Chapter 212: Creating the Foundation of the Kingdom of God! Immortality! Kunlun Mountain endless years!!


The sound of collision in the void continued to sound, and each attack fell with a terrifying spatial aftermath.

Finally, under the impact of a huge force, the sixth-order monster finally died completely.

It has never been so resigned in this life, and it is simply in the abyss all the time.

The terrifying power not only crushed his body and wiped out his soul, but under the almost exhaustion of this terrifying power, he finally couldn’t bear it.

With the sound of the originally wriggling heartbeat, it continued to beat, and then it was completely silent and broken.

In the end, the huge body collapsed directly above the sky.

The towering figure also slowly stopped, and a pair of eyes looked at the crumbling monster on the side.

Su Yang couldn’t help but feel full of heart, it was the first time he vented so much.

For a moment, I only felt that the perception of the avenue around me was becoming more and more powerful.

And everything is constantly growing.

Even he wanted to hang the other party another wisp of life just now, but unfortunately the other party directly shattered his heart.

Tsk, really without a beating, this collapses.

But even so, Suzhou’s harvest this time is still great.

With a gentle wave of his hand, a divine source levitated, and just as he started Su Yang, he felt an incomparably hot power.

At this moment, it seems that what is being held in his hand is not a divine source, but a miniature sun, and the energy concentration of this divine source can be worth thousands of divine sources, and I have to say that this is really a wave of fat.

At the same time, Su Xiao slowly unfolded his palm.

[Immortality: Create the foundation of the kingdom of God, immortality, immortality, and eternal immortality, which can help double the growth of your own kingdom of God. 】

[Weird source (residue): The weird end point of everything is not perfect, but it seems to contain some unimaginable force (use with caution) and after use (very small probability) may cause uncontrollable consequences. 】

Not bad, the first one for Su Xiao in this matter is not a small improvement, and the Da Luo Honghuang World also needs a promotion at this time.

Then you will immerse yourself like a big Luo Honghuang.


Heaven and earth changed dramatically, and in an instant, countless lamp top powers sensed this change, and couldn’t help but change color again.

“Honghuang has changed again, and I can feel this terrifying force, which has almost doubled Honghuang.”

Di Jun said slowly, his eyes were spleen, looking at the endless years, and detected the flood and desolation at this moment.

Today’s Da Luo Honghuang has become terrifying and powerful again, and their sense of restraint has also increased.

This also means that the subsequent improvement path is also constantly showing.

Kunlun Mountain.

A red coat stood on the top of the mountain, his eyes did not have the slightest distraction, his cold face ignored everything, quietly felt the change of Da Luo Honghuang, and then looked not far away.

The scope of the Great Luo Honghuang has doubled, of which fifty percent has increased in the Endless Heaven Bend, and then thirty percent have strengthened the endless vein, and the subsequent two percent have descended on the surrounding of the human race, which makes the territory of the human race grow stronger and stronger, and it may also be the origin of another change.

After all, the more so, the more it will cause a fight, and the Terran race is already very prosperous at this moment, plus these two percent of the territory, it will inevitably skyrocket again, I am afraid that the creatures who are secretly planning will have to make a move.

This time it will only be more terrifying than the Buddha Gate!

Hongjun’s eyes felt the sky, and as the first of all calculations, the first thing he had to do was to constantly deduce the years.

Intercept the future film years, but at this time, the Da Luo Honghuang is growing, and their peeping years are becoming less and less.

Once complete, now only five out of ten can be glimpsed.

But the source of everything points to the Terrans in the distance.

“The Terrans occupy so many places, it shouldn’t be, it’s not in line with the way of heaven.”

In the depths of the endless years, Shi Haoshi looked at the flood and desolation below.

A pair of eyes showed a domineering color, instantly walked out of the depths of immeasurable years, and an incomparably terrifying aura surged out with the invincible avenue!

In an instant, it reverberated throughout the Da Luo Honghuang!

“Terran land trespassers, die!”

The sound is like real thunder that emits endless horror. Constantly ravaging the heavens and the world

“If you disobey again, I will fight alone, and in this battle, I will continue alone above the Dao fruit!” All cause and effect are borne by one! ”

The thick voice echoed in the sky, as if taking an oath!

As soon as this remark came out, the power in the dark frowned slightly, and at the top of Kunlun Mountain, the West Queen Mother Willow frowned slightly, listening to Shi Hao’s words, her heart was slightly touched.

How long has it been since the strength of the other party has progressed so rapidly, originally it was only the middle stage of the Dao Fruit, and at this moment, it seems that it has reached the late stage of the Dao Fruit, even if it is facing the peak, it is only a thin line.

Such terrifying growth talents have even surpassed them.

Of course, this also has the changes in the Honghuang Heaven and Earth, after all, in the early period, the Da Luo Hong Desolate Heaven and Earth were naturally not so powerful, and the suppression of the world they had was also extremely large, and their cultivation speed was naturally unstoppable.

At this moment, the other party was born during the heyday of the Great Luo Hong Wilderness, and the prohibition between heaven and earth was weakened a lot, and it was easier for living beings to break through.

But Daoguo’s ban has not decreased much.

Moreover, this sentence said, although overbearing, but also too arrogant, simply pulled all the hidden powers into the water, simply muddied all the water.

The master also had to say that this remark was also a demonstration, and the Terrans at this moment were not as weak and weak as before, and they needed protection.

She looked into the depths of the void, where a woman with infinite merit of creation slowly stood up.

Then he seemed to notice something, and a happy smile gently appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Su Yang watched the changes in Honghuang, and at the same time, a strong force began to feed back to him continuously.

The aura of the whole person instantly expanded, and every inch of the skin around the body exuded an unparalleled radiance.

The owner is surrounded by unimaginable might.

At the same time, Su Xiao only felt that his eyes were hot for a while, and then he slowly understood.

If your own strength reaches the fifth-order divine residence, you will usher in a tempering of the physical body, walking the five internal organs, limbs, and brain revealing seven tricks, and three hundred and sixty-five acupuncture points around the body.

After thorough tempering, you can obtain more terrifying power, which is also a foundation shaping.

As long as you can temper to the extreme, your potential can also be discovered to the top!

Therefore, once the strength reaches the fifth rank, they will definitely be able to achieve the sixth rank.

Even if the potential is low, under this tempering, their own qualifications will improve rapidly.

Some even rely on supreme perseverance to reach the peak of their original qualifications to the extreme, and eventually become eighth-order divine donkeys!

And according to rumors, among the final three hundred and sixty-five acupuncture points, he has tempered a full three hundred and thirty-three, and is called invincible in the flesh within the same rank!

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