Chapter 197: Avenue of Terror! Bingzu Xuanyou! Supreme Buddha Sound! Jojiu Golden Body!!

Looking at the broken Admiralty, Fu Hu’s face twitched a little.

Looking at the descending dragon on the side, there was an indescribable complaint in his eyes.

‘What the hell? Why are you so much to do, you will die if you say less’

The descending dragon on the side was also stiff-faced, the last time he spoke, the two were blasted away, but this time the golden bell was broken again.

He’s not too old to be a real criminal…

The power of the war reverberated into the void, and there was another violent roar!

The huge golden bell had long been overwhelmed and turned into pieces under this terrifying attack!


Feeling the endless power emanating from Xuan You, as well as the killing intent that soared into the sky, the Buddha’s relics once again radiated light.

But this time obviously did not have the same effect as before, and I saw Xuan You step out of the void step by step, although his body was suppressed by the endless Buddha’s light.

But the earth-shattering battle intent emanating from his body is constantly rising so that even his strength is constantly improving, and there seems to be no limit!


Descending Dragon Fuhu constantly seeped out of cold sweat, obviously did not expect that Xuan You would have such terrifying power at this time, and the other party was only half a step fruit, the same rank as them.

What’s more, the two also carried the Buddha’s relics given by the Buddha!

Such a power is still difficult to suppress it!


With a long roar, Xuan You’s body was full of qi and blood, and it seemed that he was about to overturn the sky.

Endless qi and blood burst out from Tinei frantically, and at the same time, eighteen blades converged around him, including his magic axe.

The figure of Jiuzhang reflected the heavens, the animal skin on the upper body had long dissipated, revealing an incomparably strong skin, and every inch of explanation contained terrifying destructive power!

Not only that, the patterns engraved on the body one after another slowly shone under the smudge of qi and blood, and gradually turned into blood red.

“The human race has laws and heaven and earth, and I am the Lord of Nine Li, how can I have no means!?”

With a roar, the terrifying power was vented from the flesh, and the surrounding blades condensed a towering shadow, each of which seemed to be able to tear the sky.

An earth-shattering terrifying power of the ghosts and gods was released, and the magic axe brewed from heaven and earth, surrounded by blood and qi, carrying supreme domineering power.

The spear is in the air, containing the power to penetrate the sky, pointing directly at the descending dragon and the tiger.

The halberd stands on the other side of heaven and earth, and the hideous figure seems to be able to tear everything apart.

All kinds of illusory shadows rose from the rise of Xuan You’s body, a total of eighteen weapons, each of which carried the supreme terrifying avenue!

This scene and its trembling, even the dragon and the tiger, felt the trembling from the depths of their hearts.

The relics of the Buddha above his head could no longer be suppressed, and the buzz sounded.

With a soft sound, the Buddha’s relic was directly shocked and flew away, falling to the side of the descending dragon and the tiger.

“This is the military situation.”

The voice fell on the endless heaven and earth trembled slightly, as if he felt this great force.

“Urge the Buddha relic with all your might!”

The descending dragon and the tiger spoke in unison, and the boundless holy qi in their bodies was released frantically in an instant, even with their realm at this time, such a crazy pouring of holy qi was a little overwhelming.

It is conceivable that they are already desperate at this time, and there is no other possibility!


Xuan You hung in the sky, standing with his hands down, and the qi and blood around his body spread wildly.

The void under your feet is difficult to carry constantly broken and repaired.

He pressed with one finger, as if in response, and the eighteen supreme divine soldiers above the sandwich suddenly penetrated down!

Each one is mixed with endless terrifying power, which is the ultimate weapon!

It is also the ultimate of this way!

This is him, Bing Zu Xuanyou.

All the soldiers in the world are in his hands, it is the supreme avenue, and it has its own supreme power!

Otherwise, why could he compete with the Second Emperor of Yan and Huang, and even the powerful Second Emperor of Yan and Huang had to join forces to deal with him?!

The power of the ancestor of the soldiers, shake the sky!

“Supreme Buddha Sound!”

“Zhangjiu… Golden body!! ”

With the help of the supreme Buddha’s relics, the descending dragon and the tiger forcibly fought the Da Luo Daoguo magical power.

Cracks continued to emerge all over his body, but the whiskers were already like spider webs.

Dao golden blood seeped out from the torn skin, and the original golden lotus monk’s robe was still soaked with blood at this moment.

What a mess.

They have overestimated this person as much as possible, but in the end, they still underestimated the bamboo basket and even seriously injured it.


Whether it will return safely is very uncertain.

One after another, the supreme military path suppressed the down, some smashed the flesh, some wiped out everything, and some wiped out the will.

There are no souls under this technique, and even true spirits cannot survive.

Erase everything, wear everything out!

This is Xuan You’s domineering and violent behavior.

Normally he would not be like this, even if it was warlike itself, but it had its own measure.

And at this moment, the Buddhist sect provoked him again and again, and he was completely annoyed, and even then he never died.

As the last round of supreme military path fell, the front of him was completely nothing, the space had long ceased to exist, and even the edge of natural repair could not be explored.

Xuan You looked coldly, and slowly raised his hand and retracted the blade into his palm.

Immediately integrated into the body and imprinted on the body one by one totem everywhere.


He frowned slightly, then his palm peeked forward, and a suction force emerged.


The two Buddha’s relics exude the power of repulsion and constantly confront him.


With a cold snort, Xuan You held the void with one hand.


It is directly to grasp this side of nothingness and the Buddha’s relics into the palm of your hand.

“Even the Buddha’s relics, the ownerless things, dare to struggle in this seat.”

Looking at the relic emitting supreme Buddha light in his hand, Xuan You’s eyes flashed wisps of thought.

“Contaminated with Buddhist cause and effect, it is disgusting.”

After speaking, the hands suddenly joined forces, and the supreme power of the flesh instantly converged, and a terrifying destructive force converged between the palms.


The Buddha felt a great threat, and even if it fled into the void, how could it escape?

Watching every inch of nothingness being wiped out, this must also be its fate.

“Dare to wipe out the relics of this seat!”

A supreme majestic Buddha shadow suddenly rose in the mighty sky, as if there was a supreme power contained in it.

Buddha Shadow!!

Zhunti looked at Xuan You, his eyes were extremely majestic, and he was about to say something.


The spear directly pierced through the Buddha’s phantom and nailed the other party’s phantom into the endless shattered nothingness.

Buddha’s eyes changed from stunned to angry.

He dared to destroy my Buddha body!

How dare he!!

The shadow of the Buddha dissipates and completely returns to nothingness.

Xuan You stood in the void of heaven and earth, and the Buddha relic in his palm slowly disappeared.

“A Buddha shadow, dare to shout in front of this seat?!”

A roar of rage in the depths of endless years is difficult to contain!

Zhunti only felt that his majesty was greatly tarnished, a scene that had not been seen in tens of thousands of years!

Chi even wants to kill the other party directly across the immeasurable years of town regardless of everything!

Just a big witch, really think that he is Dijun can’t be done!!

How dare he!! Pure!

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