Chapter 231 Falling into the Sky and Suppressing All Disobedience!!

The hideous giant gun is like a sunset meteor, carrying the power of the supreme to suppress it in an instant, and the layers of space collapse instantly!

In an instant, even time becomes slow, as if even time is shredded together!

The huge body of the mountain emperor is no different from a giant gun, and it resists with an incomparably heavy body!

In an instant, two terrifying forces were intertwined, and the fluctuations of destruction stirred up the void of space for three thousand miles, and the ground collapsed and sank out of thin air!

The earth was squeezed madly, and a basin in the distance was hard because of the squeeze of the earth vein and directly turned into a mountain!

Especially this sinking earth is thousands of miles in size, not far away Wang Yang poured in, and a large amount of seawater raged out.

All kinds of horrors are like moving mountains and reclaiming the sea.

However, after all the power was extinguished, the terrifying figure of the Mountain Love Emperor was not killed, and the huge body was embedded in the ground, but the armor on his back did not break in the slightest.

Such a scene even Su Yang couldn’t help but admire this guy’s thick skin and flesh.

You must know that this recruitment situation contains endless terrifying power.

It is even more created by the ancestor of Bing, although his understanding of the situation of the soldier is not as good as the other party, but he is also the second person besides the other party.

Being able to resist such a blow can also be called the title of unparalleled defense.

After all, the Mountain Emperor Monarch is famous for its thick skin and flesh, and although his strength is only a sixth-order one, even a sixth-order divine residence may not be able to break the opponent’s defenses with all his might.

Not to mention that this is still a mountain emperor with a king-level bloodline, I am afraid that it cannot be killed unless it is a seventh-order order.

At the same time, layers of void were squeezed and shattered by tentacles, and a hideous head set off a huge wave, and the terrifying figure carried the waves to stop, as if pouring into the sky!

Su Yang pushed sideways with both palms, the rules of the endless avenue were contained in it, and all kinds of supernatural things burst out one after another!

In an instant, the two attacks were fiercely opposed, and the deep-sea monster carried a huge wave, with an incomparably terrifying gravity!

Its own realm unfolded, and the gravity of a radius of 30,000 li suddenly increased to 100,000 times!!

Boom boom!!!!

The earth cracked inch by inch, then collapsed inch by inch, and finally turned into a hideous thing like a stubborn stone.

Su Yang felt this terrifying force, and his body was also squeezed by gravity.

However, even so, he still did not change anything, and when he looked up into the distance, he saw the huge body of the mountain emperor shattering the earth one after another!

He pulled his body out of the earth and roared to the sky.

His eyes gradually turned crimson, and not only that, the sky was also the doctor’s hideous roar.

The Heaven-Swallowing Void Jiao swung its huge body, as if carrying the power of pouring the sky, and the huge dragon claws suppressed it!

In an instant, the three parties converged, and each party released an extremely terrifying aura!

Such a scene shocked people’s hearts, and they only felt that even Su Shen was powerless to return to heaven at this moment.

Elder Liu clenched his hands and stared at the screen with dead eyes.

At this moment, the four seventh-order divine residences were already standing above the void, looking at the figures below, as well as the three behemoths with extremely solemn expressions.

“Good fellow, this kid is really ruthless, with my strength, I won’t easily provoke one of them, he provoked it all again.”

The middle-aged figure on the side couldn’t help but say, although the words were brisk, his eyes were extremely solemn.

Saving people in the hands of three sixth-order king-level bloodline monsters is extremely difficult, and the slightest mistake is a disaster.

“Anyway, the order to die has been given from above, this kid must live.”

The middle-aged man said slowly, and then was about to rush forward, when suddenly a strong aura covered the sky, and the terrifying heaven and earth aura wave even he was a little unstable.

“This kid…”

He looked at the central area and was instantly a little overwhelmed.

I saw an incomparably majestic figure soaring into the sky, full of ten thousand feet high, and the terrifying figure was surrounded by an aura of destruction.

It was the Dharma Heaven and Earth that Su Yang had cast.

The huge figure rose flat on the ground, containing supreme power, and such a shocking scene made countless people explode!

“I rub?! Up?! ”

“This stuff is much better than Gundam… The Mechanical God Kingdom is not necessarily comparable…”

“Really fake, across the screen I feel like he can shatter my screen with one punch”

“That… Captain, are we still saving.”

Four figures stood on top of the bend, watching the terrifying figure rise into the air and slowly said.

“Let’s take a look for now.”

The middle-aged man in the lead said slowly, for some reason even he felt a hint of threat after this terrifying figure rose.

Forget it, maybe it’s just fantasy.

Boom boom!!!

With a punch, the space shattered in an instant, and the void shook and hummed!

The terrifying power instantly shattered countless huge tentacles!


With a low drink, Fa Tianxiang followed Su Yang step out together, and the space under his feet was wiped out innumerable.

One palm pushed forward, and the other hand stood in the sky, directly striking at the hideous dragon claw!!!


The wave of destruction crushes layers of nothingness, and the space dissolves and collapses.

The mountain emperor Su Tian, who rushed madly with his physical body in the distance, did not have any fear, and the body of the law heaven and earth drove out endless brilliance!

Another step out, directly forcing the deep-sea monster to retreat, the terrifying power was instantly released, and in an instant, it collided with the Mountain Love Emperor!


The earth shook, the earth trembled, and in an instant, many geniuses soared into the air, and the ground shook too violently to stand at all.

But above the sky, it is not much better, and the power of the vibrating space is constantly ups and downs, twisting everywhere, and nausea is abnormal.

It’s like heaven and earth turning water and fire retrograde.

Su Yang clenched his fist with one hand, and in an instant, the avenue of power and the rules of fist dao converged frantically.

The terrifying power was all condensed on the fist, and the next moment it directly bombarded the head of the mountain emperor!

With an earth-shaking bang, a large hideous head rotated and took off, and then exploded with the space!

At the same time, the power of destruction was released, the law heaven and earth held the sky with both hands, endless mighty power was contained in it, and the avenue of heavenly fire was running wildly, as if it could burn everything!

Attached to the body drive of the Dharma Heaven and Earth, a giant hand directly inserted into the void, and the void shattered in an instant, directly pulling out the Heaven-Swallowing Void Jiao hidden in nothingness!

The terrifying force exploded the opponent’s flesh every inch of the body!

In the next moment, the spear in the hand of Fa Tianxiang was terrifying, and the spear pierced through the void, seemingly carrying the power of the right heaven and earth!


With a light drink, the spear tore through the void in an instant, cutting a hideous and terrifying crack!

As if it can wipe out everything!

In the next moment, it directly pierced through the chest of the deep-sea monster, throwing the opponent’s body hundreds of thousands of feet away, and nailing it fiercely to the ground!

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