Chapter 235: The Soldier Ancestor Tears the Dragon!!

Heaven and earth began to boil at this moment, and boundless spiritual power frantically gathered.

A huge figure slowly emerged above the heavenly dome, and the other party’s body was like glazed jasper, and multicolored light flowed around him.

He waved his hand gently, and in an instant, everything was quiet, the wind and clouds surged above the heavenly dome, the dark clouds covered the long sky, and the rolling divine thunder shook the sky.

Every tear is like a hideous dragon after death, frantically wrapped around the sky to show an extremely terrifying divine shock!

“Heaven and earth at your fingertips.”

The indifferent voice resounded through the void, and in an instant, an incomparably magnificent huge palm print covered the heavenly firmament.

The palm print poked out from the void, pregnant with an incomparable vicissitudes, and the space around him was constantly shaking.

Xuan You’s eyes were blazing, and then he supported the heaven and earth with one palm, and on the side of the surrounding body, the qi of heaven and earth frantically converged, as if opening up a new world.

The space around him is extremely condensed, and it is pregnant with an incomparably powerful momentum rumbling!!!

The heavenly dome slowly tore apart, and the whole world crumbled as if it was about to be opened by Xuan Yousheng.

He is nine feet tall, and the momentum around him is spreading wildly, and the incomparably powerful momentum between his fingers is like a sea of mountains and seas frantically squeezing the sky!

The heavenly dome collapsed, containing supreme power.

The huge figure of Emperor Yan stood tall in the sky, and the momentum around him was raging wildly, and just one palm was dancing the entire sky.

The two fought against each other, countless spaces were annihilated, and countless destruction fluctuations continued to rage.

I don’t know how much space has been wiped out.

Nothingness began to erode the heavenly space, forming a series of contentious void cracks.

Xuan You’s figure slowly rose, the blood-colored armor slowly condensed, and the powerful momentum spread wildly like a god and a demon!

I saw him slowly raise his hand, and in an instant, eighteen weapons surrounded his body, and the endless terrifying power spread wildly.

A blood-red long sword slowly appeared in his hand, and in an instant, the endless terrifying momentum and the rules of heaven and earth condensed!


A large number of heaven and earth rules swarmed, containing endless killing power.

The rules of kendo tore apart, and the blood-colored diffusion, together with the entire world, continued to spread as if shrouded in a blood-colored mist.

Xuan You is in the blood mist, and the rules of the sword path around him carry endless killing power, as if they can wipe out everything!


The sound resounded throughout the sky, and suddenly a hideous blood-red sword light tore through the firmament.

The layers of space under the endless tearing feeling were split in two like tofu, and the space was even more extinguished.

Destroy the decay!

Facing such a terrifying sword, above the heavenly firmament, Emperor Yan’s gaze was extremely solemn.

He had also seen many kendo masters, the Yellow Emperor, Huang Jiu, etc., but the Xuan You in front of him seemed to be a kendo outlier.

He does not practice any swordsmanship, and all the power of kendo is madly urged by rules and the will to kill.

The kendo used in this way lacks flexibility, but it is also more terrifying, because every sword is for killing!

And at this moment, Xuan You seems to have condensed this Dao to the extreme.

Every swing of the sword breeds an extremely terrifying will to kill, and if it is hit, I am afraid that it will be difficult to refine just this will.

The long whip in Emperor Yan’s hand instantly shot out endless whip shadows around the long sky, forming a hideous dragon in an instant!

The dragon roared, and its huge body covered the sky and could compete with the sun and the moon.

Every piece of dragon scale is as heavy as a mountain and river.


The roar rose to the sky, and the huge body drove to kill you madly with layers of avenue rules!

The blood-colored sword light was frantically entangled with the dragon, and finally the sword light was completely extinguished under the roar of the dragon.

Then the huge tail swung wildly, the moldy time mountains and rivers shook, and the sky was bright and dim.

A supreme force spread out.

Seeing this, Xuan You did not retreat at all, but stepped forward one step, and the momentum around his body frantically converged above the bend.

The blood-red armor released a terrifying and heavy force, and in an instant, it held both hands in the sky and collided with the dragon in an instant!

Boom boom!!!

The earth collapses and cracks!

Mountains and rivers within a radius of 30,000 li were destroyed.

A fierce roar shook out!

In an instant, two figures rushed to the sky!

And the next moment, the dragon’s figure was a little sluggish, and the huge body was constantly twisting, but it didn’t have much impact.

Xuan You’s legs shattered into layers of nothingness, and his hands slowly stretched out, just to slowly open the dragon’s dragon mouth!

Although he is nine feet tall, this dragon is a hundred thousand feet huge, but at this moment, such a small figure makes the dragon wrestle!

Such a scene even Emperor Yan had to admire the horror of the other party’s physical body.

With such a mighty power, it is no wonder that the battle with the Yellow Emperor arrived at him in only three days, but I am afraid that the Yellow Emperor has already been injured at this moment.

Boom boom!!!

Bursts of humming rose from heaven and earth, and a fierce roar spread out from heaven and earth, and the next moment an incomparably shocking huge figure shook the sky.

Dharma heaven and earth!

Emperor Yan cast a magic heaven and earth, pinched out a fist with one hand, and supported his palm with the other, triggering thousands of thunders!


Endless thunder and light in the sky shone wildly, and the next moment a palm and a punch were suppressed at the same time!

The rules of the palm and the rules of the fist converged frantically, and for a while, even You, who was wrestling with the dragon, changed color slightly, and felt the surging power of this fearful cloth.

The next moment, an incomparably vicious aura rose from heaven and earth and bombarded!!!

The void was torn apart, and two ten thousand blades were suppressed!


The spear and spear crossed the earth, resisting this endless terrifying punch and palm for Xuan You.

Countless terrifying forces slowly rose into the air, and a powerful momentum surged from Xuan You’s body!

With a long roar, the dragon’s body fluctuated even more violently.

Even the sound is mixed with a slight hiss!

Seeing this, Emperor Yan kicked and flew two blades, and suppressed it with an invincible huge figure!


The roar of the hole shocked the void of the universe.


With the sound of wailing, the dragon’s hideous dragon head was actually pulled out alive by Xuan You!

Time separates.

The huge body fell to the ground and set off layers of dust, and then dispersed, and the broken long whip slowly emerged.

And at this moment, Emperor Yan’s attack was also accompanied by an instant bombardment on Xuan You’s chest!

The supreme power was implemented instantly, and suddenly Xuan You’s figure was actually driven into the ground to form an endless abyss!

The 100,000-mile mountains and rivers throbbed and emitted a sound and humming.


The earth was torn apart, and a hideous halberd tore through the void and instantly bombarded the Dharma Heaven and Earth!


Wei’an’s figure kept retreating, and the light and darkness above his body flickered.

In the distance, the earth was torn apart, and a hideous figure resisted the halberd, stepping on the void, and his face was hideous and crazy.

At his side, endless space trembled constantly.

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