Chapter 263: Reshaping the World and Fighting the Will of the World!!

Su Xiao was not worried that the other party would directly kill him, not to mention the impact after his death, but the other party would not make a move if he asked for it.

And he has also thought about it, in the national youth competition, so many top masters she does not choose anyone, she chooses herself, I am afraid that it is not only because of her own strength, but because of her own uniqueness, and her most unique side is…

The kingdom of God blooms in the midst of desolation.

This is the only thing that I have in all the national competitions, and one that no one can do.

Even Su Yang can be sure that what the other party wants to do, only he can do!

Therefore, he did not have the slightest fear of all this, but negotiated with the other party calmly.

Su Qingyun looked at Su Xiao with a look of imminent danger and couldn’t help but be slightly touched, although these hiddens are not clever, but the other party’s aura alone exceeds countless people.

She has seen many people, those who covet the powerful, those who are not afraid of power, those who are greedy for life and fear of death, but only Su Yang does not belong to any of the above, as if it is a fog, which is unpredictable.

“I can give you the fruit of the world.”

She pondered for a long time and said slowly, as if she had made up her mind.

“World Fruit?”

Su Xiao was slightly stunned, maybe he was short-sighted, but he really didn’t know what it was.

“The fruit of the world is the fruit born of the world tree of my divine kingdom, condensed by the essence of the entire kingdom of God.”

“This thing germinates in a million years, blooms in a million years, and bears fruit in a million years.”

“After taking it, you can repair your own Tianyuan, go straight to the second order below the sixth order, and go straight to the first order above the sixth order, so there are no side effects.”

She spoke eloquently, softly and elegantly.

Even Su Yang was slightly stunned, knowing that the resources required for strength advancement were almost a bottomless pit, and the other party had such confidence.

Even, under his perception of the avenue of truth, he can see that the other party is not lying.

You must know that even if there is no such treasure in the real blue star, it may be too top for him to touch, but this thing alone is enough.

You must know that because of his own divine kingdom, Su Yang consumes thirty or fifty times the resources of the same realm almost every time!

And even more!

If you can get this thing, it will definitely bring great changes to yourself, and you can improve your strength very quickly.


“Not enough.”

Su Yang looked into the other party’s clear eyes and said in a deep voice.

Although the treasure given by the other party is very tempting, and it can even be said that it is extremely precious, it may not be impossible to make small moves in it with the other party’s means.

Although the possibility is small, it has to be guarded.

After all, the other party is gambling with the creatures of the entire kingdom of God.

“What more do you want…”

Su Qingyun gritted her teeth lightly, her eyes looked at each other, and her appearance at this time coupled with her beautiful face was pitiful, and she couldn’t help but hug her into her arms and love her carefully.

Su Tian’s face remained unchanged, still cold.

“Three thousand divine sources.”


Su Qingyun clenched her silver teeth and promised to come down, because she carried Shen Guo, the power within the Divine Kingdom could not be absorbed.

The cultivation resources she needed were also divine sources.

And Su Tian’s request for the divine source almost emptied her.

But at this time, she had no other way but to promise to deal with all parties, otherwise, this kingdom of God would inevitably fall silent again.

“Okay, let’s talk about what I’m going to do.”

Seeing that the other party promised Su Tian, it was also the correct color, and since he had already taken the benefits, he naturally had to know what he needed to do.

Su Qingyun looked at Su Tian, and then said slowly.

“I want to reshape the kingdom of God, and completely become the controller of this kingdom of God, a creature like you.”

“You’re going to destroy everything here?!”

Su Yang frowned slightly, reshaping the Kingdom of God means to return everything to nothingness, many ways to do it…

“No, what I want is the shackles left by the Creator before the destruction to carry this world.”

Su Qingyun looked at Su Yang and said.

“He left a restriction shackle, imprisoning the cultivation method of all living beings, so that they could not cultivate, and the Kingdom of God could not continue to be strong, only I truly carried this world, can change all this.”

She said slowly, her tone full of determination.

Reshaping the kingdom of God is extremely dangerous, and the slightest carelessness can completely destroy the kingdom of God.

What’s more, the other party is a creature of the Kingdom of God, and strictly speaking, the cultivation system is different!

The other party cannot become stronger by continuously improving the Divine Kingdom like Su Tian, and the Divine Kingdom will continue to become stronger after she carries it, but in the same way, her body will receive the suppressive power of an entire world.

It’s like a negative mountain.

It’s like a turtle carrying a vine tiger, and as the world grows stronger, so will the pressure on her.

Moreover, this world cannot obtain energy through other means, and can continuously absorb the power of the other party.

It is equivalent to her single-handedly providing for the entire creatures of the Kingdom of God!

It’s like a growing mountain, she must keep getting stronger, or she will one day be crushed by this world.

And without her, this kingdom of God cannot survive, and will eventually usher in death.

Looking at the other party’s figure, Su Yang felt an indescribable emotion for the first time, if he came instead, could he do it without asking for anything in return by providing for a world with the power of one person?

I’m afraid not…

“Okay, I’ll help you.”

Su Xiao put his hand on the other party’s shoulder and said slowly.

Su Qingyun on the side only felt that her body was trembling, but she really did not take the other party’s hand away.

Let the other person rest on your shoulders.

“In that case, let’s get started.”

Su Qingyun said softly, her voice without sorrow or joy, as if this was her fate.

It was her life, she was born this way, and she was born for it.

In an instant, she straddled the top of the void, looked at this majestic world with her eyes, and slowly opened her hands.

In the next moment, flames began to ignite around the world, and everything was gradually swallowed up and turned into nothingness!

And at this moment, something seemed to be touched, and the whole heaven and earth were buzzing wildly, emitting unpredictable shocks and coercion!


The power of the whole world suppresses everything, and the endless and mighty majesty spreads out!

At this moment, I saw that all the creatures in the kingdom of God were kneeling on the ground suppressed by this force!

This is the deterrent of the origin of the world!

From it, it is natural to surrender to Him!

At the other end of the heavenly firmament, a pitch-black eye, pregnant with countless evil thoughts and desires, slowly opened.

In an instant, everything seemed to be swallowed, and one after another pitch-black tentacles were winding towards Su Qingyun’s coquettishness.

Boom boom!!!

In an instant, an earth-shaking figure stood tall in the sky, shattering layers of space and extinguishing countless tentacles.

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