Chapter 194: Law Heaven and Earth, Terran Hind Hand!!

“Stop them! No need to fight just drag! ”

The head of the divine face was solemn, and then surrounded by spiritual energy, and at the same time, countless divine beings behind him were holding Dharma seals.


A roar brewed from heaven and earth, and I saw that the first holy spirit was the center, and instantly a touch of gold ~ color brilliance shrouded it!

A roar was emitted, shocking the mind, as if it was supremely powerful.

Emperor Yan’s eyes released thousands of brilliance, and the long whip in his hand was swung out, and the layers of space were directly pierced, carrying the supreme avenue and slashing away!

Such a terrifying blow is enough to cut through the time and space of a heavenly universe, but at this time, the bombardment above this golden brilliance is like a mud cow entering the sea.

No more half a wave.

Seeing this, even Emperor Yan couldn’t help but freeze his eyes.

“Buddha’s thing…”

He whispered that he obviously knew the origin of this thing.


“This is given by the Buddha, the Supreme Heavenly Buddha Formation, holding this formation can fight even if Da Luo Daoguo comes in person!”

The other party said coldly, with his own arrogance.

After all, with this thing and their three thousand sacred, even the two emperors of Yan and Huang are not worried.

You can even kill it!

This is also the will of the Buddha, after all, if you want to compete for the luck of the human race, in addition to directly intercepting it by great means, you can also cut off its spine!

And these two are the backbone of the human race, as long as they are destroyed, the luck of the human race will not only be severely damaged, but also make their race completely lose the heart of resistance, and thus take refuge in my Buddha!

And this supreme heavenly Buddha array, which is personally sacrificed by two Buddhas, is infinitely powerful, and it is a great killing weapon!

Even if the Buddha fails there, using this formation to kill the second emperor of the human race can also achieve the desired effect!

“Formation method, I really underestimate me waiting!”

A long drink soared into the sky, and suddenly the endless kendo rules condensed in the sky, and a creepy breath rose up, and in the distance, the Yellow Emperor held a sword in one hand, and practiced supreme kendo to the extreme!

This sword can cut everything and kill everything!


A sword that condenses the supreme sword path instantly slashes above the formation!

The divine color change felt this terrifying power, and even within the Buddha’s formation, he couldn’t help but be moved.

Not thanks to the immortal emperor of the human race, so powerful!

“Pick up your own words!”

With a bang, all the divine seals were sealed, and an incomparably magnificent and vast true seal of his own character floated out of the sky between heaven and earth.

The moment the word mark appeared, all the holy qi and divine energy of Zhou Tian were frantically absorbed by it, erasing everything and dissolving everything!

“I’ll help you!”

With a deep sigh, Emperor Yan’s posture crossed the space, his hands emitted a supreme rhyme, and then injected into the Yellow Emperor’s body.

These two Terran emperors, from the king not seeing the king, to fighting each other and then fighting side by side at this moment, shows how tricky the opponent is this time.

So much so that the two had to work together to deal with it.

But this is an extremely strange scene in terms of the Heavenly Divine, and their three thousand Divine Outer Luo Dao Fruit level supreme magic array can only confront each other.

Only then did they know why the Buddha had descended this Supreme Heavenly Buddha Array to them.

Because in the eyes of the other party, the entire three thousand divine beings are not the enemies of these two at all!

So terrifying!

The divine at the head also had a look of astonishment, after all, the three thousand of them were all at the level of true self, the least as good as the level of the Dao fruit, but they already had an understanding of Da Luo.

But at this time, the scene was like a sharp spear directly shredding all their imaginations, and a gap of less than one order could cross such a gap!

Three thousand true me, like a joke.

Such a scene stung the mood, and even those who were in an unstable mood had already bred demons and had to be adjusted.

“It’s really an iron king eight, it’s really hard to gnaw.”

The force of the shock crossed the bend, and countless earth was directly shaken into dust.

This scene was extremely shocking, like the confrontation of the Supreme Divine Mansion!

“The word is true, it is not extinguished, the true meaning of King Kong!”

With a roar, the three thousand divine starting points of the head of the divine were covered with golden light, and the impact of the scene just now slowly disappeared and disappeared again.

Buddha sincerely! Fudo Ming Wang!

Under the true intention of the Buddha, the three thousand sacred faces of the Zen box are like exploring the avenue, as if they have achieved the fruit of the Dao and mastered the heaven and earth.

“Fudo King Ming, King Ming is angry and too changeable!”

With a sound of chanting, the boundless Buddha sound echoed around the void, and the supreme true seal between them turned into an incomparably great figure.

God and Buddha are merciful, and there is also Vajra angry, and the fury is the king of the world!

I saw the supreme figure, just looking at it was a sense of humility, as if the sea was a chestnut, the universe was dusty.

In the face of such a figure, it seems that all resistance has lost its meaning, and can only give in!

“Heh, Fudo Ming King is a good Fudo Ming King! Today I will break your supreme magical power! ”

The void of the heavens rolled, the space was reshaped among the shattered, and the two emperors of Yan and Huang stood in the endless void, their eyes without the slightest fear.

Instead, there is a surge of supreme battle intent!

The two stood side by side and looked at the supreme figure above, and instantly a heaven-to-earth breath gushed out from the two of them, and instantly two huge shadows rose into the sky.

These two figures are all tall, and the infinite Dao rhyme is contained in them, and the gestures seem to contain endless destructive power, and they seem to contain all the great power.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the three thousand saints changed slightly, such methods were unheard of, especially this terrifying reckless aura made them palpitate.

They were sure that this was by no means a technique created by the Buddha or even the ancient innate Holy Spirit.

“Such a terrifying momentum makes my heart shake just by looking at it.”

“It’s strange, I waited for the power of three thousand divine beings and even the Buddha to have such power, these two people…”

“What kind of magic is this… Why should I… I… I feel a little…”

Speaking of this pair of conveniences, his face turned red and he couldn’t say anything else, and it seemed that there was a supreme being that erased his memory.

“Heh, this technique was created by me and Emperor Yan, and today I will destroy King Erming, and its name is…”

“Dharma heaven and earth!”

Emperor Yan drank coldly, and his voice called the supreme Dao sound, smashing fiercely on the hearts of your gods!

“Ancient creatures, created by heaven and earth, have obtained a supreme body, through the heavens and the earth, although the human race came later, but have the heart to prevail, I observe the universe of the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, penetrate the body of the lich, and create this technique to compete with the gods and Buddhas of the heavens!”

The majestic voice was transmitted from the heavens and earth, and these two great figures were like an immortal spine supported in the darkness, exuding a light that could not be ignored by the heavens!

It seems to be swearing to the heavens and all realms that the human race is not humiliated!

Although I am the acquired Holy Spirit, I also have the heart to seek the way and never die, and the supreme heart!

Vaguely, only three great figures rose side by side between the vast heaven and earth, and the power of destruction stirred the universe. One

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