Chapter 252: An unknown chess player enters the game, Yan Huang Zhan Xuan is You!!

The surrounding audience looked at this scene in disbelief, and some were even stunned.

Is it that easy to end?

That’s just too fast.

But even so, everyone is deeply impressed by the divine kingdom of Su God, knowing that just one living being will directly destroy most of the world on all sides.

There is even a terrifying force that specializes in restraining filth and depravity!

This blow may make the other party unable to advance for several years, and the figure of the great sun will not be extinguished, and it will be difficult for his old god to reunite.

And after doing all this at this moment, Su Yang slowly immersed himself in his divine kingdom, after all, the fluctuations generated by the divine kingdom during this period of time were not small.

Terran realm.

At this time, above the heavenly dome, two magnificent palaces stood tall in the sky, one side was the Terran temple, and countless Terran powerhouses slowly walked out.

Each of them is the pinnacle existence of the Terran who has long been famous and has great influence.

The other is the Araka, an invincible dojo that was once cast.

Terran Tianjiao has sharp eyes, unyielding will, and endless fighting in his eyes, which shows that they have a good understanding of the invincible avenue.

And at this moment, all races, led by a kind of strong man, have entered the immortal battlefield.

Countless divine beings in the distance watched all this with envy.

At this time, above the heavenly dome, the vortex that swirled and swallowed wildly slowly disappeared, and Su Ming slowly stepped out.

“So fast? I really didn’t expect that the Terran race would have another top strongman, but he could be crowned a king. ”

A divine solemnity said, for some reason he felt an unpredictable fearful aura coming from Su Ming’s body.

It was as if it could kill him in an instant.

The two emperors of Yan and Huang stood side by side, their figures like immortal peaks, walking at the back of the human race.

At this time, the Terrans had already entered the immortal battlefield, and the two looked into the distance, looking at each other with a nine-zhang figure from a distance.

“Xuan You, I’m waiting.”

Immediately into the immortal battlefield, the space ups and downs.

Xuan You stood on top of the mountain, with the Punishment Heaven on the left and the Father Lineage on the right, and the terrifying prestige seemed to overwhelm the Heavenly Firmament!

Not far away, Ezu had already brought all the demon clans to the surroundings, waiting for the opportunity.

The dragon clan is the same, hiding and not doing much.

In an instant, the void in the distance was torn, and the white-clothed figures slowly stepped down from the heavenly firmament, with their own charm.

The leader was dressed in white, his face was like crown jade, and his qi was high, and he seemed to be an immortal.

It was Jiang Ziya sent by Hongjun.

Without waiting for them to speak, the magic cloud behind them stirred, which seemed to contain infinite horror.

Pitch-black figures slowly fell on the top of the mountain, and endless powerful arrogance gushed out madly to the extreme.


Looking at this venerable and terrifying force, the Heavenly Divine couldn’t help but retreat a little, but even so, looking at the immortal battlefield, he did not leave.

Who in the world can withstand such a great temptation?

Everyone was wary of the surroundings, for fear of being fooled by the other party, so there was no communication.

All living beings are silently waiting for the instructions of the wild.

The Chao clan sat in the Terran temple and drank with the Eastern Emperor.

His gaze looked out, and then he said slowly.

“Do you know anything about this variable?”

Taiyi knew what he was asking, but unfortunately, he still couldn’t participate too much at this time, although he preached the Daluo Daoguo, but the foundation was still shallow.

And at the moment, the relationship between him and his brother is a little unclear, so naturally he did not investigate this matter carefully, but there is one thing he can admit.

Whether it is the Demon Clan, the Wu Clan, or Hongjun Luo, I am afraid that what they are plotting is not only the Human Clan, there is more deep meaning behind it, but he is a little slow to advance to the Dao Fruit.

If you reach this step sooner, you may be able to see clearly.

Unfortunately, if today’s machine is confused, even if it is deduced for immeasurable years, it is difficult to discover, and it is all layers of traps.

Seeing that Taiyi was silent, the You Chao clan also sighed softly, and then looked to the side, and a figure slowly walked out.

“What about you, what’s your guess?”

“I can’t say it for the time being, but I can foresee that this catastrophe of your Terran race is becoming more and more confusing, and unknown chess players have entered.”

Shi Qilin walked slowly and said word by word.

Hearing this, the Eastern Emperor on the side was slightly stunned, and he naturally knew the existence of Shi Qilin during this period of getting along, and naturally did not disclose it.

But the other party’s remarks just now did make him slightly solemn.

Unknown chess player? Which side!?

You must know that at this moment, all the strong people in Honghuang have basically surfaced, but the other party has said an unknown chess player.

What is the sacredness that can be hidden so far!

This is not to blame him for being anxious, the unknown represents infinite variables, once the other party exhausts all means, it may not be able to destroy the human race.

After all, he knows the horror of this realm, especially after thousands of years of accumulation and precipitation.

“Don’t worry, I can feel that at least in my perception, the other party has no ill will towards the Terrans.”

Shi Qilin slowly lay down, and a pair of pupils seemed to be endless during the flow of time.

“And look at the next changes, that person is as undetectable as the ‘waste’, compared to it, it is better to see who the next of your human race will be…”

Hearing this, both were silent, this matter was too variable, although they were more supportive of the ‘wilderness’ this training, but once the price of failure was too great, the alien land opened up by the wilderness himself.

He intercepts the corner of the immeasurable years and integrates into it, containing the changes of the avenue, which can evolve the heavens and all realms, and also has unknown powers.

All the races entered it and were shocked by the sight in front of them, and under their detection, the world seemed endless.

If they didn’t know that this was a stainless battlefield, they would probably think that it was a flooded world.

For a time, many Tianjiao left to find their own opportunities, some walked together, some were alone, and some stayed not far away.

Each has his own thoughts.

“Such a strong breath of heaven and earth, my human race was fortunate at that time.”

Emperor Yan slowly walked out of the void, his eyes looking at the figures in the distance, and his eyes were constantly changing.

“Yes, even so, we have to make a decision, if we don’t solve it in our generation, I’m afraid it will be even more difficult.”

The Yellow Emperor stood up and looked straight ahead, and then slowly stared not far away.

Where the deer are chased.

“In this way, you and I will fight together, this battle.”

“Terrans, be immortal!”

In an instant, two rays of light broke through the bend of the sky and descended to the land of chasing deer, and the two emperors of Yan and Huang stood side by side looking at the upper end of the heavenly firmament.

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