, immortal and indestructible!”

The two Buddhas held their hands together, shining with endless divine light all around, and with the two as the center, a golden lotus flower that was millions of miles large appeared from the void, wrapping the two in it, and a mighty supreme yang supreme force rolled wildly.


The two terrifying forces collided at this point, as if the sound of annihilation was destroyed, destroying and decaying!

Everything is reduced to ashes, everything is in ruins.

The power of Shi Hao’s surrounding avenue kept rolling, and at the same time, the long sword in his hand also turned into ashes and completely dissipated at this moment.

Into the endless years.


“It’s a devil, but you can see the true meaning of Da Luo, do you really think you can compare with me? Village! ”

Zhunti said coldly, and at the same time, the Buddha seal was vast, and a palm through the sky pressed down from the heavenly firmament. The fingertips of the palm seem to contain endless Sanskrit words that seem to be able to purify everything in the world!

“Is it? Why don’t you let the emperor weigh it, you Da Luo true meaning? ”

The ethereal voice echoed in the universe of heaven and earth, and the eyes of the two Buddhas suddenly changed color, and they couldn’t help but exclaim randomly!

“Demon Emperor Taiyi!?”

He is not dead!

The two of them have been fighting with the Shi Hao Clan for endless years, and naturally they cannot understand everything in the outside world.

But the Dao Fruit contained in the other party’s body made the two of them can’t help but be shocked.

A figure appeared out of thin air in the distance between the three zhang spaces, slowly walking in front of the two sides, and only one body seemed to be able to make heaven and earth bend their waists.

“No, now it’s the Eastern Emperor!”

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