Chapter 195: All Saints Wail, Terran Terran Great Terror!!


The complete hum of the heavens rose from heaven and earth, and the terrifying sound echoed like the sound of annihilation.

Countless creatures looked at those three great figures in horror, horror or solemnity.

The destructive power of the fear cloth continued to stir Zhou Tian Qiankun, and the supreme power seemed to begin to tremble slightly.

At this moment, even those heavenly divine beings and innate beings who were conceived from heaven and earth couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

“Dharma heaven and earth. So terrifying. ”

“I didn’t expect the Terran to grow so fast, it’s just that”

Countless divine beings are relatively speechless, such a shocking power, it can be seen that the human race has risen, and the heavenly divine may no longer be able to treat it as a weak acquired spirit.

This trick alone, once it is transmitted in the Terrans, I am afraid that the Terrans will destroy the world at that time.

It is difficult for the creatures of the flood wilderness to fight against it.

“Imitate heaven and earth…”

There seemed to be a pair of pupils in the endless depths, staring blankly at everything that happened here.

Su Tian’s eyes were silent, and he had already felt it from the moment when the two emperors of Yan and Huang set off for heaven and earth.

I saw the endless power of reaching the avenue in the depths of his pupils, but he had already realized it for a long time.

And at this moment, the supreme figure of the Yellow Emperor is like a majestic mountain, and every step will cause great changes in heaven and earth, and it seems that he can tear the sky and earth as long as he wants.

The huge virtual shadow slowly opened its hand, and the space of heaven and earth buzzed.

The void trembled, and gradually a huge long sword gradually manifested, containing endless imperial rules, and just the moment it appeared covered up all the brilliance in the world.

So terrifying!

Immediately stepped out, and the shadow behind him was synchronized with him.

This step shook the heavens and seemed to be able to destroy everything.

“Don’t be affected by it!”

The voice of King Kong echoed, pulling back the divine thoughts of the sky, and immediately their faces were no longer half as relaxed as before.

“Fudo Ming King, suppress everything!”

The loud voice was mixed with endless majesty, and at this moment, the figure of the immovable Ming King was also clenched into a fist.

Suddenly, the rules of heaven and earth around him appeared, and the void was torn, shattered, and broken just by clenching a fist, it was to lead everything in heaven and earth.

The gods of the heavens knew that there was a price to pay today, and their eyes were torn apart.

The aura around the body was desperately transported into the formation, and the vast power made the figure of the Fudo Ming King even more staring.

It seems that it is really a round of supreme great Luo stepping on immeasurable years!

The phantom shadow of Fudo Ming Wang also stepped out in one step, and the huge palm print contained supreme Zen meaning.

But there is endless Vajra destruction in it!

At this moment, countless beings already felt severe discomfort all around them just by observing this battle.

It seems to have been subjected to an unknown cause and effect that has befallen us.

There is no ship above Da Luo.

It can be seen that the Fudo Ming King at this time has already been infinitely close to Daoguo!

The eyes of the two emperors of Yan and Huang were calm, and the two huge towering shadows above their heads trembled the space around them.

Looking directly at the attacking Fudo Ming King, the two immediately moved together!

A giant sword crosses the ancient and modern times, slashing and cutting!

The rules of the imperial path and the rules of the kendo are almost condensed into substance, hovering around the giant sword, mixed with supreme power.

This sword, as bright as the blazing sun, is indisputable and irresistible!

Emperor Yan did not have a long object in his hand, but just pinched out the fist mark, and in an instant, everything was silent unlike the destruction of the fist of the Fudo Ming King, and his fist was silent as if as long as there was no real confrontation, it was impossible to know what kind of power was contained in it.

In an instant, three terrifying destructive forces were superimposed on each other, and endless daylight flashed out in an instant.

Many of the sacreds who are secretly spying are all eyes that change dramatically, and just the aftermath has the power of cause and effect, and all kinds of horrors appear.

Those with low strength were directly pierced through the heart of the Dao, and everything returned to nothingness.

Seeing this scene, many creatures withdrew from the layers of Tianyu again with pale faces, wanting to minimize the power of cause and effect.

Returning to the ruins, an elusive color slowly emerged from the endless collapse void in the center of the battle.

At this time, the three figures had destroyed I don’t know how many layers of Tianyu, how many layers of void, and space.

But at this moment, everything in the reckless world seems to have been completely replaced, and there is nothing else except these three figures.

The figure of the Fudo Ming King flickered and darkened, and the endless Zen intent on the huge palm print slowly dissipated, and a tiny crack spread slightly.

It can be seen that he did not have the upper hand in the attack just now.

And the heavenly gods contained in it were all pale, without the slightest bit of blood, and such a terrifying collision was simply unbearable with their physical strength.

Especially the collision of the blow just now.

The power of kendo is endless, tearing everything apart, and the artistic conception of fist is endless, transcending the living.

If it weren’t for their blessing from King Ming, I am afraid that they would have fallen into the Six Paths of Nothingness in an instant…

Even such a terrifying attack did not know whether their true spirit could be preserved.

“Even so, there will be no more delays, and you can wait for death.”

The Yellow Emperor’s eyes were sharp, looking at the Yandi on the side.

The two looked at each other, and endless mighty power gushed out of the two passes.

Two huge eternal figures, at this moment, the two palms clashed, and a supreme force blessed out.

“I am the emperor of the human race, today, adjust the luck of the human race, and kill the enemy of the invaders!”

“Look to the heavens and the earth to help me!”

Chunchun Daoyin recalled, with the emptiness of endless years.

An individual raised its head, although they could not witness the battle, and some did not even know what was happening.

But this familiar sound of the avenue made them extremely cordial.

“That’s all, it’s enough.”

The two emperors of Yan and Huang, one palm docking, the other hand pinching the fingerprints of heaven and earth, one hand in the air.

Suddenly, a supreme power slowly brewed from heaven and earth, and then poured down!


Heaven and earth tremble!

Everything is silent!

In an instant, Terran luck entered the bodies of both.

They are the backbone of the Terrans, and they are the emperors of the Terrans for a year, and it is not indispensable to carry the supreme luck of the Terrans.

“This… No… Don’t kill me!! ”

“Impossible! How could their strength increase so terrifying!? ”

“I am unwilling, I have existed since the beginning of heaven and earth, and now I have fallen to the extinction of the acquired beings!”

Feeling this endless might, the body of the Fudo Ming King became more and more dim and almost nothing, just now the collision still made the heavens divine heart fearful, the battle intent was not there, and at this moment, the two emperors of Yan and Huang mobilized the luck of the world, and the strength of such a climb has far exceeded the blessing of all of them.

The head of the Holy Spirit’s face was miserable, looking at the endless majestic figure.

“Maybe it would be a mistake to be born in the same Tianyu Honghuang with this kind of race.”

Since the beginning of the war, he has seen too many Terran methods.

Shake the three thousand true self, forge the law heaven and earth, and mobilize the luck of the human race.

What a bold it is.

At the top of the bend, a huge figure slowly condensed a palm print through the sky.

Everything is broken, dissipated, and void under the palm print.

It is also like the palm of the Buddhist gate at the beginning, and now everything is reversed.

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