Chapter 236: Emperor Yan Zhan You, the Fire of Chaos burns everything!!

“Good strength, but unfortunately it’s a little worse.”

Xuan You slowly touched his chest.

The cracks on his body slowly healed, raised his scarlet eyes, and looked at the flickering and dimming figure of the great shore.

“I thought you would be more fun than the Yellow Emperor, but unfortunately you are still worse.”

He stands proudly and insolently.

Step out of the surrounding momentum and implement it frantically, provoking layers of space to fall!


In an instant, a thick force and momentum burst out instantly, shattering the space above the heavenly dome.

Feeling this power, Xuan You frowned slightly.

In the distance, the Dharma Heaven and Earth still existed, and a huge long spear did appear in his hand.

The long sculpture is hideous, the seal is engraved with endless fierce beasts, and it also depicts mountains, rivers and plants.

This blade is the same blade that the Yellow Emperor forged Xuanyuan with him.

However, unlike the Yellow Emperor, he rarely made a move, and because of this, this weapon was not used for a long time.

However, the mighty power contained in it was by no means lower than that of Xuanyuan Sword.

“Old friend, I didn’t expect to fight again.”

Emperor Yan slowly clenched his long lever, and his gaze completely changed from his original calm to endless edge!

It seems that a flood beast is about to awaken, and the next moment the whole heaven and earth will be moved!

“Prisoners are within easy reach.”

The cold sound of cold shouts penetrated countless heavens and earth, turning into the power of suppression and constantly squeezing, frantically spreading to the place where Xuan You was!

However, in the meantime, the terrifying power is blessed on its body.

There is no space in Fang Yuanzhang for a long time, and even the space within 30,000 miles has turned into nothingness.

Countless forces were annihilated in it, completely reduced to nothingness.

Xuan You stood on top of the void, and the halberd in his hand continued to dance, triggering the fusion of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, he launched the person first, instantly breaking through the layers of nothingness, and the halberd in his hand instantly turned into a hundred thousand li, directly tearing down!

This split almost tore the entire world apart.

The world that the Yan Emperor split out was shaky, and it seemed that it would completely collapse in the next moment!

“Want to bind me with the power of the world?”

“You think too simple, the power of the world is not as strong as mine!”

Xuan You’s voice was cold and silent and contained an endless terrifying aura.

Suddenly, everything ahead!

Countless spatial nothingness and even time began to slowly collapse!

Emperor Yan held the long lever, his eyes did not have the slightest fear, and he saw that in an instant, the heavenly spirit energy raged in the long sky.

Very swinging up, this blow contains endless power!

The two terrifying forces instantly shattered. Endless space shattered and torn apart.

In an instant, a sound of the heavens collapsing with a fear of cloth vibrated out!

The sky collapsed, and the earth tore apart.

The whole world is completely destroyed!

The endless void eroded and swallowed the entire world.

At the same time, these two figures also directly crashed into it!

The void shook, like angry waves setting off layers of waves.

At this time, Emperor Yan had already withdrawn the Dharma Heaven and Earth, held the long sculpture in one hand, and suppressed Xuan You!

Terror power shock, infiltration!

The figures of the two sides are intertwined with each other, obviously deep in the endless void, but it seems to be like a fish in water, without the slightest impact.

The fluctuations of destruction continue to spread and rage.

In an instant, the eighteen weapons behind Xuan You slowly hovered into the air, and the halberd in his hand flew together.

“Soldier situation, town kill!”

A roar, and in an instant, it rose, and suddenly I saw that the heavens and the earth were lightless, and eighteen weapons suppressed a void!

Shengsheng surrounded the Yandi in it!

In an instant, the power of the war was released frantically.

The power of killing, killing, and destruction is constantly expanding, carrying the power to crush everything!

Xuan You held the sky with both hands, his eyes were blood-red, and the totems on his body were constantly circulating and expanding like magma.

Throbbing forces that destroyed everything frantically shook the void.

In an instant, eighteen blades were neatly carried out!

Emperor Yan exhaled a breath of Xuanhuang True Qi, his body shining abnormally, and the clothes on his body emitted endless light.

It was dotted with one hundred and eight jade stones, and at this moment, each jade emitted a blazing light like a star!

A terrifying force protected him in it.

An incomparably strange flame slowly rose in his hand as he raised his hand.

The void around the faint body was constantly being swallowed by this flame.

Although it was only a wisp, it did exude an extremely terrifying aura, even Xuan You couldn’t help but be slightly stunned, and then his eyes said solemnly.

“Fire of Chaos.”

“Yes, it is the fire of chaos, and all kinds of treasures of Pangu Ancestor God have been seized by supreme power.”

“But chaos opened up for the ancestor gods, and chaos also evolved the flood barren world. And this chaotic fire is immersed in the endless abyss, and this is what I gained. ”

Emperor Yan said slowly, but there was also a trace of helplessness under his eyes.

After all, this object is one of the Chaos Treasures, and he already has to take it out at this moment.

It must be hidden, but I am afraid that the power of this week’s crazy operation is enough to tear him apart.

When it was really terrifying, such strength was really worthy of Xuan You, the first warrior of the Wu tribe.

“Heh, even if you have the fire of chaos, if you have it, it is possible to annihilate me.”

“But a wisp, do you think it’s possible?”

Xuan You said lightly, and then sealed his hands.

A hideous longbow slowly appeared in his hand, this longbow was extremely dark, not the one used in the battle with the Yellow Emperor.

In the battle with the Yellow Emperor, the longbow was scarlet, and this one was as black as ink.

The difference is that the original bow can release an incomparably terrifying power in an instant, and this bow can swallow everything!

It’s a pity that Dayi’s bow can’t be brought out, otherwise, he will definitely have the confidence to shoot the other party with one arrow!


The bow is like a full moon, and there is no stagnation to see it and it is carried out!

At the same time, boundless nothingness frantically rushed to the arrows, and everything was completely swallowed!

The power of destruction has not been affected in the slightest, but this destructive force has not weakened in the slightest!

“In that case, let’s test it.”

Emperor Yan said slowly, and then flicked his fingers. Suddenly, the fire of chaos spread.

Suddenly, the chaotic fire that had lost its restraints instantly refined the endless nothingness, and the entire void space completely turned into a sea of fire!

Burning endlessly, it cannot be extinguished!

The flames are raging and burning, and everything that comes into contact is completely transformed.

Arrows neighed, endless devouring power swallowed all the rushing void, and the wave of destruction continued to accumulate.

Boom boom!!!

Both figures were surrounded by an uncontrollable darkness, endless darkness, and then a dazzling light was released!

Emperor Yan’s body was surrounded by flames and the power of nothingness continued to rage.

The crown of hair is broken, the long hair is fluttering, but the figure still stands above the bend.

In the distance, Xuan You retreated 100,000 miles, and he didn’t know how much spatial nothingness was shattered under his feet, and the longbow in his hand shattered.

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