Chapter 234: Pangu Essence Blood, Flesh Dao, Condensing the Wilderness!!

The spear contains endless killing power, and everything touched is completely annihilated.

Even the space is constantly shredded.

In the face of such a terrifying force, Su Ming’s gaze remained unchanged, and he stepped out one step at a time, and the endless barbaric qi behind him surged wildly!

Since you can’t defeat the place with conventional power, then use the flesh ~ hard with it!

Qi practitioner, major in qi machine, is constantly condensed by cultivating his own qi machine, and he can also intercept the qi machine as he did before!

“Concentrate on the wilderness.”


With his hands folded, Su Ming’s long hair around his body flew, his hair crown crumbled, and his robe stirred with the fierce wind!

In the next moment, a strong and powerful momentum rose from the ground!

It was also at this moment that Punishment Tian couldn’t help but stare slightly.

For some reason, this extremely fragile human race just now skyrocketed several times in an instant.

At this moment, even he is a little elusive.

“In that case, then please.”

Su Ming changed his hand, and the yin and yang creation manifested in it, and it seemed to have an infinite flow of Dao rhyme.

The barbaric power of the Dao Dao was rolling around him, and this wisp of qi was intercepted by the innate divine.

Pregnant with supreme mighty power, the corners of Punishment Tian’s mouth laughed, and a palm shattered the void around his body, and his own momentum skyrocketed at this moment!


With a low drink, Su Ming’s figure instantly rushed up like a meteorite, and his hands floated in the air and grabbed the spear that stabbed straight ahead!

In an instant, the breath of endless destruction flowed and operated, the space was roughly cracked, and all kinds of concussive forces penetrated his chest together.

If it was before, I was afraid that his chest would already be tattered and bloody.

But at this moment, there was not the slightest injury, and the power of barbarism was frantically circulating in his body to defeat all the power that rushed to the individual!

“It’s wild.”

The figure stopped, and the spear continued to buzz and tremble, shaking the void, but it was held dead in the palm of Su Ming’s hand.

There is simply no escape.

Punishment Tian did not move angrily, and the momentum around his body not only gathered.


Dust flew and huge shields fell to the ground and tore the earth apart.

He took off his battle armor and shield, exposing his hideous chest, and his muscles were like pimples exuding endless terrifying power one by one.

Su Ming plunged the spear into the ground and untied the robe on his body, leaving only a close-fitting suit.

Both of them chose to compare their physical bodies, and the distance of thousands of miles in front of the two was like nothingness.

Suddenly, two sonic booms sounded, and before the sound was completely transmitted, the space in the central area directly exploded!

The two figures shuttled through it, and the figures were like earth-shattering thunder, constantly colliding, showing terrifying power!

Each impact will collapse into the void.


In the void, Su Ming’s fist suddenly swung out and set off layers of spatial ripples, directly bombarding the arm of the opposite gang!


The power of the terrifying shock spread instantly, and the figure of the punishment heaven shook slightly, and he directly hit this punch!

At the same time, a kick goes up from the throughout.


The terrifying power is like a sea of mountains, squeezed in!

Under the blessing of the power of barbarism, Su Ming’s physical body was raised to the extreme, but even so, there was still a slight gap in front of the punishment heaven.

It was from the Wu Clan, and it was originally the flesh and blood evolution of Pangu, the avenue of power, coupled with the other party’s acquired cultivation, it had reached an unbelievable level of terror!

This kick actually sent Su Mingrui into the ground!

The earthquake trembled, and the body of the punishment heaven was like Xuan Tie directly crashing into the depths of the earth!

The battle between the two also attracted a lot of divine attention, and seeing such a murderous hand-to-hand fight between the two was even more terrifying than the innate fierce beast!

The simple flesh collision is simply weird to the extreme!

Complete aesthetics of violence!

“It’s really rude to fight like this. As a true self, I don’t pursue the wonders of the avenue, but I choose the flesh…”

But halfway through his speech, he didn’t dare to say anything as if he realized something, and retreated behind everyone.


There was a thunderclap on the ground, the ground trembled, and the earth moved, as if some terrifying force was constantly rising underground!


In an instant, the earth within a radius of tens of thousands of miles instantly shattered and rose into the air!

Huge plates soar into the sky!

Countless divine eyes turned their eyes, and then their eyes widened one by one.

Under that huge plate, it turned out to be the punishment heaven that was knocked away!

The force of the shattering layer by layer of shock slowly floated in the air, and a figure smashed into the layers of space, pinching his fist with one hand, and instantly resonated with heaven and earth!


Heaven and earth hummed, Su Ming shattered layers of void, one hundred thousand li in one step, and instantly approached the body of the punishment heaven!

Immediately follow with a punch!

But the next moment the terrifying power explosion did not come.

“Not bad, I recognize your physical body.”

A hoarse voice came, and the huge palm of the Punishment Heaven grabbed Su Ming’s fist deadly!

Wipe out the power of this punch!

The corners of his mouth flowed with blood donation, but his eyes released endless terrifying battle intent!

Not only that, along with the improvement of his combat spirit, his strength is also constantly increasing!

Su Ming’s face was cold, and he immediately drank lightly.

“Gas engine burning.”


In an instant, everyone raised their heads with a terrifying fist power like a laser, shaking the universe, and the plate that was knocked out was instantly broken by the horizontal waist!

Su Ming ignited the qi machine that he had just intercepted, and the strength around his body instantly skyrocketed, and a punch bombarded, shaking and annihilating layers of void!


Thunder rolls in, and the sky is dark and dull like an endless abyss.

Su Ming slowly landed on the ground, only to feel a sour feeling of dewy crackling from his flesh.

Such a hearty battle, such a collision is really intoxicating!

Boom boom!!!!

A pitch-black light fell to the ground, the space disappeared, and a large piece of nothingness was achieved.

A huge figure slowly stepped out of it, the flesh was terrifying, there was not the slightest injury, but the forehead was slightly bloodshot.

“After fighting for so long, did you cause this little injury?”

Punishment Tian grinned, and the power around him gathered frantically.

“Come again!”

“Come again!”

The two drank in unison, and instantly the figures soared into the sky and crashed together!

The terrifying power is frantically rolling into the void, and the power of concussion is tumbling in all directions!

In one world, two figures stand in the air, looking at each other.

Xuan You felt the power of the world around him slowly grasp lightly, and then the space collapsed and then reshaped in his palm.

“Very good strength, but unfortunately, it is not enough to rely on this to defeat me.”

“And I can feel that at this moment, you seem to be inferior to the power of the Yellow Emperor, and a terrifying aura of destruction rushes towards him, not only that, but in an instant, tens of thousands of attacks pierce through the void and hit his body!”

“Oh? Is it. ”

The indifferent voice sounded slowly, and I saw a pair of indifferent eyes in the world slowly open seven!

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