Chapter 230 Peerless Style, Pressing the Heavenly Firmament, He is unparalleled in the world!!

Looking at the three monsters that were constantly killing each other, everyone thought that this was Su Tian’s strategy.

But only Su Yang looked at this scene coldly.

The power of the avenue between the palms intertwined, and the next moment a hideous crack instantly tore through the sky!

The power of destruction and nothingness continues to tear the space apart, and this scene is like the state of annihilation.

Su Yang held it with one hand, and the next moment the rules of kendo in his palm were constantly intertwined, and a simple bronze long sword appeared in his hand.

In an instant, an extreme danger spread from above his body, seemingly containing endless coercion!

Boom boom!!!!

Heaven and earth roll, clouds and waves empty.

The mountain emperor was about to rush towards the monster from the depths of the seabed, but a cold danger instantly lingered behind him.

It seems that if you don’t look back, the next moment you will be pierced through the divine body!

So terrifying!

Not only the Mountain Emperor, but even the Heaven Swallowing Void Jiao also had the same feeling.

He had fought against Su Xiao before, and he knew a little about the strength of the other party, knowing that this human being was not as simple as it seemed.

But the abyssal monsters in the distance didn’t care about this at all, and the huge divine body slammed wildly on the earth.

The terrifying power shook the ground out of the nagging cracks, like an earthquake, and it was terrifying.

Looking at the three monsters that gradually widened the distance in the distance, Su Tian’s face was calm, the long sword in his hand emitted a three-foot sword light, and the next moment the whole person had disappeared into the sky!


The void trembled, and the sound of the sword was loud and high.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the side of the Heaven-Swallowing Void Jiao, and the long sword in his hand slashed down!

Suddenly, the void was torn apart, and the terrifying sword light that cut everything with bones instantly filled the surroundings, as if a sword had cut off time!

Boom boom!!!

The sword marks spread for three thousand miles, and the sky was torn.

The Heaven-Swallowing Void Jiao roared, and the huge body instantly swirled, and the surrounding scales and armor were radiant, emitting endless blazing light, like a round of stars!

The blood-red light surrounded the other party, such a terrifying blow, shocking the earth, countless people felt their scalps numb across the screen.

It was as if Su Yang could really tear this space apart and reach the top of their heads!

It’s a shock!

Compared with the small fights of other students at this time, Su Yang here is simply a river dragon entering the sea, only pressing the heavenly firmament!


The fluctuations of destruction continued to vibrate and scatter, and Su Yang held a long sword in his hand, slowly standing above the void, looking at the remaining two monsters with a dull gaze.

At this moment, a vicious momentum quickly climbed, and the hideous dragon figure in the distance was not dead!

But even so, his situation at the moment is really not good.

The scales around his body were almost all shattered, and the sword energy penetrated his flesh through more than tens of thousands of sword marks.

Blood seeped down the flesh and blood, and the rich bloody aura continued to permeate, as if staining the sky red.

Even the entire cloud turned scarlet, like the dusk of the residual sun.

“It’s not dead.”

Su Yang glanced at the other party, and then his eyes were released, and then he understood.

It turned out that at the last moment, he blew up all his scales and armor, dragged himself for time, and finally used the power of the realm to blur his body.

It’s a pity that this move is really good, but his kendo is the rule of the avenue, even if he escapes into nothingness, he can’t completely dodge the attack.

At this time, the flesh of the Heaven-Swallowing Void Jiao was tattered, especially the tail, the muscles and bones were completely broken, and the blood was like a fountain.

But under the tenacious life force of the other party, this injury is still constantly recovering.

In the distance, the Mountain Love Emperor and the deep sea monster had already felt Su Tian’s strength from the battle just now.

Especially the Mountain Emperor, you must know that he has fought no less than hundreds of battles with the Heaven Swallowing Void Jiao, and even if he struggles with all his strength, he has only beaten the other party to such a point once.

And it is a little strange that this human being can do it so easily.

Su Tian’s eyes were calm, and he faintly looked at the remaining two monsters.

The Heaven Swallowing Void Nether Jiao was seriously injured at this time, and his entire strength was reduced by nearly half, and he had no threatening power, so he could look at these two statues.

There are three sixth-order divine sources, and just thinking about this makes people’s blood boil.

The corners of Su Tian’s mouth smiled, lightly tapped into the void, and instantly an incomparably pure and magnificent power shone madly from the heavenly firmament!

Boom boom!!!

Like the Nine Heavens God Thunder explosion, the sky instantly shattered, and a hideous huge spear slowly poked out the head of the spear.

Majestic and terrifying, the endless power of destruction continues to release and spread, and the surrounding space is constantly reshaped in the rain of destruction…

“Such a terrifying aura is not for him to be able to exert such terrifying power.”

“It’s too powerful, Su Shenming is only a fifth-order ah, how do I feel that he is stronger than my mentor?”

“That’s called genius… We’re dull by comparison…”

Everyone in the distance felt their own insignificance when they saw the figure standing tall in the sky and the terrifying head of the aunt’s terrifying gun.

A man in a black robe looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn’t help but tense his teeth, emitting a piercing friction sound, which showed the resentment in his heart.

His name is Nan Feng, he is the person who wanted to kill Su Xiao before, and even he specially decided how to torture the other party when the time comes.

But when he saw this scene, he was completely dumbfounded.

It is still a whole three sixth-order monsters with the strength of the fifth order!

And killing a fifth-order monster by himself took a lot of effort, and he only felt a chill down his spine for a while when he thought of his original actions.

Fortunately, he didn’t meet the opposite gang in advance, otherwise he would really go to die!

But looking at the figure of the other party fighting in all directions above the bend, he couldn’t help but rise up jealousy and resentment.

By what!

Why is this guy so strong!

By what is he! Not me!

The more I think about it, the more twisted and crazy my heart becomes.

Looking at the remaining two terrifying figures in the sky, he faintly broke off.

Then it was just a matter of leaving the place.

The Mountain Love Emperor felt the power of this fear cloth to take the lead, and the mountain-like body drove the sky and covered the sun, just gently stepping on the ground caused a wave to roll!

Boom boom!!!

Endless veins have burst out from the ground, and the terrifying power is instantly clamped on his body, and the hideous divine body that was originally like an earthy yellow instantly turns into pitch black, and even the hideous rocks on his back are more and more terrifying, as if they can shatter everything!

A terrifying roar shocked the world, and the mountain-like body suddenly stepped on the layers of space and directly crashed up!

It’s like a sea of mountains, heaven and earth are turned upside down!

Su Xiao did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, and his fingers slowly fell.


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