Chapter 219: The Land of Trials! Kowloon pulls the coffin! God and Demon Recovery!!

Su Yang and the two opened to the place of trials, and then the two sides said a little about the details of the competition and the secret rules.

“That’s about it, compared to some things you will know even if you don’t say it, but it’s better than nothing.”

Elder Liu said slowly, then looked at Meng Ziqiu again and snorted coldly.

“Next time, if you are really like this, don’t be your director if you are reckless!”

Meng Ziqiu, who heard this, couldn’t help but whisper that it was not that he was afraid of Elder Liu but that the incident was too serious.

They have also learned everything Su Yang has done through understanding, and they want to know which void scale there are many elite students!

Many of them have deep backgrounds.

Once you really let that monster go crazy to kill, it will inevitably have a huge impact.

Not only is it difficult for new blood to operate, but it also has to bear external condemnation, and it will inevitably fall into a dilemma!

They were also glad that Su Yang’s strength was strong enough to resist the sixth-order monsters, but it was also a warning.

Once there is such a mess next time, something big will happen!

You must know that once your strength reaches the sixth rank, no matter how terrifying your talent is, you will definitely not be able to fight across the ranks!

In the last session, it is rumored that which of the strongest people, stepping on the Nine Dragons to pull the coffin, with a supreme posture, with the body of the sixth order, hard to carry the attack of the seventh order!

In the end, although it won, it was also exhausted, you must know that it was rated as the first day talent today!

Even he is so difficult, let alone posterity.

Although they gave great confidence in Su Yang, there was still a gap compared to that one.

In which session, only that figure stood tall in the world, and his figure attracted countless strong people to be convinced, and just looking at it from a distance could not erase the impact of that scene.

It was like a true miracle.

Elder Liu snorted coldly at the other party again, and then left.

Meng Ziqiu on the side sighed at this time, and then slowly put on a spatial ring.

“Nuo, when you have just advanced to the fifth rank at this moment, you really need to consolidate your own strength, there are a total of two thousand divine sources here, plus a bottle of heaven and earth quenching liquid.”

“These should be enough for you to consolidate your own kingdom of God, so come on.”

Then it is convenient to leave slowly.

Looking at the storage space Su Yang fiddling with it is still a little novel, after all, the general storage is in the form of a backpack, and the ring is a little new.

Then he took out a whole two thousand divine sources.

Spray, this wave is really a quick rich, thinking of this Su Yang is directly immersed in his own Daluo Honghuang.

Not only did everything in the flood barren world breed, but it became stronger and stronger since the last robbery, and Su Yang couldn’t help but smile slightly.

The divine source in his hand constantly radiates radiance.

Blending into heaven and earth, in an instant, the flood and desolation were slightly lightened again, and endless years slowly emerged.

Above the sky, immeasurable years emerged, and the rich holy qi of heaven and earth continued to gush.

Even in some places, it has rained sacred stones, and in other places, an endless sea of spiritual power has appeared out of thin air.

Rough waves, everything is changing!

In addition, there are all kinds of creatures slowly born, they have no flesh and blood, but are transformed by the essence of grass, trees, mountains and rivers.

Or intangible, in short, today’s floods are more and more turbulent.

And at this moment, countless powerful eyes slowly opened, Di Jun, Fuxi, Queen Mother of the West, Hongjun, Luo Yu…

And so on the power is solemn, of course, they are not because of the change of the flood waste, but because the three thousand avenues are constantly ringing.

Along with carrying endless rules, they all began to become active, and enlightenment became easier and easier, and for a while, many creatures broke through and took a step closer.

Naturally, such visions could not escape their eyes.

Shi Haoshi sits in the immeasurable river of time, allowing the years to wash away and stand still.

The next moment his eyes opened, as if containing endless brilliance.

“God and Demon”

Just now, he felt an incomparably pure avenue atmosphere, like the incarnation of the avenue, and his demeanor resonated with heaven and earth.

If the world can do this to such a point, I am afraid that only the gods and demons born in the endless chaos can have such prestige!

In the Terran Shrine, Huang Jiu was originally discussing kendo with Xuanyuan Huangdi.

But in the next moment, an endless avenue qi frantically breeded, spreading continuously from between his eyebrows, and the heaven and earth where this breath passed were constantly buzzing.

Even the Xuanyuan Sword in Xuanyuan Huangdi’s hand began to hum gently, if it weren’t for the fact that it was created by Xuanyuan and injected into his own mind, I am afraid that he would have to leave at this moment!

“What’s wrong with him?”

The Yellow Emperor’s face changed slightly, and when he saw the other party like this, he even thought that the other party had suffered the curse of some kind of strong man, but this power of the sword Dao continued to comprehend it with him…

For a while, even his kendo artistic conception was crazy to improve, and such a surging improvement was suppressed by him layer by layer in only half a furnace incense time!

It’s not that he can’t improve anymore, but with his strength at this time, it is still the limit, and if he is improving, he will inevitably leave traces.

Cause the sword heart to be unstable!

You may even lose a battle against the strongest by even a fraction!

When even if he withdrew from the Terran temple, he entered the retreat again.

And at this moment, the Chao clan on the side looked at Huang Jiu’s change, and couldn’t help but sigh secretly, in fact, the other party gave him an extraordinary feeling at the beginning.

Unlike One, when he faces it, he can deal with it calmly, but every time he sees each other, he has a palpitation that is difficult to contain.

There seems to be extreme danger lurking inside.

Huang Jiu has a big secret on his body, not even just him, during these years, many Terrans have appeared with various talents.

These people obviously don’t know anything about cultivation, but once they gain or have some understanding of a certain Dao, they are like a fish in water!

Some have even reached the realm of true self, but for a thousand years.

Such a terrifying progress, rare in the world!

It is also so engraved Huang Jiu.

At this time, the same scene as Huang Jiu was being staged everywhere!

The whole flood is buzzing, because it has felt its own further sublimation!

The Three Thousand Avenues are about to recover, and the gods and demons are gradually beginning to awaken!

The real Daluohong Rebellion has really begun!

At the same time, in a space, Arwen’s face was hideous, and an extremely terrifying devouring power emanated from his body, and under this power, all forces were completely sunk and absorbed into it!

And the three Buddhas who were sitting and talking in the distance frowned instantly, only to feel that an extremely familiar and hideous momentum had descended on their bodies across endless years!

“I found you!”

“I’m obsessed with waiting!”

In the depths of the endless void, the three pairs of eyes are bloodthirsty and full of not necessarily terrifying aura, immortal!

“It’s gods and demons. The pools are revived… Nine”

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