Chapter 199: Killing God in Vain! Robe Voldemort! The Void Shattered! War Avenue!!

The two eyes looked at each other from the top of the endless bend.

Suddenly, countless people couldn’t help but tremble, and just for a moment it seemed to foreshadow something extremely terrifying.

Bai Qi was dressed in pitch black armor, his eyes were like facing the abyss, and the spear in his hand was freely held in his hand.

He stepped on the clouds, and the space would continue to sink and crumble with each step.

That divine statue was the flow and convergence of countless rays of light around him, and then a huge robe in the other party’s hand rose to the sky!

“Robe Voldemort!”

An unparalleled voice rose from heaven and earth, and countless Terrans raised their heads and looked up, only to see that the endless sky was completely silent.

A golden-red shelf, pearlescent and exuding infinite brilliance.

Just at a glance, it is contaminated by this Buddha-nature, ~ not separated.

At the same time, the sound of endless Buddha echoed from heaven and earth.

I saw that on the other side of the heavenly firmament, the spear in Bai Qi’s hand was constantly buzzing, exuding endless powerful power.

The Avenue of War has evolved from the crazy operation around him to the power of endless killing and killing.

With his long roar, the whole figure turned into a pitch-black lightning, shattering the endless void.

The spear in his hand is across his chest and randomly pierced straight at the top of the shelf!

Boom boom!!!

Endless roar rolled the Zhou Tian Void, and this record made an unknown number of voids completely shattered!

But the same blow fell, and the incomparably powerful force also made this sky-covering frame stay above the heads of the Terran soldiers!

“The devil is fierce and brave.”

The divine whispered, and then threw one hand into the air, pointing his finger towards the center of heaven and earth, and a supreme Buddha nature merged into it.

Then he looked at him without sorrow or joy, and pressed straight down on the robe from his hand.

“Five Fingers Demon.”


In an instant, the endless sky bent and tore apart, and a thug through the sky contained endless Buddha light, shattering layers of void.

The huge palm print is more powerful than the rack and randomly falls on the rack.


A colorless ripple swept in all directions, and the two forces suppressing together seemed to be able to annihilate everything.

Form a large area of nothingness.


Bai Qi looked up to the sky and roared, the armor of his whole body was cracked, his hands supported the sky, and his legs shattered layers of endless void.

The spear in his hand had already shattered the moment his five fingers fell.

At the moment, he can only hold it up with both palms!

The terrifying power continued to act on his body, and the flesh and blood split inch by inch.

But even so, the endless figure is constantly sinking.

Can’t stop it.

“Heh, but in the middle of the real self, with the avenue you can compete with my divine spirit.”

“Today I will curse you evil.”

“The road of war, the source of all troubles, you are at war.”

“I, the Buddha, should destroy all the troubles of the world.”

The divine whispered softly, but every word that fell on the Terran would make the Terran momentum a little lower.

“You are therefore warlike, but you are born without calamity on earth, so why do you need to fight and live in chaos?”

“If you have made a mistake in what you want, do you have to go to the depths of sin to give up?”

The repeated sounds of Buddha contain supreme power, and there seems to be a temptation to guide.

For a time, the Terrans with weak hearts were already a little shaken.

That’s right…

He is right, I wait for the world to be indisputable, why war?

And why fight.


A violent roar sounded, the First Emperor was furious, and the black dragon surged with endless mighty power mixed with the Dao Fruit Artistic Conception to suppress it.

As if to stop the other party from continuing.

At this moment, the First Emperor already understood the intention of the release.

This is intended to completely break the Terran’s will to fight!

Let them fundamentally deny the meaning of their own conquest of the Great Wilderness.

Although the Great Qin Warriors have unparalleled cohesion power, their realm is low after all.

In front of the other party’s true half-step fruit, he couldn’t contain the thoughts in his heart at all.

After all, such a terrifying gap in strength cannot be remedied with any cohesion.

At least for the moment they are only self-doubting, not throwing away their armor and bowing down.

“Stop him!”

Countless divine movements showed the power of their true self, and at this moment they were all beaming.

Terran luck is still loose, and the lamp is doing well!

Such tactics are really subtle.

For a time, all kinds of divine powers were exerted, and the divine power of the sky was pervasive, even if the black dragon had the ability to penetrate the sky, it was difficult to exert all its power.

After all, it was blocked.

And at this moment, the heavens are divinely entangled closer, and the first emperor before was anxious, and his mood showed weakness.

The battle below is becoming more and more dangerous, and although it is balanced by its Godless Dao, I am afraid that there will be no major moves.

His heart couldn’t help but sink to the bottom.

Above the sky, there was a bloody figure, pieces of flesh and blood fell off, and the upper body was already skeleton and white bones.


There was a subtle imperceptible fluctuation, and the speed of sinking slowed down significantly.

Countless Terrans looked at that figure.

Even at this bottom, the waist rod is still not half bent.

“I seek war because I love war.”

“The Terran is in decline, subject to the Heavenly Kai ships, if you don’t strengthen yourself, you will become a foil…”

“The path I seek is indeed to become stronger in war.”


“I also hope that my path will sink to the bottom, and that’s why I have to choose.”

“Only war is possible. Contain the war! ”

One voice after another sounded slowly, and the white bone figure had completely lost half of his flesh and blood, but even so, he still held up his hands.

At this moment, he is not the military soul that excites countless soldiers.

Nor is it a god-killing on the battlefield.

Rather, an ordinary person who infinitely longs for peace.

He just wants to live in plain things, but the world is unfair…

For a time, the Terrans, who had been in a trance, were gradually infected by it, and their eyes continued to radiate.


“I also remembered that I was fighting for myself!!!

Zi murmured to the heavens and roared.

Sensing the change in the human race, the eyes of the ancient Buddha gradually stared, and an extreme killing intent slowly appeared in his palm.


In an instant, two pairs of big palms above the endless bend swung down, no different from the previous five fingers.

Only this time it is more magnificent and more terrifying, and this palm seems to be willing on the other side.

Bound to overturn the endless sky!

And at this moment, the white bone figure shattered all around, he was no longer roaring and roaring, sensing everything around him.

An endless darkness kept sweeping in.

This is… Death…

He whispered in his heart.

Looking at the human race, immortal~

A dazzling light flickered down, and I saw several figures appear on his side.

One of them reshaped his flesh with the supreme avenue.

“Yes… You guys. ”

Bai Qi said in a hoarse voice and a little unskillfully.

“Ah, we seem to be a little late.”

“But I think it’s just right.”

A voice also came out, followed by a loud sword roar soaring into the sky.

The black-clothed figure, holding a long sword, looked directly at the endless coercion in the sky above, and did not hesitate.

Hold the sky with one hand. One

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