Chapter 255: Dao Fruit Accomplished, Heaven and Earth Fall, All Souls Return to Silence!!

The blood qi permeated three thousand miles, and the eyes were full of corpses.

Su Ming’s eyes were sharp, slowly recovered, and a hideous spear slowly appeared.

The body of the gun is carved with dragon scales, named the Dragon Devouring Spear.

Of course, this spear has nothing to do with the dragon race, and the reason why it is called the dragon spear is because this gun is forged by gathering the luck of the human race!

Terran luck resembles a long dragon, so there is this change.

At this time, the long dragon roared through the air, giving birth to thousands of changes.

Su Ming’s 100,000 li was instantly pierced!


The dragon chant shocked Qiankun, extinguishing layers of space, as if containing endless destruction!

“Three battles!”

Punishment Heaven was born angrily, and there were lines of destruction around the body, and the whole person was like a destruction device!

The two sides collided frantically in the view of the void, stirring up layers of spatial ripples.

Boom boom!!!

The void disappeared, the two Dharma Heavens rose up in the sky, and the two emperors of Yan and Huang came out side by side and threw a punch together!

In an instant, the void hummed, and countless spaces collapsed and shattered!

The halberd in Xuan You’s hand was blocked, and the force of the shock caused his body to take three steps back, and then the halberd swept and tore the universe!

Dharma heaven and earth support heaven and earth and block this destructive force.

At this time, both sides exerted their ultimate power, the two emperors of Yan and Huang cast the magic heaven and earth, and Xuan You cast the figure of the ancestor!

The body changed by 100,000 feet, and he fought madly with the two Dharma Heavenly Statues, and every attack collided would tear through layers of heavenly ques.

In an instant, Xuan You smashed the law phase with one palm, and countless fragments burst out.

The terrifying force directly collapsed Emperor Yan’s chest, and blood escaped from his mouth and nose.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Yellow Emperor’s sword pierced the opponent’s chest, and the vicious sword energy instantly erupted, bursting the opponent’s body into layers of blood mist!

Xuan You endured the severe pain above his body, and the halberd in his hand was a fist cover, attached to the fist, and smashed the head of the Yellow Emperor with one punch!


The flesh and blood exploded, and even the bones were directly destroyed by this blow!

At this moment, both sides realized that today, whether it is Xuan You or the two emperors of Yan and Huang, if they want to win, they must pay a heavy price!

Otherwise, there will be no end to this battle!

In an instant, the three parties completely gave up their defense and attacked frantically!

The entire sky was shrouded in layers of thick blood mist, which was all their blood.

At this moment, even their blood is stained with their will to fight, constantly intertwining and colliding, destroying!

Layers of attacks destroyed the bend, and there was another loud noise, and Xuan You’s chest was almost shattered!

There is not a trace of flesh and blood, only the gloomy ribs, and the wriggling heart in the chest!

And the two emperors of Yan and Huang are also extremely miserable, the upper body of the Yellow Emperor is almost turned into a skeleton, the head is completely shattered, and the golden armor on his body has already been beaten to pieces!

Emperor Yan was the same, his left arm was directly cut off and refined by Xuan You, leaving a hideous blood mark from his left shoulder and right crotch, which could not be healed.

One body was almost bloody, but the other hand was still clenching the long sculpture, and it was frantically attacking Xuan You’s body without fear of death!

Such a scene was too bloody and shocking, countless saints were impressed by this scene, such a terrifying battle, their blood was almost drunk in every corner of the land of chasing deer.

The Yellow Emperor was only half of his body, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand set off a thousand sword light, neighing and containing his indomitable will!

Xuan You’s eighteen weapons were destroyed nearly half in this station, and the remaining halberd in his hand was barely supported, and at this moment, he also felt the grammar weakness of his body.

But he did not retreat, he could feel that these two people were even weaker than him!

This battle is over!!

After he died in the sky, the endless blood qi was frantically swallowed by him into his mouth in an instant, and terrifying power brewed madly!

“Actually devouring all the blood qi now!!”

Countless divine beings looked at this scene in shock, you must know that the blood qi that pervades at this moment is not only him, the blood of the two emperors of Yan and Huang also has it, and it is contaminated with their will!

Forcibly refining, it will inevitably be met with unparalleled counter-devouring power!

If something goes wrong, his physical body will collapse and wither without even continuing to fight!

But in such a situation, such a broken cauldron, in front of terror!

What a terrifying perseverance and decisive power!

In an instant, the injuries on the body healed frantically, and such a scene stunned countless sacred eyes!

“Hahaha! The boss is mighty! Kill the second emperor! ”

Punishment Heaven looked up to the sky and roared, and his hair was disheveled and laughed maniacally!

Boom boom!!!

A fist bombarded his skull, shattering his lisps and smashing his body into layers of void.

Su Ming raised his hand and the endless qi machine converged up, and in an instant, tens of thousands of fierce beasts frantically tore away!

The terrifying aura brewed wildly, tearing the long sky apart almost instantly!

He looked up at the center of the battle in the distance, and his heart sank to the bottom…


Xuan You roared the heavens, and the next moment his physical body burned, and endless years were refined in it.

In an instant, something seems to be complete!

Boom boom!!!

“In that case, come on!”

The surrounding body of the two emperors of Yan and Huang also began to burn, whether it was true spirits or flesh and bones, they all released endless brilliance at this moment!

“Crazy! It’s all crazy! ”

“They are going to burn everything! Such a terrifying power has infinitely forced the Dao fruit! ”

“No, they have reached it.”

A divine body trembled, only feeling round after round of pure momentum tearing through the long sky!

It’s Daoguo!!

That’s when the mutation suddenly appeared!

Xuan You’s flesh collapsed, shattered, and withered!

Finally the counter-devouring is coming!

He used his own strength to forcibly suppress the blood qi of the Second Emperor of Refining, and if it was like before, it would naturally not have much waves.

But at this moment, he squeezed himself to the limit, and even did not hesitate to burn everything, naturally he did not suppress this force.

Almost instantly, his momentum faded, and Xuan You’s eyes wept blood!

“I’m not willing!”

He looked up to the sky and roared, but unfortunately it was the Yan and Huang Emperors who burned all their strength when they shot back!

Boom boom!!!

The power of endless destruction shattered the universe, and the vicious breath destroyed everything.

Countless divine beings retreated, but even so, many of them were in no hurry to retreat and were annihilated by this force.

Even the true spirits cannot survive.

Everything is now and there is a complete fall!

The eyes of the punishment heaven were extremely huge, and the huge body no longer cared about the deep Su Ming, and frantically rushed towards the fallen figure of Xuan You!

“Big brother!!”


But how could he intervene in a battle of this scale?

Just the shock of Yu Bo knocked him back tens of thousands of miles and the bones around his body were shattered!

He braced himself up, but his lower body was still torn.


It was his head that was broken.

Not far away, a headless body slowly got up, holding a shield in one hand and an axe in the other.

An incomparably sad aura erupted from his body!

“Even if I lose my head, I will stand until the last moment!”

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