Chapter 243 Fifth on the Forbidden List! Fight everything alone! The world is amazed!!

“Less nonsense! Get on together and scare him to death! ”

The leader shouted angrily, and instantly dozens of people rushed forward one after another!

Countless divine kingdoms appeared behind them, elemental, weird, technological, mechanical, metaphysical… The list goes on.

Some of them are covered with lightning, like thunder controllers, roaring angrily at every move.

Some are in a strange place, countless evil thoughts are crazy breeding, Dao deformed monsters are swarming out, and the vicious tentacles shake the space.

Some carry countless energy extinguishing cannons, and some of the evolutionary ancient divine beasts roar through the layers of void are shocking.

The convergence of forces is dazzling.

Su Xiao frowned slightly when he saw such a scene, and then pressed up with one hand.


In an instant, the entire Tianyu seemed to freeze, and all attacks were frozen.

Or repression!

A palm pressed horizontally, and it seemed to be mixed with layers of Tianyu.

In an instant, all the attacks were falling apart in an instant, destroying and decaying!

Dozens of figures were spitting blood, their breath instantly withered, and some were directly stunned and flew upside down for hundreds of meters!

The power of a palm is so terrifying, many people feel a cold behind them when they see such a scene, and they are faintly far away.

In addition, there are still many strong people with a slight expression, and they seem to have some interest.

However, in the dark, two blood-colored figures crossed the void and slowly walked to Su Tian’s side.

In an instant, the two shattered the space together, and one person pressed on Su Tian’s shoulder with one hand.

In an instant, endless erosion of blood qi was frantically pervasive, and it was contaminated by all the decay that came into contact.

The two smiled slyly, as if they wanted to see Su Tian’s expression of pain and struggle.

You must know that once invaded by their eroding blood qi, the other party’s divine kingdom will turn into a puddle of pus and blood within a few breaths and become their food.



A gentle voice came, and Su Xiao looked at the two figures in front of him with a smile on his face, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth from time to time.

“This. How can you be so calm! ”

Zhang Xue’s face was hideous, as if he was roaring, knowing that the eroding blood qi that had been invincible in the past was like a headless fly at this moment.

Rush left and right but just can’t enter the other party’s kingdom of God at all!

If it weren’t for his personal control, he would even think something was wrong.

“Big brother use a little force, ten times stronger, you can break through my skin.”

Su Xiao smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then pressed down with one palm!


The power of the terrifying shock was transmitted in all directions, stirring up layers of spatial ripples!

These two pairs of brothers couldn’t bear it for a while in the face of such a terrifying force, and they were directly pressed to their knees and fell to the ground!

Knees deep in the ring!

The body can’t move at all!

It seems that there is no resistance at all under this force!

Such a scene caused countless people to be stunned.

The barrage is even more takeoff.

“I wipe!? Real fake Su Shen bullwhip! ”

“What the hell is a bullwhip? I typed a typo on the front.”

“I wiped, one hand pressed the two sixth orders to replace it with me, I was also shocked to make a typo”

“Kneel, kneel for the big guy.”

Compared with the hippie smiling faces on the Internet, in the ring, it is much more solemn, and countless people and thousands of people look at the scene in front of them, a little unbelievable!

This is two sixth-order people!

If you don’t know, you think that one sixth order presses two fifth order!

But now?


The two brothers Zhang Xuan, being watched by so many people, only felt extremely humiliated, frantically mobilized their divine power, and wanted to stand up.

It’s a pity that no matter how they move and can’t move the slightest, they can’t even move their fingers!

“This can’t be! You. You can’t be a fifth-order… You deceive! ”

He said viciously, but unfortunately at this time he didn’t even have the strength to open his mouth.

“What am I cheating? Obviously you are too weak. ”

Su Xiao shook his head gently, and then his own strength burst out and directly threw the two of them out of the ring.

This is the only six orders that have been eliminated since the beginning.

At this time, many people stopped their hands, and their eyes looked at him with deep meaning, even the sixth order had a strong jealousy.

After all, the power exerted by the other party was too strong, and he single-handedly knelt the two sixth-order presses to the ground.

With their strength, it is difficult to do it, and the other party not only did it, but even seemed light and light, without the slightest effort.

Su Yang looked at the group of figures and slowly raised his hand.

“Let’s all go together, otherwise, it’s not fun.”

For a time, everything was quiet.

“Crouch! Bullish this forced me to give ninety-eight points! The remaining two points I will buy instant noodles. ”

“What is momentum! This is called momentum, if it doesn’t burn me, I’m going to find my dad to single out! ”

“Is the front still alive?”

Arrogant! How arrogant!

Facing everyone with the power of one person!

If this is not arrogant, then no one dares.

However, at this time, Su Yang faintly really had such strength!


The void shook, and instantly countless people looked at the great figure in front of them in shock.

I saw an incomparably majestic figure rising into the sky, like a supreme giant that opened up the world.

Dharma heaven and earth.

Su Yang stood on the side of Fa Tianxiangdi, his eyes looking down.

“Let’s go together.”

The indifferent voice is like a muffled thunder at this moment, and the endless suppressive power brewing in everyone’s ears, the terrifying posture exudes a destructive aura in every move, as if just raising your hand can overturn the entire ring!

Under the figure, everyone became the size of ants.

“Crouch!? Up!? Mechanical gods?! Or what?! ”

“I don’t know, it looks like a good driver. No, I’m going to ruin my world and follow the great theology.”

At this time, on a tall building of an iron tower, the virtual figure counted across the screen, looking at the terrifying figure for a long time without speaking.

“Dharma heaven and earth… That’s what he is called, very powerful, with destructive power and all kinds of power blessings. ”

“It’s a bit similar to the magic phase of the fantasy world, but it is more powerful, and it doesn’t seem to be weaker than the mechanical gods of the Science and Technology God Kingdom.”

Several people were silent, to take off whether it was the Law Phase or the Mechanical God Kingdom, it was a terrifying forbidden technique that could only be cast if it reached the eighth order!

And the other party is only a mere fifth order! It can be really fought with such power.

“The afterlife is terrifying.”

Someone whispered, not just praising but also…

“Other things aside, we know very little about the other party’s Da Luo Honghuang world, but this law is heaven and earth, and it can be included.”

The leader said slowly.

“Then I don’t know how much ranking?”

“Forbidden Secret Technique List, fifth.”

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