Chapter 248: Heaven and Earth Tribulation, Immortal Battlefield Opening!!

“Land of the deer.”

Jiuli tribe, Jiuzhang’s figure is calm and easygoing, and the burly body contains incomparably terrifying power.

Xuan You listened to the news transmitted by Cangjie, and did not have much surprise, in his opinion, this is a matter of time, after all, neither the Yellow Emperor nor the Yandi can help him in any way, unless the two of them work together, I am afraid that no one will be able to fight him under the Dao Fruit of the Terran race!

“Leader, there may be fraud among them, not to mention that going to the immortal battlefield to enter the land of chasing deer is the territory of the other party.”

Several figures on the side said slowly, with a little worry in their tone.

“You mean Honza will be killed by the two of them?”

Holding a calm face, but the voice was chilling.

Several people hurriedly knelt down in the low lianwei and did not dare.

Seeing this, Xuan You slowly stood up, and then looked at the punishment heaven on the side.

“Punishment Tian, how are you doing?”

“May coexist with the leader!”

Punishment Heaven knelt on one knee, and his voice vibrated in the void like a Hong Bell!

“How about waiting!?”

The sound runs through the Jiuli tribe, and countless tribesmen kneel down with double happiness, and the voice is impassioned!

“Even so, why fear?”

Xuan You looked at the two figures coldly, both of them looked ashamed, and immediately grabbed the ground with their heads.

“I’ll wait for that!”

“Even so, tomorrow is born and enters the immortal battlefield.”

Xuan You’s voice calmed down, but it was mixed with unquestionable majesty.


In the Glazed Palace.

Long Shi’s face stiffened and changed many times, and when he looked at the figure in front of him, he only felt a coolness swimming all over his body.

From beginning to end, he always considered himself to be one step better than this teacher, simply because he knew the essence of the matter and the root of the matter.

So no matter how knowledgeable this teacher is, he has his own arrogance.

But all this completely disappeared after the other party drew those two words.

“You… How to know! ”

His voice trembled a little, I don’t know if it was excitement or trembling.

“It seems so.”

‘Li Changshou’ nodded slowly, followed by a secret sigh.

Worthy of being the emperor of the Heavenly Court, good means, good strategy, and good courage!

This matter was not known to Han Li before, but when he had just deduced countless years, he suddenly felt that the avenue of destiny he had mastered was instantly strengthened countless times!

It’s just for a moment!

Not only that, in that moment, the activity of the Three Thousand Avenues was simply unbelievable, as if it had come to life!

And looking at the current flood and famine situation, it is impossible to do this is Di Jun, nor is it Hongjun, Luo Yu and the like.

Only the avenue closest to the origin can be so divine and devilish!

Only gods and demons!

In just an instant, Han Li’s heart trembled slightly, like a frightened bird.

Hurriedly retreating like an endless nothingness, this is a little reassuring.

Then he finally woke up to everything he had minded before, no wonder the Terran had clearly lost its destiny and still made Honghuang Mian so persistent.

Reincarnation of gods and demons!

I’m afraid there is nothing bigger than that.

He also knew Di Jun’s intentions, this one actually wanted to take charge of the gods and demons!

You must know that even the ancestor god Pangu did not have such an idea at the beginning.

With such boldness, he is worthy of being the first emperor of the demon clan!

But now that I know this writing, I am afraid that my own arrangement will change somewhat, after all, at this time, in addition to myself, all races are kept in the dark and sit on the golden mountain without knowing it, and the thieves of thousands of miles have also come.

At this moment, the Terran race is simply more serious than the two great calamities a long time ago, and the gods and demons are also stained with the luck of the human race.

Once it is fought for by major forces, it will inevitably be greatly damaged by the luck of the human race, and the accumulation of ten thousand years will be ruined!

What’s more deadly is that at this time, he does not claim to send a message to any race, even if it is desolate!

Counting the pupils looking down on the main film Terran, behind each pupil contains an incomparably terrifying top power.

The cause and effect of this is something that even he can’t bear!

After pondering for a long time, Li Changshou slowly spoke.

“Even so, in order to fight for these, my strategy needs to change.”

“You haven’t said how you learned about this!”

When Long Min’s eyes were cold, it seemed that he was about to strike to kill him in the next moment

“Your Highness, since you worship me as a teacher, then I should be driven by you, why should I care about the reason?”

Hearing this, Long Shi’s face improved slightly, but he was still a little jealous.

“Of course, in the next life, if you don’t meet the Ming Lord, if the dragon clan does not give up, you are willing to seek a position.”

Li Changgeng said slowly, opened his own conditions, heard that Long Shi’s face turned joyful, and the head of the house was to step forward and personally help the gang up.

“One day I am in the Dragon Clan, I will treat it with the courtesy of a teacher!”

In the immortal world, Hongjun is surrounded by Hongmeng purple qi, full of immortal meaning, giving birth to supreme light.

The three thousand true immortals under the seat listened to the true meaning of the immortal path with awe, one by one, they were mesmerized, and their cultivation grew like a roller coaster!

At this moment, he slowly opened the number of lights, and his eyes looked at the endless universe.

Obviously, he still felt that a rich and extremely powerful force in that piece of Tianyu gradually bloomed.

“Since the gods and demons have descended into the world, my Tao should be all over heaven and earth, and all spirits will be blessed.”

He said slowly, like the sound of the avenue, layer by layer.

Then change to look to the side of the body.

“Jiang Ziya, you have completed your studies, and you have listened to the voice of the immortal path for ten thousand years, so today I will take all of you senior brothers to the human race together.”

“Follow the name of the Dao ancestor.”

An old man in white with crane hair and a childlike face, his hands together and his face respectfully saluted.

Then slowly stepped into the distance, stepped out, the hair turned black, and then step by step.

A handsome man in white walked slowly above the sky, like an immortal in the world

“Rise up as you like, manifest its abilities as you want, and go if you want to go.”

The magnificent magic sound rolled into the void, and in the demon world, the magic sound of Luo Yu returned to the heavens, and countless demon monks stood up and saluted.

Then the boundless demon cloud surged, carrying tens of millions of human races in the rolling heavenly firmament!

At this moment, the countless divine beings of the Honghuang Heaven and Earth also faintly felt, and their eyes shone like stars.

“It’s Terrans! The robber has appeared, the immortal battlefield! ”

“I’ll go together and get a piece of the pie!”

Layers of sound waves pierced the long sky, and in an instant, countless figures turned into meteors and rushed to the sky.

Endless years pass for a while, and heaven and earth are turned upside down.

Above the Terran Tianyu, the entire sky turned into a golden afterglow.

The power of the endless magnificent avenue rushed out.

A huge golden vortex slowly took shape.

At the same time, a voice that shook the heavens and the universe slowly sounded from the sky.

“The immortal battlefield has begun, it’s a pity that the Terrans will enter it now, and other races will enter after an hour, and those who violate it will be beheaded!”

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