Chapter 198: The Buddha Sect Wants to Seize the Luck of the Human Race! The First Emperor wins the government with one hand!!

This time, the Buddhist sect wants to seize the luck of the human race, the luck of the flood and the wilderness, everything is in line with the rules of the game formulated by the strong man of Daluo Daoguo.

Even if it is a well-known Heavenly Court subordinate, the Qingqiu Demon Country, it is not immune to the land of Qingqiu, the corpses are everywhere, countless tribesmen are directly tempered, and their faces are empty and only endless devotion to the Buddha’s light.

Shaped like a puppet.

A venerable Buddha smiled and put his hands together in a row.

This move has already obtained a lot of luck interception in the land of green hills, plus the Buddha, the three thousand true self, and the two venerables of the dragon and the tiger, this move is prosperous!

The nine-tailed sky fox turned into its body, and its huge figure snaked for more than a thousand miles.

The nine tails were like nine blue dragons, bombarding several Buddhas in front of them, but unfortunately, with her strength at this time, it should be difficult to play a big role.

The land of green hills is completely sinking.

She was powerless.

“I didn’t expect that there would be such creatures here, so the divine steed is abnormal, why not take it as a mount?”

A Buddha sneered, his eyes full of greed.

Hearing this, many Buddhas showed their intentions, after all, if this is the case, perhaps they will definitely be able to become the first religion in the flood and desolation in the future.

And, what a sight!

“No way!”

A cold drink passed through, as if it was the one who took the lead this time.

His face is hateful, wearing a golden lotus monk’s robe, but he exudes terrifying destructive power all the time.

He is a Buddhist Vajra personally incarnated by the Buddha, and he has already shown endless terrifying power at the first meeting, even if he is induced, Zhunti can’t help but look at it.

Subsequently, he instilled supreme Dharma in him, realized great freedom, and became the first Vajra of Buddhism from then on.

“The other party is a demon race, but also an innate being, use it as a mount, where are you in the heavenly court?”

As soon as these words came out, countless Buddhas couldn’t help but fall into an ice cave, looking at the sky and remembering the terrifying heavenly court and the terrifying existence above it.

So terrifying, and then looked at the nine-tailed sky fox.

If this demon clan divine is really taken as a mount, it will inevitably cause the wrath of the heavenly court, and even the Buddha will be difficult to resist at that time.

Suddenly dispelled his previous thoughts, and his face returned to solemnity.

At this moment, the land of Qingqiu is only one step away from being completely assimilated.

And, thousands of miles away, a man in a Confucian robe walked slowly, each step had various rhymes flowing, and the figure between the beards had disappeared.


The remnant sun was bloody, and when the sun set, the whole heaven and earth seemed to be soaked in blood.

Countless Great Qin generals glared angrily, frantically rushing towards the heavenly sacred, and the power around them erupted wildly.

Above the sky, the First Emperor won the government with one hand, and the huge black dragon swept in all directions, responding to the terrorist attack of the Buddha in the sky.

The black dragon’s roar spread across the sky, and under his control, the endless power avenue surged through it, exuding Ling Ran’s majesty.

The huge dragon body covered the sky, and every rotation caused the divine Buddhas of the heavens to constantly attack.

The First Emperor alone is blocking nearly half of the terrifying number, but it is also somewhat difficult to support at the moment.

With so many of them, even he felt weak, but he never took a step back.

Whenever the Great Qin soldiers saw that figure standing between heaven and earth, their hearts were excited, and it seemed that endless power was gushing out!

He is the First Emperor and is already the pillar of Daqin at this moment!

He must not fall, nor shall he take half a step back!

“Let this emperor see what kind of waves can be turned over!”

He let out a long roar, and the body of the black hideous dragon above the sky suddenly changed again, and endless power surged, and at this moment he raised his foot and stepped on it, standing on the dragon horn.

The black and gold dragon robe, dancing in the wind, is like an immortal battle flag, reflected in the hearts of all the Great Qin soldiers!


He gulped softly.


The roar soared into the sky, resounding in the sky, and all the Great Qin soldiers seemed to be injected with power again, and their eyes surged with endless battle intent!

“Come on! Dog mongrels! ”

“My Great Qin is immortal, and I will wait for Hugh to take a step beyond the human race!”

The roars came one after another, and when they saw the Buddha’s holy spirits, their faces changed slightly.

Such a terrifying cohesive force, even if they have the upper hand at the moment, this Terran luck will still not flow into them.

It’s too strong, this cohesion, this ethnic group…

“For the Terrans, fight to the death.”

A loud roar came to mind, and the sound of a long roar was transmitted throughout the battlefield.

A group of holy Buddhas couldn’t help but look sideways, and a golden-armored figure rushed out from the front.


Not golden armor!

The divine eyes condensed slightly, and then they were shocked.

The other party was dressed in pitch black armor, and the gold was the blood of the Divine Buddha…

“What a fierce devil, so ferocious!”

A true self Buddha stepped out, surrounded by Buddha’s light, raised his hand and pushed forward, and in an instant, it had made a giant hand probe into the air, as if to extinguish the other party.

“Yes, such evil demons should be completely annihilated under my Buddha!”

There was a holy spirit nodding in praise, looking at the small figure under the huge palm print, it seemed that he could not wait for the picture of the other party’s death.

At this moment, a cold snort sounded, and I saw the figure of the Terran, the spear in his hand directly pierced through the palm print, and the terrifying power bloomed instantly!

“One shot!”

The gods were shocked, and it only took one shot to penetrate the true self level.

But that’s not the end of it.

I saw that true Buddha, his eyes burst into essence, endless power surged out, and every endless palm print was a thousand handprints!

Cover the sky!

At this moment, countless Terrans couldn’t help but look up, and the sky was dim with intuition.

“Even if you have a palm print, you dare to be mighty in front of me!”

I saw that small figure suddenly burst out with terrifying power, and in an instant, the whole person was like a great sun that soared to heaven and earth, and the power of the terrifying avenue converged wildly on him.

Boom boom!!!

The figure passed through to show the supreme posture and instantly defeated the palm print in the sky!

Such a terrifying scene made the face of the gods present change dramatically.

“The Terrans still have such characters?”

“Who is he!?”

And at this moment, the countless Great Qin soldiers who witnessed the scene just now were full of tears one by one.

Kneel on one knee at the figure.

Roar, clean and heavy!

“I’m waiting to meet the military god!!”

“I am the Great Qin Baiqi!!”

With the shouts of all the soldiers, the sky figure towered into the clouds, exuding a supreme killing power around it.

This avenue of killing, even the gods retreated slightly.

And at this moment, the morale of all the soldiers in Daqin instantly climbed to the peak!

If it is said that the first emperor is the totem of the entire Great Qin, the faith of the Great Qin.

Then he is the supreme military soul of all the Great Qin soldiers!

With him in Daqin, there would be no soldiers to fear, because they firmly believed that as long as they followed the military god Baiqi, they would be invincible!

Attack everything!

Looking at the increasingly rich condensing power, the sacred faces of the divine faces could hardly see the extreme, and at this moment, the person who was the leader slowly stepped out.

“Such a killing force has gone astray, and it should be transformed into a great day like Vajra.”

The sound of mercy sounded, and a figure stood in the sky and looked at Bai Qi from afar.

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