Chapter 237: Thirty thousand li of blood, Ezu entered the Great Qin!!

Drops of blood dripped out of the corners of Yandi’s mouth, which was difficult to contain.

Which arrow just now, did not hesitate in the slightest, even the terrifying killing will against the fire of chaos did not weaken in the slightest.

Complete killing arrows!

With such strength, even he was unable to contain the increase in injuries, and at this moment, he knew why the Yellow Emperor did not come back after the battle with Xuan You.

Such a terrifying will to kill is very troublesome to repair.

Xuan You’s arms were ravaged by blood, deep in the bones, and faintly there was a crazy burning force affecting the soul.

Such a terrifying pain even he couldn’t help frowning.

The fire of chaos is worthy of being the treasure of chaos, but it’s a pity.

If it weren’t for the other party’s possession of such treasures, he would definitely be able to shoot and kill!

Although he suppressed the chaotic fire that burned the soul by great means, such methods could not last long, otherwise they would inevitably leave hidden dangers.

Glancing at the Yan Emperor with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, he sneered, and then bombarded with a punch!


The heavens are torn!

The sound of the fist collapsed and destroyed everything!


The void trembled, and a figure was like a meteorite, directly confronting it!

At the same time, the yin and yang qi of heaven and earth condensed wildly, and then transformed into endless barbaric qi!


A roar shook the heavens and the earth, and Su Ming’s palms firmly supported this fist sound mark.

In the next moment, both hands released endless light, one hand in the air, the other hand pinched with one hand, and then clicked up!



The sound fell, and the layers of fist marks dissipated, turning into an afterglow and withering down.

Su Ming’s upper body was bare, and a series of hideous fist marks appeared on his chest.

But the body is already standing tall in the clouds.

Xuan You frowned slightly.

“What about the day of punishment.”

Su Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at each other.

“Killed by me.”

“You can’t kill him.”

Xuan You said slowly as if telling the truth.

Before the words completely fell, the clouds in the distance exploded, and an eight-foot figure rushed through countless spaces!

The huge body suddenly stepped on the earth, stirring up a huge stone.

Compared with Su Ming, the punishment sky is not very comfortable, and the body is full of fists and palms, but the momentum of the gang is no different from Su Ming, and it is flamboyant.

“Fight me again!”

Punishment Tian’s eyes were scarlet, gushing out one after another terrifying power, waving his hand, and the armor returned to the body, holding an axe in one hand and a shield in the other.

Extremely crazy, the long hair is like a demon spreading the void.

“Punishment day!”

Xuan You stopped the other party, and when he heard this, the violent eyes of the punishment sky slowly regained clarity, and restrained his figure to return to the other party’s side.

Xuan You looked at Su Ming above, his eyes surged with curiosity, and then he said slowly.

“Another strange path, a new way of cultivation, not bad and very potential, this seat gives you a chance, enter my nine li can be indestructible.”

It was clear that he was just standing on the ground, but he exuded a terrifying aura of solipsism and was condescending.

Hearing this, Su Ming just sneered, and then said slowly: “Believe it or not, I will kill you one day.” ”

The voice is flat, but it contains an extremely strong will.

“Faith is faith, but do you really think you can get to that point?”

Xuan You smiled indifferently, and then stepped into the space behind him, and the figure dissipated.

Tiantian’s eyes looked at Su Ming coldly, and then he slowly disappeared into nothingness.

Seeing the two sides leaving, Su Ming slowly breathed a sigh of relief, I have to say that the Jiuli tribe is simply terrifying, and they can become stronger by fighting one by one.

And the physical body is so powerful, it is even more difficult to hurt the other party.

Such an opponent is definitely stronger than the people and enemies that the Terrans have faced before!

Then he hurriedly returned to Emperor Yan’s side and slowly floated the other party.

Use yin and yang to help the other party refine the will to kill in the body.

“Such a strong will to kill!”

In an instant, Su Ming only felt that all the energy he had transmitted into it was instantly cut off by the sword qi.

Not only that, but the terrifying power of various weapons is contained in it.

This… Is it the strength of the soldier ancestor…

Seeming to see Su Ming’s state of mind, Shennong smiled, and then said slowly.

“He has touched the Dao Fruit, only one step away, you can prove the Great Luo Dao Fruit, naturally it is not something you can fight.”

He said slowly, seemingly a little out of breath, and then forced himself to stand up and look into the distance.

“Going to the Yellow Emperor tribe, I really didn’t expect that we would not meet again after passing through the previous Buddhist gate, but now it seems that there are still some unpredictable things in the world.”

Emperor Yan said slowly, and then stepped into the space one step and healed.

This time it was not just menacing, there were many Jiuli people in the shadows, but it was strange that they did not kill directly.

Instead, he was observing from a distance, as if he was looking for something.

Su Ming looked around and then slowly left.

At this time, under the leadership of ‘Li Changgeng’, the dragon clan slowly came to the territory of Daqin 30,000 miles away.

“Junshi, we shouldn’t directly enter it, with the strength of my waiting, only the First Emperor and the God of Killing can block us in this Great Qin.”

Seeing Li Changgengran and the dragon lying on the side of them was a little puzzled.

“The incident is urgent, not to mention that such an incident has many big Luo Daoguo plotting in it, do you think we should rush directly?”

Hearing this, Long Shi bowed his head slightly, and was deeply ashamed.

Seeing that the other party was doing well, Han Lishi said slowly: “What’s more, you really think that the Heavenly Court only sent the Dragon Clan?” ”

When the words fell, the dragons on the side were slightly stunned, and then they suddenly realized, recalling the thoughts just now.

Especially Long Min further felt the talent of this teacher.

Such a concept is truly a heavenly arm for him!

Under such a big plan, they must not be able to attack first, otherwise they will inevitably become pawns of horses, and the casualties will inevitably be serious.

What’s more, the Dragon Clan already has the heart of self-reliance, so naturally it will not wholeheartedly follow the wishes of the Heavenly Court.

Therefore, it is better to let the rest of the Holy Spirit be pawns in such a precipitous place, and they only need to harvest behind their backs.

Thinking of this, everyone was full of smiles, and they seemed to have the initiative.

At this moment, a hissing sound was transmitted from the void in the distance, accompanied by layers of barbaric power!

“This breath. It’s the life of Ezu! ”

Long Shi said in a deep voice, randomly a hideous huge figure stepped into the void, coming horizontally, and layers of heaven exploded with space.

In an instant, a surging imperial will rose in the land of Great Qin!

“Whoever commits my Great Qin, behead!”

In the whiskers, the sound of the sky black dragon rose into the void, carrying endless power to stir up thousands of miles of wind and clouds!

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