Chapter 245: Immortal Battlefield, Law of the Heavens, Survival of the Fittest!!

Da Luo Honghuang.

In the land of Daqin, the sound of humming above the sky at this time did not stop, and watching from a distance was like the sky collapsing.

Not far away, a vicious aura was released frantically, and a huge figure appeared.

The surrounding body was densely covered with demon green scale armor, and the pure marks on his body were released frantically, and the power of the barbarian wildly flowed on his body.

Ezu held the Heaven-shaking God Hammer, and every impact would shatter the Heavenly Gate, and each attack carried the blessing of supreme power.

It seems to have some unimaginable terrifying power!


The earth shook with a terrifying concussive force, and Ezu’s body retreated backwards, spreading tens of thousands of miles of ravines above the earth.

And his men were all repulsed, and they couldn’t attack it at all!

Ezu looked ahead, and above the black city wall between them, the black-robed figure was so dazzling.

The other party hung nine feet on the ground, his eyes seemed to contain endless abysses, and black dragons hovered around him with incomparably terrifying power.

The first emperor wins the government.

If it weren’t for him. The city had long been completely captured by him.


A long roar of anger shocked the Wanli Canggong, and the next moment the figures all retreated behind Ezu.

“Patriarch, I can still fight!”

One of the former demons with pitch black armor slowly walked to Ezu’s side, squeezing the space around him.

“Retreat for the time being, the purpose of my waiting is to plot against the gods and demons instead of immortalizing with the human race.”

Ezu obviously saw it very clearly, although under the seemingly reckless character, there was a seven-trick exquisite heart.

He knew very well that it was impossible for the demon race he led at this time to break through the human race, and he had to know that even the original incarnation of the second ancestor of the Buddha Sect failed to succeed!

Not to mention them!

Because of this, today’s battle is more just a temptation, and he can also feel the first emperor of the human race.

Nor is he a foolish spirit, who knows the trade-offs, so he does not threaten step by step

“But if that’s the case, then the gods and demons.”

The other party couldn’t help but say when he heard this.

“Oh, do you know when the three days are?”

Ezu did not answer directly but asked rhetorically.

This stumped the other party, and there was no major information for him to think about the past and modern exchanges.

Especially about three days later, I don’t have the slightest clue.

“Three days later, it will be the opening time of the immortal battlefield that has been canonized, and the same dojo will also open.”

Ezu said slowly, hearing that the demon clans changed color one after another.

If it is said that in the past 100,000 years, the most shocking and envious of the heavenly beings is only the human race.

Losing the destiny and gaining luck can evolve three thousand avenues, but in just ten thousand years, it has grown from a weak creature to the current height.

It is an extremely strange thing for all the creatures of the flood wilderness!

And the name of everyone in the organization can lead the heavens and the world.

That is…


According to legend, the other party was born in the first generation of the human race, cultivated the invincible avenue, and after thousands of years, he had already preached the Daluo Daoguo.

You know, this is only a thousand years!

At the beginning, whether it was Di Jun or Hongjun, the Queen Mother of the West, Fuxi. Such terrifying powers have taken hundreds of thousands or even millions of years!

Although there were restrictions on the flooded world at that time, the mere time of ten thousand years still made countless creatures awe-inspiring.

And since the other party stepped out of the immeasurable years three thousand years ago, the momentum around the body can be described as the pinnacle, achieving immortality.

Subsequently, the Invincible Dojo was established to lead the geniuses of the Heavenly Terrans into it to understand the Invincible Avenue.

At the same time, it also opened up and in addition to the immortal battlefield, once in a thousand years, all the winners, can receive his personal guidance and wash their bodies with immeasurable years.

What does it rely on to improve the strength of the wild so quickly?

In addition to the other party’s own terrifying talent, it has to be said that on the day the other party preached, the immeasurable rules above the head converged with the divine peak.

It is rumored that the other party relies on this. Refining immeasurable years and integrating into oneself is a rare practice mode in the world!

Of course, this is not what they really care about, the real purpose is the immortal battlefield.

Unlike the Invincible Dojo, which is only open to the Terrans, the Immortal Battlefield is open to the entire flood!

All creatures of the Flood Wilderness can enter it, search for treasures, compete for various opportunities, and even the strongest people, whether they are Terrans or not, will be rewarded by the wilderness promised.

After all, the other party swore an oath at the beginning, which was naturally not a deception.

Once the immortal battlefield is opened, it is conceivable that with the status of the desolate among the human beings, countless human Tianjiao will inevitably enter it…

It’s all they don’t need to fight and loot with the Terrans.

You only need to support a few people, and if you win at that time, the other party will be grateful to them, and it will not be difficult to coax the other party away at that time.

As for defeat, naturally it doesn’t hurt, or even better.

After all, the hearts of gods and demons are difficult for ordinary people to guess, but one thing is certain, there is no harmony between gods and demons, and even cannibalism.

Even if they come from the same race, this primordial sense of disgust and rejection will not change.

The defeated gods and demons will inevitably surge up endless resentment and killing power, and they only need to provoke them to gain the goodwill of the other party.

In short, whether things succeed or fail, it is not a bad thing for them.

Even if you lose, it will be better.

When all the strong people of the demon clan heard this, they all came to their senses and praised Ezu’s long-term vision.


Ezu said slowly, “Although the Immortal Battlefield is a place where all races compete, it will also cause tremendous pressure on the human race, and the Heavenly Divine will not let go of this opportunity. ”

“Even. Neither will the Wu Clan. ”

Ara once said that except for the Dao Fruit strong, the rest of the creatures can enter it.

For him, it is naturally not a constraint, after all, his own realm is a half-step fruit, which will naturally not be crossed.

But. Even the resources he promised to the wilderness were extremely hot.

In fact, the gods of the heavens all understood that the reason why the desolate opened the immortal battlefield to the outside world was to specifically temper the human race, and they were naturally the whetstone.

After all, since the twists and turns of the Buddha Gate ten thousand years ago, although the overall strength of the human race is also improving, the improvement is quite slow.

Although after a few years of recuperation, the race has regained its former strength, but the same quantity and quality are difficult to meet.

The fingers of all races will continue to grow stronger under the ultimate threat!

This is the iron law of survival of the entire flood and famine, no matter who will be an exception, be prepared for danger in peace.

Even if it was Heavenly Emperor Emperor Jun, he didn’t dare to have the slightest relief, because secretly whether it was Hongjun or Mozu Luo Throat, or the Queen Mother of the West, or even Fuxi…

These creatures all surpassed him in that instant!

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