Chapter 264: Conquering Against the Heavens, the Power of God and Demon, and the Law Heaven and Earth Breaking the Void!!

Su Yang held up the law heaven and earth, blocked Su Qingyun behind him, and looked at the two jet-black eyes in front of him.

In an instant, the sky collapsed, and the pitch-black chains continued to wrap down, and endless suppressive power surged wildly!


In the distance, the figure of gold armor and silver robe, looking up to the sky and roaring, his body was bound by chains, and the power of fear cloth continued to suppress down!

This is the power left by the creator, the root of everything, even if he has reached the eighth level, he still cannot get rid of the other party’s binding power.

All means of strength are false.

The chains entwined his body, and the power of the Dao penetrated his chest and nailed him to the earth!

The void in the distance shook, and endless power gushed out at this moment, and the huge divine tree emitted a surging divine power!

In an instant, countless divine power transmission voids poured into Su Qingyun’s body, and in an instant, her body was like a great star under the blessing of countless divine powers.

Exudes an unparalleled brilliance!

Under her control, layers of power continue to fall and the void slowly refines the periphery of the world.

At this time, those pupils became more and more hideous, and endless qi converged upwards, condensing into a jet-black spear!

The void shook continuously, and all kinds of forces penetrated the heavenly firmament, locking Su Tian’s qi machine and staring at Su Yang coldly, although everyone’s approach was different, but I have to say that he was really a little unaccustomed to the other party’s way.

“Seven levels…”

Feeling the power that was just surging, he couldn’t help but freeze his eyes, but he didn’t expect that the other party’s obsession had reached the seventh level.

In this way, I am afraid that the strength of the other party at that time is even more difficult to guess, and the divine sense may be of the eighth order or even higher!

Su Yang stepped into the void step by step, and the void continued to ripple.

No matter what strength the other party used to be, but now it is just a seventh-order obsession, so there is nothing to worry about.

Holding up the heaven and earth with both hands, time and space continue to surge in an instant, and then they combine and turn into an absolutely static time and space.

This is a move he practiced based on the absolute self-time and space of Candle Nine Yin.

In an instant, countless time and space were frozen above the void, and Su Tian’s eyes swept towards the sky, only to see the infinite pitch-black spear stirring the void.

Random throughout!!


The two forces collided fiercely, instantly annihilating countless spaces.

The surrounding body of the Dharma Heaven and Earth continued to set off layers of waves, and the huge body was constantly repelled.

I have to say that the strength of the seventh order is already extremely strong, and his strength in this matter is only in the middle of the fifth order, so the direct confrontation is still a little weaker.

In the distance, Su Qingyun tried her best to constantly melt this space, and even she was a little frightened to watch the battle in the distance at this moment.

His obsession actually has seven levels!

I thought that the other party’s obsession was only at the peak of the sixth order, but who would have thought that the other party had reservations, or had been hiding!

As the feature world continues to be reforged, her body can begin to gradually burn and dock with the whole world.

There is nothing dangerous about this.

There are two extremely important points to reforge the entire kingdom of God, one of which is the obsession left by the other party.

Then there is how to build everything in the middle of the desert at the moment of undertaking.

And all this requires Su Tian!

The turbulent power continues to spread and fall, and the power of the other party is endless, and at this moment, Su Yang’s perception seems to be facing a whole world alone!

Although Fa Tianxiangdi is strong and has the power to destroy everything, it also brings him great flaws at this time.

Too big, which means that there is no way to dodge these forces, but only that all of them can be hard to follow, and once he withdraws the Law Heaven and Earth, Su Qingyun in the rear will inevitably be attacked!

This is almost an extremely ugly situation.

Su Yang single-handedly pushed into the sky, running the avenue of space, introducing countless forces into space or freezing in time and space, and at the same time thinking about countermeasures.


At this moment, an incomparably fierce killing intent frantically converged above the heavenly firmament, and layers of power converged in the sky, randomly condensing at one point.

A hideous figure stepped out slowly, and each step was pregnant with the ultimate killing intent

“I’m not willing! By what! It’s just a bunch of playthings! Dare to devour the Lord! ”

“I created them!”

“They should be my slaves! Forever! ”

The mournful roar is like a demon, a crazy roar.

Hate, killing intent, anger and all kinds of negative emotions frantically converged in the sky, he roared fiercely, holding a pitch-black spear and instantly tearing through the long sky!

In an instant, heaven and earth screamed, accompanied by the killing intent that destroyed everything, and came madly!

Su Tian’s face was cold, and a three-foot long sword was transformed in his hand, and the rules of kendo converged wildly in his eyes!

In an instant, a sword tore through the long sky, and suddenly, it seemed as if heaven and earth were split in two by this force!


The sound of Jinge’s symphony shook the entire kingdom of God, and countless creatures fell to their knees, bleeding from their ears!

The two figures are constantly fighting fiercely above the bend!

It seems that he is also aware of Su Tian’s difficult birth, that to the hideous figure, looking up to the sky and roaring.

In an instant, countless creatures were carried out by this roar, their eyes were empty, and the next moment they turned into ashes.

At the same time, countless souls were directly refined into the void, and he opened his big mouth, instantly sucking all this into his mouth.

Such a shock, even Su Qingyun couldn’t help but change her face slightly, and exclaimed

“This can’t be!”

Obviously, they have already been cut off by each other’s original bodies, and they have also severed the connection between each other and this world, but why can the other party still mobilize this force!

Su Tian’s face was solemn, and he only felt that there was a great terror bred above the heavenly firmament.

The endless night shrouded the void, and the next moment, one after another, hideous figures slowly emerged.

Each one contains a terrifying power comparable to the seventh order.

“Hey, you really don’t let me take advantage of it.”

Su Xiao saw that the whole ten figures slowly walked out, and couldn’t help but clench the long sword in his hand.

And at this moment, the creatures below are desperate and simply cannot be defeated…

After all, they cannot escape the domination of the other.


The void hummed and emitted layers of concussive power, Su Tian’s eyes slowly turned pitch black, and a vicious momentum was slowly released.

Killing, destruction, death, madness, tyranny…

Endless chaos and disorder unfolded.

Su Tian’s eyes looked not far away, and an extreme power was slowly released, and this power was infinitely close to the Dao.

The same power also came from a creature that he had never used, and its name.

Gods and demons.

This force is powerful, accompanied by destruction and tyranny.

So even if he hasn’t used it, if he doesn’t use it today, I’m afraid he will plant it.

“Come on, mongrel, let you see what the real ultimate is.”

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