Chapter 251: The Blade of Qi Practitioners, Cut Everything!!

“The world.”

Su Ming’s gaze was a little hesitant, he had naturally heard rumors about the blessed land.

However, this world seems to have nothing to do with the heavens and blessings, and even the rules of the Taoist Law are incomplete.

However, in the next moment, the endless filthy qi spread wildly, and I saw illusory figures not far away coming from the layers of space.

Vague, or the other side is like this.


Su Ming’s eyes were solemn, and he immediately condensed the qi of the heavens.

In an instant, a thick heaven and earth vitality condensed at his fingertips, and his eyes were sharp and pointed forward.

One step out is to cross many spatial barriers, and the rules of kendo around you are frantically entangled and gathered.

As his finger pointed forward, suddenly the terrifying power of the sword suddenly gushed out!!


The void tears the space to shatter!

This sword finger almost penetrated the entire heaven and earth, leaving a pitch-black spatial crack.

Such a scene is a slight smack even for people watching outside.

“It’s still a strong force, the creatures of the Divine Kingdom of God Su are so strong, they almost broke the other party’s world with one finger!”

“I’m afraid it’s more than that, that creature didn’t exert its full strength at all…”

“Useless, the god of the old days, but it is more terrifying than Cthulhu, ordinary physical means, can not indelible the existence of the other party.”

“The gods of the old days, the fall did not just fight each other, they also devoured each other’s existence.”

‘Mutual presence’? What is that? ”

“That is the root of the gods of the past, generally speaking, as long as the other party in this world has been remembered and left traces of the other party, it will not be destroyed!”

“Sleeping? Such an evil sect.”

“This is not just an evil sect, among the many kingdoms of gods, although Cthulhu will affect his sanity, I have to say that he is extremely difficult to destroy.”

“Praise the Fallen and welcome the gifts of the past.”

The man’s face was feverishly praised, his voice fell, and instantly his divine kingdom began to tremble.

The rules of kendo just now almost pierced through that indescribable thing, but the next moment, the other party’s injury was as intact as ever.

The hideous figure is like a source that devours and defiles everything…

Su Ming looked ahead, not the slightest bit of position, but a trace of suspicion rose

“The power of kendo is ineffective? Could it be that another way is needed? ”

He pondered for a moment, then raised his finger and pressed it towards the sky.

Boom boom!!!!

The heavenly dome shook, and the ripples of space continued to expand and rage, producing one terrifying destructive force after another.

In the central area of the heavenly firmament, space and void began to slowly wither.

“What’s going on? Could it be that his creatures intend to directly destroy this world? Are you kidding? ”

“Don’t think about it, it’s impossible at all, although the two creatures exist differently in the west.”

“But the two sides have similar ranks, and no matter how strong the creatures of the Kingdom of God are, it is impossible to do this.”

“So what is he trying to do?”

“Look at the heavenly firmament…”

Countless lights looked at the sky that was gradually crumbling and withering, and then suddenly found that two indescribable forces gradually rose.

Su Ming was above the void, and his fingertips emitted a burst of hum.

In the next moment, the two yin and yang qi were protective devices on his palm.

“If the sun cannot be eliminated from the body, then try to extinguish the soul.”

Immediately under his operation, the yin and yang two qi surged instantly, and then began to evolve, and an incomparably hot and domineering force was slowly released.

“Yin and Yang transformation, big day, heaven and earth curtain.”

The flat voice fell, and suddenly a round of fierce tearing and bending was blowing!

In an instant, the gray world of countless years was illuminated and pierced, and everything was unavoidable under the sun!

The dazzling light corroded endless darkness, followed by the hideous roar of a lifetime, and countless creatures disappeared at this moment!

Under the majesty of the great sun, all treachery and delusion turned into ashes.

At this time, Su Ming did not leave, but looked at this world solemnly.

He could feel that the creatures were not dead, even. For a moment, he could feel that the world was alive!


In an instant, a hundred thousand li of the sky was torn, and an incomparably hideous pupil slowly opened from the bend.

There are strange patterns on the pupils, not only that, everything that is irradiated, whether it is mountains, rivers, plants or voids, constantly emits a filthy aura.

In the next moment, layers of hideous roars slowly resounded in the sky, and strange and twisted creatures continued to crawl out.

Each one contains this unimaginably strange source.

Such a scene appeared in Su Ming’s eyes, but it made him a little bored.

Immediately with his hands together, the endless qi machine hovered around him, and he did not expect this group of creatures to be so difficult.

Especially with continuous recovery, he mastered the technique of qi training and opened the beginning of qi training.

Naturally it will not stop so easily, the next moment, the golden light in his eyes flowed, and in an instant, all the strange creatures were clear under his eyes, and many layers of fate threads were connected to each other on their bodies.

Only by completely cutting off these threads of fate can they be completely destroyed.


He whispered to himself, and in an instant, an indescribable aura instantly spread, and countless lines of fate were suddenly torn apart.

Boom boom!!!

Distorted figures have landed one after another!

The heavy body smashed on the ground, complete death.

Su Ming’s blow just now did not hit their souls, nor did it wipe out their physical bodies.

Instead, he directly cut off the link between his doors and each other, and then cut off all the gas engines above the root.

Angry, dead, angry!

Cut it off!

It can be said that after he completely cut off the gas engine, these creatures could no longer be resurrected, and even the resurrected chassis could not be found.

Everything disappeared as if it had never existed.

After doing this, Su Ming looked at the world with incomplete rules, and then lost the meaning of exploration, when he turned around and left.

The empty world, only the great sun exudes an incomparably terrifying heat, expelling everything and burning it.


The kingdom of God was damaged, and the power of anti-devouring frantically surged, and the man spat out a mouthful of blood, only feeling that he was instantly weakened.

And the gods in their own kingdom are cut off!

“You. What did you do! ”

His face was frightened, and he looked at Su Ming on the side in shock.

“As you can see, your old god, is dead.”

Su Xiao glanced at the other party coldly, and then gently pressed, and the power of instant suppression directly embedded the other party in the ground!

“So weak, where does the confidence come from.”

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