Chapter 242: Ten Million Miles of Ring, Infinite Brawl!!

Countless people’s eyes converged on Su Qingyun, some people were amazed by her strength, and some were amazed by the other party’s fairy-like face.

Although he was only dressed in white, his cold and cold temperament firmly attracted everyone’s attention.

The skin is like cream, and the slender waist is full of hand, touching the heartstrings, and the beauty is thrilling.

Similarly, many of the participants this time know this cold beauty, but the other party does not know whether he recognizes him.

At this moment, a soaking figure slowly walked to the other party’s side, his face was like crown jade, extremely gentle, and it was like a spring breeze.

“Qingyun, why is it a little difficult?”

His voice was very magnetic and involuntarily reassuring, but Su Qingyun just glanced at Gang lightly, and slowly turned around.

“Our relationship doesn’t seem to be as close as this.”

Su Qingyun’s voice was cold and did not contain the slightest emotion.

Hearing this, the man smiled helplessly, but there was a trace of gloom under his eyes.

Then he slowly stretched out his hand, and two random figures walked in front of him.

“Ye Shao.”

The two bowed their heads slightly.

“Check that man, and besides, let him stop here.”

Ye Wuxian pointed at Su Tian’s figure, although Su Qingyun’s eyes just now were only instantaneous, they were still captured by him.

Su Qingyun can only be his, and in addition to all the people who pay attention to her, even if it is just a slight warning, there is no need to exist.

Hearing this, the two nodded slowly, alerted Su Tian’s position, and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

The kingdom of God of the two brothers is extremely special, and they are bloody creatures.

You only need to constantly devour all kinds of energy flesh and blood to be able to continue to be strong, but because this divine kingdom is too bloody and cruel, it is hidden and unknown to others, but this divine kingdom has a powerful characteristic, that is, it can swallow the other party and inherit the other party’s talent and qualifications!

Because of this, the strength of these two brothers has continued to improve until they have reached the sixth rank at this moment.

“It’s time, the next exam is about to start.”

When the voice fell, a figure slowly appeared in the sky, his face was cold, his momentum was restrained, and there was no strong momentum, but once he felt it deeply, he could only feel the deadly coldness.

“This time, for the chaos, the total number of survivors is 5,436, and they fight each other until the remaining one hundred people can enter the next stage.”

“The time limit is three hours, and after three hours, the number exceeds a hundred, and the second cultivator loses by default.”

Hearing this, many of the fifth orders were slightly stunned, obviously this is the real battle.

Because the fifth rank is the minimum standard for competition, almost half of the more than five thousand survivors of the first round at this time are fifth-order strength!

And the rest are sixth-order, or even higher!

However, the current performance seems that no one has exposed the strength of the seventh order, after all, once such a strong person is exposed, it will inevitably be attacked by all the crowd.

With so many fifth and sixth orders, grinding can grind each other to death.

After all, the other party is not a monster, and the reason why the monster has the strength to crush is because of the other party’s almost perverted resilience and domain.

Then I saw that above the heavenly dome, a huge ring of tens of millions of miles slowly floated out of the void.

It was extremely shocking, as if a large continent was floating above the void!

Su Xiao began to think, the first rule clearly said that the use of the Kingdom of God was not allowed, but it seemed that this rule was erased.

But even so, the form of this matter is still not friendly, and this battle is bound to be extremely dangerous.

Especially if there are only three hours of time, even if you still stay on it after three hours, once the number exceeds a hundred, it can be said that the fifth order is the first to be eliminated!

Therefore, in order to prevent themselves from being eliminated, everyone will inevitably use the fifth order as an attacker.

After all, the number of Sister Wu is too large and. The strength is also not high.

After all, there were three or four hundred people present even at the sixth rank!

In this way, the fifth order is really miserable.

“In that case, let’s get started.”

The cold sound surrounded, and the next moment everyone was teleported to the ring above.

The entire ring is forged using Tiangang Xuan Iron, which is completely integrated, and it seems to be from the mechanical god kingdom of a certain big guy.

Su Xiao stepped on it, but there was no trace of collapse, and he already had some judgment about it in his heart.

It is enough to withstand a battle of the seventh or even eighth order.

When it is really a big deal, with a terrifying ring of tens of millions of miles, the funds used must be a lot, not to mention that it can withstand the attacks of the seventh or even eighth order.

And at this moment, netizens were also shocked by this scene, such a huge hand directly created a continent!

Such strength is really unimaginable.

Elder Liu and Director Meng on the side also looked at each other, and their hearts condensed slightly.

They have seen it much further, and such fanfare and even the use of such resources must have unpredictable deep meaning.

Moreover, to be able to create a battle broadcast station that withstands the eighth order, it must be possible if the ninth-order mechanical god kingdom strikes.

Such a power is very unthinking.

“It seems that this national competition is afraid to connect there.”

Elder Liu said with a solemn face, and Director Meng, who was still a little confused when he heard this, only reacted.

“You mean. But their strength is still there.”

“Who knows, but it’s not for you or me to decide.”

Elder Liu’s voice was serious, and Director Meng on the side was silent, looking at the gentle figure through the screen, and couldn’t help but clench his fists.

Stinky boy, hold on.

At the same time, all the contestants were teleported to the ring, and then completely separated, looking around one by one with jealousy.

Some of the fifth orders have already begun to plan to form groups, but unfortunately there is no time at all.

Almost suddenly, dozens of sixth-order tacit moves, instantly attacking a group of fifth-order, and time and space shook!

Just one photo was declared a failure by dozens of people who were directly shaken down by the broadcaster.

The next moment the big brawl is officially staged!

Boom boom!!!

Bursts of agitated sounds constantly recalled above the ring, especially with the battle of the fifth order!

According to common sense, the fifth order at this moment should unite in order to be able to survive, but many people are the opposite.

This caused the area where the battle was most exciting to directly become the fifth order, and a large number of fifth-order geniuses fought each other, and the number of people decreased extremely rapidly.

At this moment, Su Yang stepped out one step, and the digital fifth order was directly shaken out of the broadcast platform, and people in the distance were moved when they saw this scene, and then united to surround Su Yang.

Su Yang shook his head slightly at this.

“To be honest, if you group of people go to the sixth order, it may be a little possible, but why do you want to find me?”

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