Chapter 247: The Land of the Deer, the Great War is Coming Up!!



The dull sound of the car sounded, and a young man in the distance lay bored to the side, holding and opening with one hand.

Each time it tears through the layers of space, the powerful power is somewhat unbelievable.

Not only that, on his side, there is an endless devouring power faintly bred.

As if everything was beginning to be gradually eaten away.

Behind the young man, three figures stood aside with a somewhat ugly face.

It was the three people who raised their eyebrows, and at this time, these three Buddhas could be described as bitter melons, and the corners of their mouths twitched one by one.

At this moment, they really want to slap themselves, the bastard is a cheap, they have to find some god and demon obsession with others…

Now it’s over, people are not obsessed, this is a real reincarnation of gods and demons!

Who else but gods and demons will have this devouring avenue rule?

It’s just that what makes them care more is not the reincarnation of all parties, but the fact that the other party actually retains the original memory!

You must know that the reincarnation of gods and demons, although it will not erase the memory, but the previous memory will inevitably be sealed.

This is the law of heaven and earth today, and it is also the rule established by the Hou Tu Niangniang.

Although the gods and demons are detached from the avenue, in essence, they are not completely detached, and naturally there will be no exceptions.

But the other side…

“Yo, what to consider?”

Arwen slowly got up, his eyes were flat, and then he looked at the bodies of the three, his eyes were extremely dark, and he seemed to contain the starry sky, and seemed to swallow everything.

Just looking at it is irrepressibly absorbed and swallowed by the other party.

“In another day, it will be the time for the opening of my Terran’s immortal battlefield.”

Arwen said slowly, his eyes gradually returned to clarity, as if he had just woken up from a big dream.

The corners of his mouth whispered softly: “Naturally, we must strive for the first place and recover.”


He suddenly came to his senses, shook his head, and for some reason he seemed to have slept for a while, but he only felt a little drowsy.

At this moment, the three of them naturally understood that the devouring gods and demons had not fully recovered, but because of its special nature, they swallowed some seals so that they could come out for a while.

But overall, the other party should have consumed too much and fallen into a deep sleep.

Also, after all, today’s flood is not comparable to the original chaotic world, although the gods and demons are the incarnation of the avenue, but they also need to constantly cultivate to adapt to the world they are in, just like the original death gods and demons.

In fact, as early as the beginning of the opening of the world, Pangu fell, and as long as the battle of gods or the battle pool of dragons and phoenixes appeared, nearly eighty percent of the strength would destroy everything.

But the robe did not make a move, but adapted to this newly opened world.

After all, Pangu slashed the three thousand gods and demons as the foundation of the flood wilderness, and the three thousand avenues flowed in it, giving birth to supreme power.

Even the gods and demons of death could not afford to set off any storms at that time.

However, looking at Arwen, who was gradually recovering, the three people who raised their eyebrows still understood why the devouring gods and demons before did not devour them.

In this way, I am afraid that I want him to give guidance to this identity of the other party and let the other party participate in the immortal battlefield.

But these three have existed since the beginning of the opening of the flooded world, naturally have their own plans, and now they see Arwen in front of them.

For a while, another strategy slowly arose in their minds.

‘Thousand or not?

“I don’t know, this situation has changed too much, even involving gods and demons.”

“Can’t peek into the corners of the years… It shouldn’t be covered up by the mighty shot.”

The gods and demons themselves are the avenue, and if they want to spy on the gods and demons, they cannot be snooped by any means unless the other party is willing.

After pondering for a long time, the three gritted their teeth and chose to continue.

Anyway, they have all fallen here, can it be worse?

At most, it is just refined by the Buddha-figure, but it is better to fight a line, and maybe you can reach the sky in one step.

“What’s going on? Why are we here? ”

Arwen frowned and said, seemingly completely losing his memory of the previous one.

It seems that the divine soul of the gods and demons has not been completely fused with him, and the memories of the two are not coherent!

The three of them thought in their hearts, and then the Buddha slowly walked to each other’s side.

“Do you know that the Immortal Battlefield is about to open? All living beings enter it and find opportunities. ”

“Yes, I am willing to help you reach the top!”

The future Buddha is smiling and has its own rhyme running.

Yellow Emperor tribe.

After the previous battle of Xuanyou, the Yellow Emperor has already left the customs, or even if it is serious, he must get out.

Just now, he received a summons from the wild, and the immeasurable years had been completely sacrificed.

Now that it has been done, the rest is up to them.

The Yellow Emperor stared into the distance, the golden armor had long been repaired, and it was even more powerful than before.

This armor is condensed by him gathering the essence of mountains and rivers and plants, plus the power of Terran luck is constantly nourished.

Even if the damage is there, it will continue to repair itself, and it will be stronger and stronger each time!

“Chief, Emperor Yan sent an envoy here.”

A figure slowly stepped forward and said slowly to the Yellow Emperor.

Hearing this, the Yellow Emperor was slightly stunned, looked at the other side, and then slowly closed his eyes, and instantly realized everything that happened within the retreat time.

Then slowly looked at the figure on the side, and slowly stepped into the void.

“Not next.”

With his perception, he naturally knew the other party’s plan at the moment.

Although there are comparisons between the two parts of Yan and Huang, the two parts are naturally inherited from each other, regardless of each other.

He also knew the other party’s plans, but it was just an estimate of the so-called prestige, and to him, these were nothing at all.

He should have sent envoys to the Yandi tribe for help, but he didn’t expect to let the other party come here, which made him, the Yellow Emperor, a little mustard.

Inside the main hall, the figures are counted at two ends.

A red-robed figure in the distance slowly walked over, and at this moment, everyone seemed to feel something and stood up and saluted.

“I’ll wait to see the leader!”

“Meet the Yellow Emperor.”

The Yellow Emperor waved his hand lightly, and the envoy was stopped by life and could not bow down.

“This matter is caused by me, I hope Your Excellency told Emperor Yan that my Yan and Huang tribes are a human race, naturally they are of the same qi and branches, and this time they should be allies and help each other.”

Hearing this, the envoy was slightly stunned, and then he got up and bowed again, and this worship of the Yellow Emperor did not stop him.

The Yellow Emperor’s move was the first to seize the people and take the lead in demanding the alliance, which contained too many meanings, but it shows the sincerity of the Yellow Emperor!

“In the next self, it will be true to pray to the Yan Emperor.”

Xiang Gang said slowly, and then hurriedly turned around and left, after all, it was close to the immortal battlefield, and it must be accelerated!

After sending the envoy, the Yellow Emperor looked at the golden sky dome in the distance, and slowly looked at Cangjie on the side.

“Go to the Jiuli tribe and tell You that the immortal battlefield, the land of chasing deer, I will consult with Emperor Yan.”


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