Chapter 262: Bearer of the Kingdom of God, the Origin of Everything!!

Su Yang immediately cast a spell on the heavens and earth, and the towering figure broke through the layers of space!

Pushing up with both palms, the three thousand avenues are running wildly, seemingly supporting a heaven and earth.

The powerful power instantly squeezed the ups and downs, and feeling the tenacious power transmitted from the palm, the eighth-order creature frowned slightly.

“Such a domineering power, it even has such pure origin power.”

The other party was slightly surprised, and with his eyesight, he could naturally see that Su Yang was only a fifth-order strength, but he was too afraid of the power he just had.

The power that was so close to this court was still so pure that he was slightly stunned.

You must know that even he has not been able to master such an origin power, how can he only be a fifth-order!

Under the majestic palm print, the body of the Fa Tianxiang Earth continued to crumble and adjust to zero, Su Tian’s hands supported the sky, the defense rules around his body continued to crumble, and drops of blood began to seep out of his pores.

Such a crisis was definitely the deadliest moment he had ever seen!

Suddenly, at this moment, a figure rushed directly towards the heavenly firmament, and an extreme power instantly spread out!


The power of heaven and earth surged wildly in a flash, and it seemed that the power of the main world was mobilized here.

Although the eighth-order creatures were strong, they could not fight against the power of this world, and were shocked back three thousand miles.

But it was not damaged.

He raised his gaze and looked at the beautiful and familiar figure in the void, his face showing puzzlement.

“Holy Daughter!”

He couldn’t help but speak.

“It’s you.”

Su Yang wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth, looked at Su Qingyun on the side, and his face was a little heavy.

“Follow me, interesting?”

She did not respond to the golden-armored man below, but looked at Su Xiao faintly, and a smile flashed in her clear eyes.

“Curiosity kills cats.”

Su Xiao smiled helplessly, and then looked at the other party’s beautiful and exquisite face

“I think I’ve imagined a lot, but I think I can know more.”

Su Qingyun glanced at the other party, and then walked forward.

“Come with me.”

The gentle voice is soft and slightly cold.

The golden-armored man on the side wanted to say something, but when he observed the coldness on the other side, he stopped speaking and slowly saluted.

Su Yang followed the other party into layers of space and finally came to a room, where the space was carved from jade, and just standing in it would have endless holy qi.

It is definitely a treasure trove of cultivation.

Su Qingyun was still sitting on the side, elegant and noble, seemingly gathering thousands of rays of light.

“As you can see, this world is a kingdom of God without a creator.”

“Or in other words, the kingdom of God that was killed by the creatures of the kingdom of God.”

“We awaken to chaos, maybe it’s his spontaneous thinking, maybe it’s something else…”

Su Qingyun slowly came to be, this is a normal divine kingdom, but this divine kingdom was not born to enhance strength, but the meaning of birth is endless desire.

In the beginning, this was a divine kingdom where all living beings were women, and in order to satisfy their own desires, the creator deprived them of their strength and cultivation methods to improve themselves, and they were reduced to playthings for tens of thousands of years.

“Maybe they have convulsed and used a huge amount of resources, intending to create a completely perfect creature for them to enjoy, or maybe because of arrogance, they have not isolated each other’s cultivation methods. In this way, the creature got an unprecedented amount of resources, and finally cut the sky and killed the creator. ”

“So, you are the creature?”

Su Yang looked at each other, I have to say that this phenomenon, there are many few in the blue star, many gods who know that they have no potential will develop deformities, towards the desire of the creator, which belongs to personal freedom.

After all, the creatures of the Kingdom of God have no human rights in the cognition of all countries, and they are completely private goods belonging to individuals, after all, they are created by individuals, and naturally belong to each other’s private goods.

Therefore, under the breeding, many shady things appear in the kingdom of God, but even if they are found, no one cares, after all, who cares how others spoil their belongings or toys.

This in itself is an unpredictable closed loop.

What about the strong enslave the weak, let alone the Holy Spirit who created with one hand?

Su Yang did not judge much about this, after all, to be honest, since such phenomena have appeared in this world, I am afraid that there are not a few above the entire blue star.

“No, that’s not me, it is.”

Su Qingyun slowly looked into the distance, following the other party’s gaze, Su Yang looked at the towering giant tree that the other party had guided to stand.

“It saved us and the foundation of the entire kingdom of God, and we were born from it.”

“Then what’s going on with you, you seem to be able to mobilize all the power of this divine kingdom, like…”


Su Xiao looked at the other party and asked the most important point.

Su Qingyun’s strength is only a mere six levels, although the strength is not weak, but which blow before, but the eighth-order god, such a powerful force she repelled in a snap of her fingers.

Especially for the control of the power of this divine kingdom, it is like an arm to use freely


Su Qingyun was silent and seemed to be thinking about something.

Seeing this, Su Xiao said slowly.

“Of course, if there is something unspeakable, then you don’t need to tell me, it’s just pure curiosity.”

He also knew that this topic was somewhat sensitive and even a little abrupt.

That’s why the exit refused.

“In fact, it is not so secret, as you can see, I was cultivated by him, and I am also regarded as the bearer of this kingdom of God.”

Su Qingyun breathed out Youlan and said slowly.

Hearing this, Su Yang was stunned, obviously did not expect that the other party would really tell him, to know this matter, it is a lifeblood for them!

It can be said that as long as Su Qingyun dies, this world will lose its bearer and finally completely wither and destroy.

She handed over the lifeblood of the entire Divine Kingdom into Su Tian’s hands.

But why does she believe in herself so much!?

Su Yang looked at each other, knowing that the two were only a few sides together, and the one they saw each other most intimately, they still had a fight to eat.

He didn’t think that he had taken off the other party’s clothes and thrown his arms around the convenience of such a silly sculpture side plot.

It was obvious that the other party was asking for him, and she might even have deliberately introduced herself into this divine kingdom.

“Yes, it is my guidance in disguise, but if you don’t follow me, I won’t continue.”

Su Qingyun seemed to have seen what Su Xiao was thinking and said slowly.

“In that case, what can I get?”

Su Yang looked at the other party, the matter has come to this point, this is simply the other party’s game, since he has to ask for himself, he naturally has to take out items worthy of his heart.

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