Chapter 256: Three Dao Fruits! Punishment is angry, and the Terrans have won a tragic victory!!

Above the world of perseverance of his huge body, he constantly broke through layers of qi waves and shattered layers of spatial barriers.

The tomahawk in his hand is worn out and loses its previous sharpness!

With a tragic roar, he gathered the power of his whole body, burned his own blood, and slashed directly towards the Yellow Emperor in the distance!

Rumble! This axe gave birth to everything for him!

Just in an instant, a sudden sharp edge instantly tore through the sky!

At this time, the Yellow Emperor had already lost half of his body, and Emperor Yan was also greatly injured, his body was shattered, and his right arm was completely refined.

But just like before, at the last moment, not only them, but even Xuan You broke through the Dao Fruit!

Break through together!

In the face of the heaven-tearing blow of the punishment sky, the Yellow Emperor did not care in the slightest, and slowly opened his palm.

The Xuanyuan Sword on his fingertips instantly buzzed, shocking the heavens and the universe.

Boom boom!!!!

The Xuanyuan Sword carried an invincible sword momentum that instantly tore through the layers of space and directly pierced the giant axe!

There was a thunderous thunder, as if the entire sky had collapsed!

The body of the punishment heaven was shaken back dozens of miles, but even so, he still frantically rushed forward, and instead rushed towards the central area frantically!

Xuan You broke through the Dao Fruit realm with the two emperors of Yan and Huang at the last moment, and he will never die at this moment!

The Great Luo Dao Fruit will never die, unless the top power strikes!

What’s more, since the flood famine, such a terrifying existence has never fallen.

Even when the Buddha Sect attacked the human race, Zhunti and led the two Buddhas were just using an external incarnation.

Seeing that the other party carried his own sword, the Yellow Emperor wanted to strike another blow, but unfortunately he was already at the end of a strong crossbow at this moment.

They are indeed advancing to the Dao Fruit at the last moment, but at this moment, the flesh is broken and the true spirit is dusty, and their consciousness is chaotic, it can be said that if it were not for the breakthrough, they would have died long ago.

Emperor Yan was the most seriously injured, and the other party’s physical body could not confront the Yellow Emperor Ji You, so he was in a coma at this moment.

“Well, maybe that’s it.”

The Yellow Emperor looked ahead as if he was talking to himself.

This Zhan Xuan You’s physical body was completely destroyed, even the true spirit was almost half incinerated, even if he broke through the Dao Fruit realm, it would never be possible to recover without hundreds of thousands of years.

And this is enough for them.

It can even be said to be the best result.

When the day of punishment came to the central area, a broken skeleton was driven from the fingertips, and each of the limbs was left with only the chest and skull.

But even so, what was left was half of the flesh and blood, but the eerie and white bone breath was extremely rare, almost impossible to perceive, but even so, he still protected the other party’s true spirit.

As long as this true spirit does not die, thousands of witch tribes, with the means of ancestral witches, will definitely be able to restore him to his original state!

Although the two emperors of Yan and Huang could not make a move in the distance, their subordinates came slowly, pointing their swords at the heavens.

“Let go of Xuan You, or you will die today!”

Terran Tianjiao said coldly.

Xuan You is too strong, who would have thought that the other party was only one against two, and that side almost killed the two Terran emperors directly!

Even in this kind of scene, the two emperors of Yan and Huang won a victory and a tragic victory.

What’s even more terrifying is that the other party has already preached the fruit of the Tao, and once it is restored, today’s mercy will inevitably create his daily hatred!

And today’s Terran will not allow such a great enemy to grow!

In the Great Luo Honghuang, every Honghuang race is like a hunter or prey trapped in the same pit.

Only by killing each other can you survive, this is the truth!

“Drop the chiyu!”

Thinking that the Terran Tianjiao, his figure was like the Nine Heavens Divine Light, bursting out at a terrifying speed beyond the speed of light, and gathering the power of thousands of swords with a sword in one hand.


The body of the punishment heaven instantly burst out thousands of blood qi!

Suddenly, the double milk turned into hideous pupils, the navel was torn into a big mouth, and the huge arm shattered the layers of the heavenly firmament, instantly shattering the long sword of the Terran teenager!

The other party’s body exploded into blood mist above the void, and the true spirit was annihilated!

“Whoever stands in my way, die!!”

Punishment Tian looked up to the sky and roared, the sound of heavy breathing was like the roar of heavenly thunder, and the hideous body slowly got up, only to see the indescribable mysterious power on the other party’s body slowly converge!

The heavens and ten thousand realms behind him loomed, and it seemed that tens of thousands of possible heavens and earth had evolved in an instant, with endless chains wrapped around their bodies; Some also lost their heads, but they did not admit defeat to fight against the Yellow Emperor at the upper level, and were finally suppressed.

Some followed Xuan You to defeat the two emperors of Yan and Huang, and the heads of the two emperors were held in their hands like trophies.

Countless variables make countless possibilities.

In the end, all of these were shattered, the punishment sky roared, and the power of the terrifying avenue converged one after another!

“This… What’s going on? Could it be that he also wants to achieve Dao fruits!? ”

Some saints’ eyes widened in shock, and they only felt that they had been greatly impacted.

They have been pursuing this realm for hundreds of thousands of millions of years, but today there are four of them who have almost reached this realm.

“It’s impossible, the strength of the Punishment Heaven definitely can’t reach this step, but it should be in contact with the Dao Fruit Battle, and it has reached the half-step Dao Fruit level.”

Some divine gazes said, and there was no concealed envy in their words.

Half-trail fruit!

Countless Terrans only felt that their backs were cold, and at this moment, the two emperors of Yan and Huang on the battlefield had been seriously injured and had to rest and recuperate, but at this moment, the punishment heaven had reached the half-step fruit!

I am afraid that if the other party kills frantically at this moment, I am afraid that no one in the entire Yanhuang tribe will be able to intercept the other party.

“Punishment Tian, today you and Xuan You, stay.”

A dull voice still thinks, brewing the sound of the avenue, every word seems to receive the blessing of heaven and earth.

A green-clothed figure slowly appeared in front of Punishment Heaven across the void.

Compared to the terrifying figure of the punishment day, the other party was just a thin human race, and he didn’t even have the other party’s fingernails.

But it is this figure that makes countless Terrans have the meaning of gas fighting in the eyes.

Countless divine is also terrifying!

There is a half-trail fruit!

For a while, the heavens and gods looked at each other with bitterness under their eyes, but I didn’t expect ah…

Su Ming looked directly at the punishment sky, he knew that he must not let the pair leave in the near future, let alone leave with Xuan You!

Otherwise, with Xuan You’s strength, even if he is hit hard, but his will is not extinguished, he will definitely make a comeback!

The Terrans would not allow a tiger to be around like this, even if the tiger was already dying.

Needless to say, a tiger that is bound to reply!

“Su Ming!!!”

The Punishment Heaven roared out, and the roar shattered the layers of Tianyu, and instantly burned directly around the body!

At this moment, he actually wants to fight with his life!

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