Chapter 250: The World of the Old Gods, the Source of Fall!!

The figure of the other party was hazy, unable to see it really, and it was even more strange under the black clothes.

Su Yang was slightly stunned, he didn’t expect the other party to be so evil, and then ran the Avenue of Truth.

All falsehood under the Avenue of Truth cannot be blocked!

In an instant, Su Tian’s eyes released endless light, as if the sky was full of stars and stars, piercing through all delusions!

As far as the eye could see, he instantly noticed that the darkness and blur around his body became heavier, as if he was covered with a strange coat.

For a time, it was like the scorching sun and frost!

The numbing corrosive sound of the scalp continued to sound, and the other party slowly raised his head, and in an instant, endless evil thoughts surged up!

Su Yang only felt that a burst of endless filthy power was frantically eroded by it, like the source of all depravity!

In the next moment, the invincible avenue above the surrounding body was running, directly extinguishing this strange aura.

“Cthulhu? It seems a little more powerful. ”

Su Xiao looked at the other side and said slowly, his tone was still flat, he had seen a divine kingdom like Cthulhu once, and the other party was too different from him.

But even so, he was not afraid at all and looked at each other indifferently.

“Huh… You know what, Cthulhu is nothing but the ruler of the old days”

“And my kingdom of God is the god of the old! The products of those dirty flights in Cthulhu are like grains of sand that are less than half a point! ”

The other party said fiercely, just talking for a moment, it caused the space around him to degenerate and corrode slightly.

It was as if a strange power had permeated out of the underworld, as if it was about to descend on this world.

The other side is fanatical, as if he is a devout believer, and his eyes are fiercely pursuing the old god in his mouth, as if he can do anything.

Another enslaved believer?

All of the Cthulhu series of Gods will be contaminated by that terrifying filthy force and become extremely devout fanatical believers.

At this moment, the other party’s appearance was no different from the killer he had seen at the beginning.

“Fear the old gods, I will offer your sacrifice here, and I hope that you will take care of it!”

The other side said distortedly, and every word sound seemed to be mixed with magic sounds for a long time!

“Crouch. Why didn’t I feel it before, these Cthulhu gods and so on are so perverted.”

“It’s not that they are perverted, but under the influence of Cthulhu, few people can keep their hearts, and once they slacken, they will be tainted by their spirits.”

“That’s right, and he’s probably not talking about Cthulhu, but an even older god of old.”

‘The god of old?’ What is that? Is Bixulhu awesome? ”

“Cut, you don’t know at first glance, it’s not just awesome, according to legend, the old gods fought each other and eventually sank completely, and in the beginning, those Cthulhu were just pets kept by the other party.”

The audience on the screen looked at the scene in front of them with frightened faces, and only felt that they obviously felt the terrifying filthy power through the screen.

It was as if if if you were not determined to become a slave.

For a while, there was a chill, and he seemed to understand the horror of Cthulhu.

Su Xiao looked at each other coldly, only feeling extremely disgusted, not for Cthulhu, after all, this is the power system chosen by each other, and there is something desirable in the end.

But it was really difficult for him to be angry with such a person who was inferior and willing to be a slave.

In the face of unknown horrors, how to take on great responsibilities for those who bend their backbones?

It is not without the existence of Cthulhu that has been suppressed in today’s world.

Someone suppressed Cthulhu to rise with his own will, causing Cthulhu to fight for it, life and death.

This is the true controller of the kingdom of God, and how can it be said that he is just an enslaved person.

“Lead the death! Be thankful! ”

The other party said feverishly The next moment, a vicious vortex surged wildly, and it was instantly connected to Su Tian’s divine kingdom.

In the next moment, the power of endless erosion frantically gathered!

Su Yang did not block it, directly opened the world barrier, he wanted to take a good look at this broken ridge dog that had lost its backbone, and what tricks it could show.

In an instant, in the midst of the Great Luo Hong Desolation, a huge vortex slowly appeared in the sky above

“This is… Blessed with the hole!? It’s at a time like this.”

In the land of the Terrans, a kind of heavenly divine frowned slightly, looking at the void, a tunnel led to wind and clouds.

I didn’t expect that at this time, there would be a blessed place.

Looking at the immortal battlefield that still had an hour to enter it, many sacred new businesses moved, and they glanced at each other.

“Why don’t you go in and take a look? Anyway, time should be enough…”

All the saints nodded slightly, after all, the time for the opening of the immortal battlefield is not limited, and it is the same when you enter, but it is rare to encounter it in ten thousand years.

But without waiting for a group of divine beings to go, suddenly a figure rushed up to ten thousand clouds, stepping up in one step!

That figure was dressed in green clothes like crown jade, with a gentle and easy-going temperament, but it carried a supreme prestige.

It was Su Ming!

He looked at the divine below, tapped his toes, and instantly the entire heaven collapsed!

For a time, countless divine beings supported heaven and earth, one by one, a little ashen-faced, daring to be angry but did not dare to speak.

After all, this is the territory of the Terrans, plus if it causes that person to be displeased if he has not yet entered the immortal battlefield at this moment, he will slap down, and they will all be finished.

So I can only secretly lament that I didn’t rush forward at the first time.

Not far away, ‘Li Changshou’ led a group of dragon clans to slowly come to the Terran territory, and at this time, many dragon clans were also eager to move, which was a rumored blessed place.

Who doesn’t envy!?

But Li Changgeng, who looked at the side and waved to stop it, was silent.

I don’t know why, since the previous incident, His Highness has more respect for this person than this, and he has the meaning of taking it as the backbone!

This makes them wonder.

However, after getting along before, they also admired this person to the extreme, and at most they were a little surprised at the moment.

There was not much reaction.

At this time, Su Ming stepped out of a piece of space and finally came to a world.

But for a moment he frowned slightly.

I only felt that the whole heaven and earth were extremely dark, as if it was pregnant with endless depravity and an oppressive atmosphere was constantly brewing, compared with the magnificent atmosphere of Da Luo Honghuang, it was like a world with uneven rules.

It seems to be the product of some kind of deformity.


A burst of sound returned to the void, and in an instant, countless eyes above the void instantly opened!

The pitch-black mist spread, and the endless filthy qi frantically eroded in!

“Hahaha! Just one creature dares to put it into it, he will inevitably be devoured by the master, and then completely purify your world! ”

The man laughed maniacally, becoming more and more vicious.

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