Chapter 253 The banner is covered in the sky, Pangu’s true body, and the 100,000 li mountains and rivers are broken!!

Above the void, the power of endless space shook the universe, and the next moment the golden vortex instantly gushed and rotated!

“It’s time!”

“Let’s go! Fight to get rid of the others! ”

In an instant, countless innate divine beings poured into the immortal battlefield, but the next moment, an incomparably domineering and crazy momentum suddenly erupted!


The void rose and fell, and countless divine beings were directly shocked back thirty miles by this blow!

I saw a hideous man, dressed in pitch black battle armor, holding an axe and shield in one hand, in front of all the holiness!

“The leader has not moved, wait and retreat!”

The punishment heaven looked up to the sky and roared, shocking three thousand miles, and countless divine gods changed color one after another, and did not dare to argue with it.

Xuan You walked slowly, he went to the sky, and behind him he boasted of his father’s veins, and every figure was as tall as a hundred zhang or even more than a thousand zhang, which was extremely terrifying!

Not far away, the three clans of immortals, demons, and dragons did not take the lead, but waited silently.

The two immortal and demon clans did not want to clash with it, after all, they all came with a mission this time, and they could not compete for a while.

As for the Dragon Clan simply because Li Changgeng did not give an order, almost all the Dragon Clan present had some admiration for this newly promoted military division.

Then the Jiuli vein represented by Xuan You slowly entered it.


The three parties all shouted in a deep voice, and then they all charged forward!

The Heavenly Divine retreated, not daring to fight with it, and then looked at each other, some red-faced, but then hurriedly rushed forward.

After all, compared to them at the moment, they are really a little difficult to say.

Obviously they are all innate beings but they have fallen to this step really.

In the land of chasing deer, the wind and clouds are surging, and the endless terrifying aura erupts one after another!

The sound of the two emperors of Yanhuang standing on the top of the mountain, behind them were the strongest people of the Yanhuang tribe booming!!!

With a loud buzzing sound, the huge figure came slowly like a mountain!

Every step is a terrifying distance of tens of miles!

Even the mountains are trembling uncontrollably.

Father Kwa!

It can reverse the trend of mountains and seas, and it is not difficult to reclaim the sea from flat mountains.

The terrifying momentum fell into the void, and I saw the sound of the void rising layer by layer!

A figure walked slowly, and the space under his feet collapsed.

His figure was no more than the size of the palm of his father’s family, but he seemed to carry a piece of the heavens, pressing down all the creatures present breathlessly.


At the same time, many divine beings felt the interweaving of the energy of heaven and earth, and they came one after another to achieve enlightenment with the appearance of three thousand miles.

After all, these three parties are all extremely terrifying powerhouses, and they are also the top powerhouses recognized under the Honghuang Dao Fruit today, and it will definitely be of endless benefit to understand their battles.

“The two emperors of Yan and Huang actually want to fight with Xuan You, and the mayor of this town has reached the time when he fought against the Buddha Sect in the first place.”

“That’s not all, as far as I know, Xuan You once killed the Buddha’s relic alone, which was extremely terrifying.”

“And to be able to treat the two emperors of Yan and Huang as they are, it is worthy of coming out of the Wu clan.”

The Divine Lords of the Heavens had different opinions, and they all had their own opinions about the battle, but no one dared to jump to conclusions.

Such a shocking showdown, even the powerhouses of the Dao Fruit Realm dare not make a conclusion and talk about them?

Above the void, the divine power of the heavens was boiling wildly, and Xuan You stepped out horizontally, and the golden tail teeth were frantically exerted in an instant!

With himself as the center, a radius of 100,000 li was completely enveloped by coercion!

“Such a terrifying momentum, just the coercion is to make me difficult to resist…”

“It feels like the bones all over my body are frantically squeezed together.”

Countless divine shames looked at this scene, and had to withdraw 100,000 miles away, and only a small number of top powerhouses had absolute confidence in their own strength and did not leave.

The Yellow Emperor stepped out, and the golden armor around him released a light comparable to the sun, moon and stars, and with a light drink, the sound wave was instantly emptied!

Boom boom!!!

The heavenly dome tumbled and shook, and the might of a roar broke all coercion.

The Xuanyuan sword in his hand showed a shocking edge, facing Xuan You stirring three thousand miles of sword light!

Emperor Yan also walked out, the long lever in his hand slowly manifested, the space trembled slightly, if he waved, it would definitely disturb the heavenly firmament!

The two extreme forces centered on one side are crazy and stirring, which can be called a shocking showdown.

Xuan You stood slowly, his eyes gradually turned scarlet, and the strange lines on his body slowly shone.

In an instant, his height actually reached from Jiujiuzhang to Tenzhang!

The momentum of the true individual also bloomed instantly, like a shining star, making the eyes of the heavens and gods feel stinging just by looking at it.

Holding hands together, a flag of thousands of miles slowly manifested.

The totem of Jiuli is engraved on the flag, giving birth to the supreme battle intent, and it bursts out frantically.

Behind him, countless Jiuli Zhan eleven had red faces, and their battle spirit was crazy and agitated.

The Punishment Heaven at the head was even more angry, and the momentum around him was constantly rising like a mountain!


A roar tore through the long sky, as if swallowing the world!

The punishment heaven bore the brunt, the armor around the body spread wildly, and the body drive also turned into a thousand figures in an instant, shaking the sky!

Ancestor incarnation!

This is not the true body of Pangu that the real nine ancestral witches are fighting, but the power that all the witches flow in their blood!

It is derived from the evolution of Pangu after the opening of the sky!

His body is very high, and every move he sees, he doesn’t know how many mountains he has trampled on!

“Eat me an axe!”

The punishment sky roared, and the huge body danced in the long sky, shaking the heavens layer by layer!

Directly attack the two emperors of Yan and Huang!

“You’re not enough.”

Emperor Yan’s voice was flat and randomly and slowly waved, and the next moment an incomparably terrifying power rose from the earth, instantly repelling the punishment sky by 100,000 li!

100,000 li mountains and rivers crumbling!

Such a terrifying scene made all the heavenly gods shiver, and only felt a chill in their backs.

You must know that the strength released by the Punishment Heaven is the limit of the true self, but in the hands of the other party, just one move is directly bombarded back 100,000 li!

And they haven’t reached the Dao Fruit realm yet!


A roar shocked the heavens and the universe, and Xuan You rushed forward, holding the flag in his hand, and the force was bent!


Under the sweep, the entire sky was torn apart in an instant!

Emperor Yan’s eyes were solemn, the long lever in his hand danced with the wind, and every inch of strong wind was as heavy as a thousand mountains!


The two confronted, and the terrifying force knocked the Yandi back continuously!

The Yellow Emperor’s sharp eyes crossed out in an instant and pressed down with one hand!


Ten thousand palm prints bombarded the flag!


Countless spaces shattered in an instant!

Finally, under the attack of the two Terran emperors, the terrifying force of this blow was finally stopped!

But even then both sides are set back 10,000 miles.

The power of Xuan You is really terrifying!

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