Chapter 211: Su Shen appeared and suppressed all disobedience!!

The mournful roar above the void was endlessly furious, and countless void fragments continued to crumble and tear.

The other party rolled his huge body, constantly struggling, and the pain in his abdomen seemed to touch the soul!

Under the endless rage, his huge body became more and more furious, and then directly smashed into the infinite space!

I saw that the hideous figure was like an extinct meteorite, crashing down, and just the power of raging suppression transmitted was to completely wipe out all the ground plants and trees!

With such a terrifying momentum, countless people did not know what a terrifying disaster the other party would cause once it collided.

I am afraid that a radius of 100,000 li will be turned into ruins and scorched earth.

Su Xiao also realized this, and couldn’t help frowning a little when he saw this, this monster came out because of him.

Although it was not much threat to him under this terrifying impact, it was a devastating blow to the rest of the people.

Not to mention those who have already run to stun, with at least hundreds of dead and wounded!

You must know that the enrollment of Demon Capital Academy in a year is only a hundred people, and once you die, it is already a wound for Demon Capital Academy.

And there are many more here that are not Demon Capital Academy.

“Looks like it’s going to block it.”

Su Tian’s gaze gradually solemnized.

Temporarily put away the previous rambling, and in an instant, the momentum of the whole person changed.

Between them, he pinched the mark with one hand and pointed to the center of his eyebrows with the other.

In an instant, countless people only felt that an uncontrollable sense of greatness appeared out of thin air, only to see a loud sound surrounding them the next moment, and countless people only felt that the blood around them was ignited!

“Dharma heaven and earth!”

When the voice fell, a great figure rose from the ground, and the huge figure spread more than a thousand miles!

It is not weak at all compared to the terrifying figure that rushes towards it.

“I remembered! He. It’s Su Shen!! ”

“Su Shen?! Really fake?! But isn’t Su Shen a fourth-order divine mansion, that is… Sixth order. ”

Countless people looked at the shocking scene in front of them in shock, and did not say anything for a long time.

Na Wei’an’s posture stood tall in the world, his face was similar to Su Tian, his face was dull, and the ancient well was not wave.

Then the hands slowly raised, this palm, even if the sky collapses, seems to be able to hold it up!

At this moment, Su Tian’s face was solemn, and his blow not only wanted to receive the other party’s attack, but also directly eliminate the power of this fear cloth.

After all, at this moment, his evolution method is heaven and earth, and his every move is only the power of destruction, plus this sixth-order monster that shocks.

The confrontation between the two will inevitably completely destroy a million li.

These people are not to mention the inevitable death, so at this moment he does not only suppress his own strength.

It is also necessary to prevent the leakage of power from shocking this group of people, and the pressure is naturally not small.


The voice fell.

The huge palm instantly made contact with that terrifying figure, and in an instant, the space where the two centers touched was constantly annihilated!

Inch of nothingness continues to collapse!

The breath of endless destruction continues to escape!


The sky and earth are dim, the hideous thunder and lightning continue to fall, and the two incomparably huge figures at the end of the heavenly dome continue to wrestle, and the sky is torn.

Heaven and earth are constantly changing in dark red and pitch black.

Countless people were shocked to see this scene as if they were extinguished!

It’s terrifying, is this guy really just a fourth-order divine mansion?

At this time, no one will shout words such as ‘Su Shen Awesome’, and all the language is shocked at this moment.

Everything is hard to figure out everything is hard to think.


Finally, Su Yang successfully counteracted this terrifying force, and the next moment the power of the infinite avenue surrounded his arm, like a dragon roaring fiercely!


Cold shouts, echoes, and the terrifying power instantly hit the opponent’s body!

The terrifying power exploded instantly, and shattered blood holes continued to emerge!

In an instant, the entire sky was raining blood!

Every punch of that towering figure knocked this sixth-order monster back and vomited blood, and its body was also tattered.

Constantly roaring, under the Dharma Heaven and Earth, all skills seem extremely small, only endless power is everything!

Another punch bombarded out, instantly crashing into countless spaces, and slammed into the opponent’s head!


In an instant, the head shattered, and seeing the sixth-order monster killed countless people was like being pardoned, one by one, they sat on the ground one by one, breathing heavily.

The scene just now made them all hold their breath for fear of their own death, and they were afraid of missing every detail.

But at this time, someone found that Su Xiao did not show a relaxed expression and still stared indifferently ahead.

It seems that everything is not over yet.

At the same time, countless people came back to it.

“What is the realm of that monster? It doesn’t seem to work yet.”

Someone couldn’t help but say.

“Maybe it’s because Su Shen is so strong that he can’t fight at all…”

Someone explained slowly, but even he felt far-fetched.

After all, the realm has always appeared with the appearance of monsters, and without releasing it, it generally exists from beginning to end.

Will not be hidden.




Three terrifying voices were slowly transmitted, and each vibration affected everyone’s heartbeat.

Countless people were pale, the blood around them was difficult to contain, chaotic flow, and instantly their hearts shattered and fell to the ground!

“Not good! This sound can affect the heartbeat! ”

“Quick… Hold up the Divine Qi Shield! ”

Someone said eagerly, his eyes were terrified, and he only felt extremely terrifying when he looked up.

That guy didn’t even die!

And at this moment, a huge skeleton skeleton slowly hovered above the sky, and there was still this remnant of flesh and blood around it.

In the central area, a hideous demon heart is constantly beating, and each beat will cause spatial ripples.

Similarly, every time he shook his flesh and blood would grow wildly, but in just three breaths, the other party’s original body was actually restored.

Such a scene is a little surprising even to Su Tian.

It is no wonder that such a terrifying destructive power is difficult to destroy even the seventh-order divine mansion.

After all, in the face of waiting for monsters to kill in addition to one blow, they can only constantly wipe out the power and will of the other party.

Immediately Su Xiao slowly smiled.

Isn’t that the best sandbag.

At this moment, I need to constantly vent in order to gain the feeling of battle, and the other party can recover almost infinitely.

It’s just…

That’s great!

In an instant, the heavens and the earth rose up, and the huge body exuded endless destructive power and constantly bombarded the opponent’s body!

The aura of destruction continued to extinguish and erupt, and countless people looked at the scene in front of them, from horror to final numbness.

It was so brutal that it ravaged a sixth-order monster like a sandbag.

Sure enough, is this the strength of top geniuses…

But. This strength is also too strong.

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