Chapter 193: Yan Huang Qi Appeared, Extinction Divine!!

The eyes of the two Buddhas were extremely frightened, you must know that the other party’s body was witnessed by the ponds!

In the immeasurable years, the two figures looked at each other, and their eyes could not hide their horror.

Just in a moment, they deduced the cause and effect of the heavenly machine, and the prospect was nothing, impossible to pry!

Even forcibly prying into it contains great terror, and just for a moment, the two of them are like being in the abyss.

“Supreme power, the source of supreme strength…, the former demon emperor of the demon clan, now the eastern emperor of the human race, is it Dijun, or Fuxi!”

Although it was impossible to find out the reason, the other party’s terrifying Dao Fruit Pool could feel it.

Rao Yi’s supreme state of mind is also involuntarily nervous, but no matter what, this human race luck is determined!

Even if the jade is burning!

Quasi-handle pinched the lotus seal, his face contained supreme anger, the robe around him was windless and automatic, faintly visible, only the sky was shrouded in Buddha light, and for a time, even the immeasurable years became ups and downs because of this breath.

Seeing this, he also made a knot mark with his hands together, and a great sun behind his body stood up, and the figure of the great shore seemed to be able to stand side by side with heaven and earth!

Both of them exerted the ultimate means that this doppelganger could exert, and the terrifying surging power touched the entire void.

“Dawei Tianlong!”

A mighty voice was released from the mouth of the quasi-lifter, and suddenly almost the entire heavenly dome was enveloped by this vast Buddha sound, and the surrounding space almost collapsed!

You must know that this world has been immeasurable for an infinite time, and the stability of the surrounding space is extremely powerful, but at this moment, even the void here is constantly collapsing under this fearful power.

It can be seen that this type of means is terrifying!


The Heaven-shaking Dragon Ridge resounded throughout the world, and the words fell A million-zhang golden dragon snaked up, and the terrifying figure covered everything, the dragon was mighty, and the Buddha was full of meaning!

Quasi-step out to the side of the dragon horn, with the horn of the hand, there is no golden dragon under his feet, there is no half scale armor, and the surrounding body is densely carved in Sanskrit!

“Obsessive, be the head of evil!”

Surrounded by Buddha sounds, the two terrifying forces instantly went towards Shi Hao’s suppression!

The figure of Da Ri Rulai is extremely majestic, pressing with one palm, as if one hand lifts the sky!

The golden dragon glared angrily, and its vicious claws tore apart a large void, carrying the supreme avenue and directly suppressing it!

Obviously, in the eyes of the Shuang Buddha, the most urgent person to kill at present is still the Shi Hao clan, and the identity of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi from the Heavenly Court is too sensitive.

At least not lightly!

After all, the eldest brother on the other side, with the background of their Western religion, could not shake or even once he provoked the other party, even if he had the protection of a teacher, facing a supreme existence of the Lord of the Heavenly Court, it still made them shudder.

Mana, rules, and avenues cover everything around.

Shi Hao’s eyes exude endless might, his big palm directly presses into the air, and the invincible avenue around him is completely injected into it, and in an instant, the momentum of the whole person instantly doubles!

“Do you really think I’m air?!”

Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly, looking at the magnificent golden dragon above the sky, a trace of malice flashed in his eyes.


The hissing sound runs through the ancient and modern times, a terrifying sun from the sun to the strong rises, the Eastern Emperor Tai’s eyes are dazzled, the human head is snake body, and the terrifying power of the blazing sun shocks the sky.

Holding the Chaos Bell, his demeanor seems to exude endless might.

“Truly correct your name today.”

As soon as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi raised his palm, a quaint Hong Bell slowly rotated, and an incomparable aura covered the world.

What made the most accurate mention and attracted the hearts of the two was the ultimate chaotic destructive power transmitted from the Honglu bell!

Endless chaos, endless destruction.

Such a terrifying supreme power actually made their Dao hum slightly, showing the ultimate jealousy.

This Hong Bell can refine their bodies and wear out their will!

