Chapter 246: Immortal Battlefield, Han Li Enters the Game, God and Demon Calamity!!

Ezu and the demon creatures pushed away one after another, and on the tall city wall, the black-robed figure had an extremely solemn look in his eyes.

Although he didn’t know what this Ezu had planned, with his sensitive intuition, he always felt that he had overlooked an extremely important matter.

And this matter is obviously all around him, but it seems to be in a fog.

Very strange!

Win Zheng frowned, his eyes looking at the golden bend in the distance.

Three days later, the Immortal Battlefield will open, and he will also participate in it in order to obtain the baptism of immeasurable years.

In fact, as early as a hundred years ago, he received the transmission of the wild, and he wanted to sacrifice immeasurable years by great means and investigate the mystery of the Dao fruit.

If it succeeds, it will make the Terran add another Da Luo Daoguo!

And three days ago, he received news that this matter has been done!

Don’t stop the battlefield.

The First Emperor thought slowly in his heart, and only felt that his whole body was on his forehead, extremely excited!

Since the conquest of the flood famine and the great calamity of the human race, it was the first time he was so excited.

Then he looked not far away, sighing slightly in his heart.

It’s a pity that the Terran heritage is only tens of thousands of years to build, and they don’t know about the top plans of the flood wilderness, which has led to so many flood and wilderness plans, and the Terran race has always been one step slower.

Even the pace is slow.

Even if Shi Haoshi preached the Daluo Daoguo with strength, even so, it was still difficult to affect the overall pattern.

Countless top figures of the Terran race can feel that Hong Huang seems to be plotting something for the Human Race, but they have lost the destiny of Hong Wilderness, and now what is there to plot except luck!?

What’s more, if you really want to plot the luck of the human race, there will inevitably be a war like Buddhism already there.

Why is it still calm at this moment!

“Sure enough, it’s still not strong enough…”

The First Emperor’s gaze gradually became cold, and then he looked at the countless Terran Tianjiao gathered in the land of Daqin not far away.

They talked and laughed one by one, talking to each other about how strong they would be in the future.

How much they would gain from this immortal battlefield, without thinking about what would happen if they failed.

The First Emperor’s eyes were calm, this side was the Terran trend at the moment, and the middle and lower classes and even the upper classes had a kind of confidence.

Thinking that the Terran has become the top of the flood wilderness, and thinking that with the two Daoguo powerhouses of the Desolation and the Eastern Emperor, the Terran is not afraid of everything.

However, the more powerful you are, the more you can feel the danger of this atmosphere.

The Terrans have experienced two rounds of great calamity, lost their destiny, and fought against the Buddha Gate.

First, it completely lost the Terran race, blessed by the heaven and earth of the flood, but also untied the Terrans.

Second, although the Terrans suffered heavy casualties, two Da Luo Dao Fruits were born, but how could only two Da Luo Dao Fruits have reached the top level of the flood wilderness?

Looking at the emperor above the heavenly firmament, the Hongjun of the immortal world, and the Luo throat of the demon road.

All of them are terrifying beings who have been preaching for tens of thousands of years, and they have heard the preaching of the ancestor god Pangu.

Insight into the major realms above the Dao Fruit, even the First Emperor already somewhat believed that the one of the demon clan had reached the level of the beginning.

Such a gap is far from being made up by the two of the Desolate and the Eastern Emperor.

They have done enough, including thousands of years ago, if it were not for the helplessness, how would they sacrifice immeasurable years to seek the next Great Luo Dao Fruit for the human race?

Whatever it was, all he had to do was hold up the sky.


Win Zheng looked at the Terran Tianjiao, although they lacked awe, but who didn’t come from this stage?

Who has maintained the fearlessness of his youth to this day?

After the immortal battlefield, they will transform, and those who encounter setbacks and do not compromise can become the true pride of the human race, and that is the real backbone!

“Let’s see, who am I waiting for?”

Win Zheng looked into the distance, as if he was talking to himself and as if he was talking to others.

“Three days later, it will be the opening time of the Immortal Battlefield, and I and the dragon clan can enter it and assist the gods and demons among them, of course…”

“Fight for that reward.”

In the golden and brilliant underwater dragon palace, it shines like glass.

At this time, a white-robed figure above the hall spoke indifferently, with the artistic conception of pointing the rivers and mountains, and it was Li Changshou, the puppet controlled by Han Lishi.

He raised his eyes and looked around, and I have to say that the dragon clan will enjoy it, but in just a few days, he directly built a golden and splendid glass palace here.

Above the position of the leader, Long Shi nodded thoughtfully, watching Li Changshou agree with his statement from time to time.

At this time, Li Changshou had completely won the trust of the dragon clan, and during this time, he seemed to have become the most prestigious person among all the dragon clans, outside of Long Shi.

Tomorrow is the opening time of the immortal battlefield of the Terrans, and Li Changgeng, as a military division, naturally began to help them plot together.

“For now, Daqin still has the Ezu lineage, which shows that the Heavenly Court is extremely cautious about the matter here, and the competition between Xuan You and the two emperors of Yan and Huang is about to begin.”

“What’s more, now that the Terran has gathered many geniuses, I am afraid that all living beings are within its budget, even the Heavenly Divine.”

Li Changgeng said slowly, and then was about to say that the next plan was sudden, but he was stunned on the spot and did not say a word for a long time.

Seeing that the military division stopped, the dragon clan thought that the military division was thinking about countermeasures, but they did not dare to interrupt easily.

After the half-burning incense hour passed, Li Changgeng finally said slowly.

“This immortal battlefield, I can’t avoid being calculated, but I want to ask Long Shi.”

Usually, because Long Shi worshipped Li Changgeng as a teacher, Li Changgeng was all called up.

It is the first time that it is as formal as today, which shows how serious the other party wants to say.

Even Long Min, who was looking down and thinking on the side, was slightly stunned, but he did not have any irritation, but slowly said to the group of dragons.

“Let’s all stand first.”

Hearing this, all the dragon clans did not have the slightest complaint or resentment, and they all saluted and pushed away.

The huge Glass Dragon Hall was only left with Li Changgeng, Long Shi and the two guards on the other side.

“Go down too.”

Long Min said slowly.


The two guards still wanted to say something, but when they saw each other’s eyes, they instantly fell into an ice cave.

The dragon clan’s coercion reached the soul, and immediately did not dare to say anything, holding hands and saluting and then leaving.

“So, can the teacher say?”

Long Shi said with a slow smile.

At this time, Li Changgeng slowly walked to the other party, and his fingers lightly dipped in tea and slowly wrote two words.

In an instant, Long Min’s face froze, and he looked at him incredulously and even a little shocked.

Not because of others just because of these two word names.

Gods and demons

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