Chapter 257: Blood stains mountains and rivers for 80,000 li, and gods and demons enter the Dao!!

Boom boom!!!

The power of the shock of the fear cloth raged through the heavenly firmament, Su Ming’s body was shaken out tens of thousands of miles, and the earth under his feet shattered and flew apart like tofu.

The terrifying power continued to brew and spread in his body, and Su Ming wiped it out with a supreme qi machine, and then looked at the punishment sky in front of him.

At this moment, the other party did not hesitate to burn his body, but also took Xuan You away, bursting out with unparalleled power!

However, for him at this moment, there is no need to fight with the other party at all, just block the other party’s retreat, and it is okay.

It’s a pity that the other party is not a Terran, otherwise he would be willing to make this friend.

But alas, today he will die!

Thinking of this, Su Ming clenched his fist with one hand, and instantly countless qi machines converged, and barbaric qi instantly emerged!

For a moment, it was as if the entire Tianyu was held in his hands!


The layers of space shattered, and then bombarded the body of the punishment heaven, and the opponent’s huge shield blocked this blow, randomly bursting out of even more terrifying power!


The power of layers of ups and downs was crazy, and the space was smashed into pieces, charging directly into the distance!


“Hugh go.”

Su Ming stepped up one step, and then the surrounding qi machine instantly ignited!

Golden flames burned behind him, burning everything.

At this moment, he had to catch up with the other party at the cost of burning miracles.

I saw two figures colliding madly above the void, one after the other, like chasing stars and catching up with the sun.

The entire immortal battlefield almost saw the scene in front of them, and their faces were shocked!

“What a terrifying breath! It turned out to be a half-step fruit! ”

“It’s the day of punishment! He actually broke through this realm! ”

“Look at the head of the day of punishment. was cut off, and there was another half-trail fruit chasing him… in his hands. It’s Chiyu! ”

“The True Spirit collapsed and almost disappeared, this is Xuan You!?”

Countless saints watched this scene in shock, and even the dragon clan led by Li Changgeng stopped and watched.

“It’s really Xuan You, and looking at the appearance of the punishment sky, I’m afraid that this war witch clan will be defeated.”

Long Min slowly said that the eyes were extremely complicated, and there was happiness, but they had lost such a big enemy, and they also had a little envy.

Even the Punishment Heaven has already broken through the half-step fruit.

And he is still hovering at the peak of his true self.

Li Changgeng looked at Su Ming, who was chasing after him fiercely, with a faint halo in his eyes, as if he was deducing something.

“Qiqi practitioners. It seems that you have taken a truly unprecedented path. ”

In the past, he reunited the true spirits of the other party that almost collapsed and then preserved the memory of the other party, which was originally a field help to his former friend, and he never thought that the other party would break and stand up, blaze another trail, and take an unpredictable path.

However, in just a thousand years, he returned to the peak and even reached the half-step fruit level, which shows that this path is really suitable for him.

“Let’s go, the Wu Clan may not end, the real battle between gods and demons has just begun.”

He said softly, and the dragons behind him nodded one after another, their eyes mixed with strong confidence.

My dragon clan has not yet made a move, and the current situation should change.

Not far away, Jiang Ziya watched the two figures chasing between the stars, his eyes contained a halo, and then slowly dimmed.

“We need to speed up the process, the Terrans are rising too fast.”

He said slowly, and then looked at a Terran youth on the side

“Your Excellency, don’t worry, I am here to help you get the reward of the number one in the name of the Dao Ancestor.”

Not far away, I thought that the Terran young man was wearing a purple and gold robe, his face was handsome and his eyes seemed to contain a starry river, looking at Jiang Ziya.

“Why me? And, wouldn’t it be better for you to get the rewards alone? ”

He naturally knew the strength of this gang, especially the strength of the white-clothed figure in front of him had reached the half-step fruit level, and it was not even weaker than the two emperors of Yan and Huang!

In the face of such an explicit question from the other party, Jiang Ziya did not move in the slightest, but said slowly.

“This Terran land, when I can enter the afterglow that is already relying on the one who helps, how dare I point to the Terran things?”

“What’s more, I see Your Excellency’s freedom and unyielding wind, and my heart is happy and willing to help.”

His voice was flat, but there was a sense of truth and earnestness.

Hearing this, the man couldn’t help but squint his eyes, he could feel the kindness of the other party, but the source of this kindness was a little worth pondering.

Is it the Dao ancestor in his words? Or himself, or both.

But one thing, the other party is right, at least the whole time has been helping him, with their help maybe he can really reach that level, or even get the first!

A trace of heat flashed under his eyes, he slowly looked ahead, and the yin and yang colors in his eyes slowly transformed, as if he could see everything clearly.

“In that case, let’s go.”


Mo Zhenlou looked forward, and a trace of heat flashed under his eyes.

Such a protracted battle also caused him to have some itchy hands, but unfortunately at this moment he still had the order of the Demon Ancestor again.

One of the nine demon venerables of the heavy building demon world, each demon venerable holds hundreds of millions of li land, and the owner has incomparably powerful power and appeal.

These nine demon venerables were formed by the separation of the nine demon qi of the demon ancestor Luo’s throat.

They are, killing qi, immortal qi, yin and yang qi, primeval resentment, bloodthirsty battle qi. Wait for the nine demonic qi.

And the heavy building is the ninth demon qi, transformed by bloodthirsty battle qi, and is the most warthirsty one among all demon venerables.

I have even made a move to challenge Luo Yu!

Although he was extremely defeated at that time, Luo Yu was extremely fond of this Demon Venerable who had evolved by himself!

Not because of anything else, just because the other party is the most similar one, this fearless everything, random thoughts, is simply another shadow of oneself!

Only such an existence can comprehend the ultimate of the Demon Dao!

As for the seventy-two demons under Chi Mo, they were born from listening to his sermons, and they are fundamentally different from the nine demon venerables!

Chonglou’s eyes approached, and then he looked at a figure on the side, and various emotions appeared under his eyes, and then he said slowly.

“Your Excellency, have you thought clearly, entering my demon realm, the Buddha-figure has granted you a land and received hundreds of millions of offerings, and moreover, it can also help you obtain the number one position in this immortal battlefield!”

He has no conspiracy and trickery, he has always been straightforward and single-handed.

Kui Lie on the side was slightly stunned, he didn’t expect the other party to be so direct, but he said slowly.

“With such good intentions, I am afraid that it also requires a lot of responsibility.”

“Not bad, but as I said before, just enter my demon realm and then you can leave on your own, without the slightest constraint.”

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