Kill Daluo!

Donghuang Taiyi’s expression was silent, and advancing to the Da Luo Daoguo was not only a realm for Chi, but also a sense of responsibility brought by his own vision.

How similar is his appearance at this moment to the original eldest brother?

“Big brother, was it even so emotional.”

Taiyi looked ahead, and the Hong Bell in his hand suddenly turned into a million miles, colliding with the supreme Buddha Dragon in the void space!

The four figures crisscross the river of time, and each collision does not know what a terrifying and incredible power will be set off.

Seeing this situation, even if it is a power that spans countless years, I can’t help but be slightly moved.

Originally, if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi did not join, with the supreme avenue of the Shi Hao clan, it would be difficult to distinguish it from the external incarnations of the two Buddhas.

After all, although Shi Hao’s invincible avenue is mysterious and domineering, but as Zhunti said, the other party is only worthy of stepping into Da Luo.

Far inferior to these two Da Luo Buddhas who have already penetrated the mystery, so the final result, maybe Shi Hao Clan will win.

However, he must hurt the foundation.

It is difficult to hope for the top of Da Luo in this life.

But the addition of Donghuang Taiyi completely broke everything.

The strategy of the two Buddhas was shattered, and Shi Haoshi gradually recovered from the original one person to fight the two Da Luo alone, still undefeated At this moment, there is only one left, and the pressure is naturally reduced a lot.

The power of the endless avenue collided and disappeared.

Your mighty power has already withdrawn its gaze, Taiyi has entered the game, at this moment the two Buddhas in the West have already declined, and there may not be much change in the short term, but the pools will eventually lose.

After all, stepping into Da Luo, even if you are defeated, it is impossible to erase it instantly, and you can even fight for almost thousands of years.

It is precisely because of this that the Shi Hao Clan has pulled the other party into the immeasurable river of years, and only here will the battle end faster, and the casualties of the Terrans can also be minimized.

In the Terran Temple, the Chao clan’s eyes looked at the immeasurable years, and their eyes gradually stared.

Such a Terran, be prosperous!

“Hope Terran, not extinguished.”

He whispered softly, as if he was talking to himself and seemed to be unable to do it with the distant Virgin, someone did it for me, and this Terran already had the power to compete.

So it was not in vain for me, but he looked at the familiar and vague figure.

“One is still one, I can feel that everything has not changed.”

The land of the yellow flames.

Cracks in the sky tore through the void, and the endless sword energy of the Dao slashed everything, and the void did not even have time to heal again before it tore and expanded again.

At the top of the endless bend, four figures stand opposite each other.

A person was dressed in a Xuanhuang robe, holding a long sword, his face was not handsome, but he had an aura that could resist the heavens.

On the other side is an old farmer in a thick robe, who looks a little old, but his pupils exude an unparalleled essence.

The Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor!

The two looked into the distance, the Yellow Emperor stepped out, the Xuanyuan sword in his hand sounded in the sky, and an irresistible aura gathered.

“Heh, I didn’t expect that the two Buddhas in the West would let you pigs and dogs die.”

The faces of the holy gods turned red, but they did not speak, and in an instant, the endless galaxy was bright, and at the same time, the holy gods stepped through the sky.

Endless divine air flowed through the heavens and the earth, as if to suppress everything!

“Why bother to say, a group of pigs and dogs, come, cut it.”

Emperor Yan’s eyes were calm, and he also stepped out in one step, but he directly ignored the distant void and rushed straight into the heavenly holy spirit!

Weibi Tianqi!

“Finally I can’t bear to be lonely, it just so happens that I am too!”

The Yellow Emperor let out a long roar, and the rules of the Godless Dao surged around him, and the other party had always shown no sorrow and joy during the time he and the Yandi were getting along, and it was very boring.

Sometimes he even thinks that the other party is simply pretending to be like this, deliberately doing so, but he did not expect that the other party would be the first to kill in this battle.

At this moment, only the sky is extreme, a long whip appears, and suddenly ten thousand laws burst out!

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