Chapter 220 Yang Mei was shocked! Three thousand gods and demons return!!

The faces of the three who raised their eyebrows were extremely solemn, and they only felt cold sweat.

I never expected that the gods and demons would recover so quickly, especially the three figures just now, which were clearly their original figures!

The other party has already detected his own existence, and with the behavior of gods and demons, he will never let a creature with the slightest resemblance to himself exist!

They will inevitably annihilate or assimilate them!

And once they really do it, with their own strength, there will be no resistance at all, the gap is too big.

Thinking of this, the three looked at each other and planned to flee as soon as possible, and there was only one place that could escape the perception of gods and demons at present.

The three looked at each other and already had a plan.

That’s right, Arvin!

Raising his eyebrows and waking up, he looked into the distance, and his face twitched in an instant, as if he had found something incredible.

“What’s wrong?”

The two on the side were slightly stunned, and then explored the second area in the direction of Arwen, and their faces were strange in an instant.

“It’s devouring, it’s not… Obsession?! ”

The voice of the raised eyebrows was hoarse, and he only felt that he was a little unsure.

Before they just felt that Arwen had the same rhyme as them, and there was a great fit.

Therefore, I thought that the other party was also the same obsession as them, but at this moment, it seems that the other party is obsessed there!

That’s what the is!

And a god and demon who is about to recover!


They still remember what the devouring gods and demons did in the chaos, and in some ways he was more dangerous than Luo Yu.

If it weren’t for the fact that the birth time was too short, one’s own Dao Sense was not too strong or even death might not be a battle.

After all, the other party’s avenue can swallow everything, and it is also the key to integrating the three thousand avenues.

“Run! Can’t let the other party find us! ”

The three of them said in unison, and suddenly the figure stepped through the void and went straight to the immeasurable years!

And at this moment, a trembling breath slowly spread, and everyone who was touched by this breath was swallowed up and turned into nothingness, even space and time were not spared.

“Three Daoists, where do you want to go?”

An indifferent voice sounded, carrying the sound of the terrifying avenue, and every word seemed to contain an unparalleled devouring avenue.

A pitch-black figure slowly appeared behind the three, lightly pressing the void with one hand, and for a while, the void was completely solidified.

The immeasurable years that the three have just opened up are actually crushed and broken.


The three people who raised their eyebrows only felt that their grammar was tragic, and the reality was calculated by Hongjun, and they could not become the power of the world.

Then it was because of the Buddha Gate that he fell into a deep sleep, and then directly ran into a god and demon at this time!

Even if they have the strength of Da Luo Daoguo, they still can’t escape in the hands of the other party, after all, for the other party, this terrifying momentum.

All the breath has been completely imprisoned, and even the true spirit is trembling lightly.

If the other party is willing, even the next moment can swallow all three of them and use them to restore themselves.

“Come with me.”

An indifferent voice sounded, Arwen slowly waved his hand, and the endless devouring power directly formed a pitch-black black hole.

Then it was to carry three people directly into it.

At the same moment, I felt that various breaths were constantly breeding, and the heavenly court was bent.

Di Jun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said slowly.

“Three thousand gods and demons have been revived, so it is time to start the plan.”

“Your Majesty, the Qingqiu clan in the past, although it took a thousand years to recover due to the influence of the Buddhist Sect, this matter is about the gods and demons, and it may be difficult to take on a great responsibility.”

A figure slowly walked out of one knee, and the blood-red armor clicked.

Zhou Shen brewed an incomparably strong barbaric aura, as if he could step on the sky between his manners.

His name is Ezu, he is a newly promoted and powerful race of the demon race, and his strength has reached the level of Daoguo, and he is valued by Di Jun.

Seeing Ezu Dijun glanced at it, he said slowly.

“Since you want to go, then go, remember not to make a mistake this time.”

“Yes! Obey the Emperor’s orders! ”

Ezu was overjoyed, bowed again, and then walked outside the hall.

Looking at Ezu’s departing figure, Di Jun couldn’t help but shake his head gently.

“Although Ezu is sincere, his character is too arrogant, and his means may anger the human race.”

“But isn’t this what has always been the case, there is no living being in the Honghuang Heaven and Earth who can stay out of it, even if he is a human race.”

“Once anyone who obstructs my demon clan will be crushed by me.”

“I will block all enemies of the demon clan.”

“Let’s take a trip to the True Dragon Clan…”


A figure on the side slowly emerged, and then walked towards the outside of the hall.

The Heavenly Court has long known that the Dragon Clan does not dare to gather under people, especially at this time, the strength of the Dragon Ancestor is more profound, and even has some meaning of being comparable to Di Jun, which makes some strange voices appear within the Dragon Clan.

Neither Di Junyi nor Long Zu broke this layer of window paper.

There is a considerable tacit understanding between each other.

After all, as far as the two of them are concerned, the Demon Clan and the Dragon Clan are mutually beneficial to some extent.

And once a dispute does arise, no matter which side wins, the final result is bound to be tragic.

And with the previous catastrophe of the dragon and phoenix battle, it reminded that Long Zu would naturally not launch it easily, after all, no one knew if this was the beginning of a conspiracy.

And this move of Di Jun can not only distinguish the strong and weak voice within the dragon clan, but also further increase the prestige of the Heavenly Court with one stone and two eagles.

If the Dragon Clan responds, then this battle between gods and demons is still decided, and the Heavenly Court will win.

If the dragon clan does not listen to the tune, it is also a signal, although there will be no war, but the two will inevitably be vigilant.


Extremely ancestral witches sat opposite each other, participating in the supreme road together, and several ancestral witches could be described as mesmerized, especially after hearing the ancestor’s sermon.

It was as if they had opened a new door and window, day and night.

At this time, Di Jiang slowly opened his eyes, and just for a moment, he spanned the immeasurable years and peeked into the corner of the years.

A familiar figure died in battle, in a different place, and the head was cut off.


He whispered softly, and the ancestral witches on the side also slowly recovered from their epiphany and looked at the eldest brother on the side.

“What’s wrong with the eldest brother?”

“You’re stupid! What could be bigger than the birth of gods and demons!? ”

“The eldest brother must be thinking about the gods and demons, right?”

Zhu Rong on the side scolded the fifth brother of Zi and then looked at the eldest brother.

Candle Nine Yin was much calmer, his eyes visualized the years, and then he gradually frowned, obviously he also saw that scene.

“Zhurong, do you remember the Xuan You tribe?”

“Well, of course that kid remembers, but it is said that he went to fight with the Yanhuang Erdi of the Terran Clan, and it is said that the harvest is not small.”

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